Cape Range Poverty Bush

Family: Scrophulariaceae
Genus: Eremophila
Species: forrestii subsp. capensis
Main Flower Colour: Pink


Sturdy shrub to 1.5m. Leaves crowded along stems, about 2cm long, oval, densely covered with short felted hairs. Younger leaves have a distinctive yellow colour. Flowers tomentose, white with red stripes and spots on the inside of the petals. Stamens exerted well beyond the ends of the petals.

Flowering start in July.


The main flower colour is pink. refers to its
Despite its distribution being described as confined to the Cape Range area of Western Australia, I have seen what appears to be this species on the eastern side of the Kennedy Ranges, and along the Newman-Marble Bar Road.


A Field Guide to the Eremophilas of Western Australia. Brown and Buirchell
Views (per week)22


Bio Regions

Pilbara (PIL), Carnarvon (CAR)

Region Specifics

Marble Bar Road, NE of Newman. WA Eastern flank of Kennedy Ranges WA

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