Kangaroo Island Riceflower

Family: Thymelaeaceae
Genus: Pimelea
Species: macrostegia
Main Flower Colour: White


Shrub usually 0.7–1.5 m high. Stems glabrous. Leaves opposite, shortly petiolate, narrowly elliptic, glabrous, bluish green on adaxial surface, paler abaxially; lamina 12–33 mm long, 3–13 mm wide or rarely some leaves smaller. Inflorescence pendulous, compact, many-flowered; involucral bracts 4 or 6, ovate or broadly ovate, usually 13–26 mm long, 10–20 mm wide, glabrous, pale green and occasionally partially purplish. Flowers bisexual, with deciduous hairs outside, pale yellow. Hypanthium 10–17 mm long, circumscissile, with dense long indumentum outside on ovary-portion, more sparsely hairy above; style-portion 8–14 mm long, hairy inside. Sepals 3–4 mm long. Stamens longer than sepals; anther locules semi-latrorse. Ovary distally hairy.

Confined to Kangaroo Is., S.A. Occurs in sand, sometimes in rocky ground, in shrubland. Flowers Nov.–Feb.

Flowering start in November and ends in February.


The main flower colour is white.


http://www.anbg.gov.au/abrs/online-resources/flora/stddisplay.xsql?pnid=46965Created: 04 Nov 2014 - Stephen L (Clare) SA
Updated: 06 Dec 2014 - Member - John and Val

Views (per week)21


Bio Regions

Kanmantoo (KAN)

Region Specifics

Kangaroo Island Endemic

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