Bladder Saltbush

Family: Chenopodiaceae
Genus: Atriplex
Species: vesicaria
Main Flower Colour: Other


Taste the salt. Saltbush copes with salty soil by pumping the salt out onto its leaves. This one is a small shrub to about 1 metre high. Leaves 5-25mm long, 3-15mm wide, flat, oval shaped, whitish grey and scaly. Separate male and female plants. Seeds on the female plant are enclosed in a pair of rhomboid shaped bracts that have inflated "bladders " at the base.


The main flower colour is other. Leaves are flat and taste salty. Bladder-like bracts enclosing seeds.


Many of the saltbushes provide excellent grazing for sheep and cattle.

Flora of Central Australia. Australian Systematic Botany Society
Views (per week)29


Bio Regions

Gawler (GAW)

Region Specifics

Near northern tip of Lake Torrens

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