Review: <span class="highlight">Googs</span> Track

My Place Rating: My Rating 4/5

Hi Folks, have just completed the Googs Track Sth to Nth on 2nd June. We found the track very interesting & most enjoyable. The track was a little tougher than I thought, but got through without any difficulties. I think it is very important to be equipped & prepared for the trip. The scenery was magnificent & the layout of the land was unique. It was brilliant to sleep in the swag & have the many millions of stars acting as our bedroom ceiling. The weather was perfect, and the track reasonable, with some cut outs just before the top of the dune.
The only negative issue we had was a group going Nth to Sth. The group was Extreme something & the idiots were a group of 4 wheel drives and a 10 TONNE TRUCK. They didn't have any regard to the track or any other users The mess they left behind was nothing short of criminal. The 4wd were ok, but who in their right mind would consider a TRUCK.
(it was towed up every dune).
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