The SA Gov't have released a discussion paper on Lake <span class="highlight">Eyre</span> NP

Submitted: Friday, Mar 07, 2014 at 10:35
ThreadID: 106589 Views:1938 Replies:5 FollowUps:2
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From time to time problems with access and the ability to freely recreate in KT-Lake Eyre National Park have been discussed in this group. After three years of decisions without public consultation the South Australian Government have released a discussion paper on the management plan of the park. It is at Have Your Say.

On the same "Have Your Say" site is a draft amendment to the NPWL Act 1972 which proposes downgrading Lake Eyre National Park to "Nature Reserve" status (no recreation, mining streamlined) and other odorous changes including the ability for the Minister to declare any park or part of it a prohibited area for 10 years without any real public input.

The Lake Eyre Yacht Club must be a real thorn in their side to attempt such radical changes. The power of mining. For our side of the story, in detail and including a request for proper access for the average tourist, refer to Lake Eyre Yacht Club's Our Right To Boat site
(throwing myself at the mercy of the moderator - but I have included both sides of the story).
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Reply By: jdpatrol - Saturday, Mar 08, 2014 at 10:17

Saturday, Mar 08, 2014 at 10:17
Thanks for this. Whilst it is good to read both sides of the argument, I sure hope the EO community can support LEYC. I had the privilege of travelling along the Cooper by tinnie in flood over a long distance, in 2010. It was an unforgettable experience. When the next floods occur in perhaps another 20yrs I hope I am still around to see and experience more in the region. Given the infrequent nature of flood events i just cannot see how travellers to the region are going to cause damage to the area, or affect the area in terms of culture. Indeed, the last thing the vast majority of us want is to damage the region in any way. But allow mining ahead of recreation, give me a break.......who's kidding who.
AnswerID: 527902

Reply By: Bazooka - Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 at 11:45

Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 at 11:45
Good to see the government asking for submissions because I'm VERY keen to see a week long boating regatta every time the lake floods. What splendour it would be to see jetboats, hydroplanes and sailboats zipping around the waters, bringing colour, sound, vision and money (!) to such a barren desolate place. Come to think of it we could also have race from end to end and raise some money for charity. Might put a few noses out of joint but what the heck it's "our" country and as everyone knows we have "common law rights" to do whatever we want with it.

Or, to put it another way - there are plenty of lakes and waterways for boys with toys to play around in. Kati Thanda/Lake Eyre can do without "recreation sailors".
AnswerID: 527965

Reply By: Teraa - Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 at 21:41

Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 at 21:41
The big issue is the minning.
Put your energy into stopping it if you don't then there won't be any water in the creeks or the lakes too boat in, if you were even remotley in touch with the local community then you'd know how wide spread it is and getting the back up of locals is always a winner especially when you tell stories that you spin for your own benefit.
Do you understand how spastic this is when there are more serious threats.
Visitor booklets,signs,camping oh but we don't want to buy permits, how are they going to be purchased and there's simply nothing more than the local community needs but all of these. Does the local community look like they get a whole lotta of anything to pay out for a once in a blu for a few. I think they'd have a list of their own that might be a little more important as they live there everyday.

AnswerID: 527998

Follow Up By: Commodore LEYC - Tuesday, Mar 11, 2014 at 10:51

Tuesday, Mar 11, 2014 at 10:51
Hi Tess,
Took you a while to find my post :). I'll answer one point at a time:
Firstly if you read our FAQ you would know that we are against mining Lake Eyre. You would also know that we are making public our theory (based on Arabunna comments) that Lake Eyre has been given to the Arabunna in exchange for their consent to mining in the area.
How long have you known that Lake Eyre National Park is being downgraded to a "Nature Reserve" to remove recreational aspects of the park and streamline mining? If you did why haven't you publicly taken a stand?
Secondly there is only one group of "locals" who have their back up and that is because we have refused to pay a third party in order to recreate within a Park that belongs to all Australians. We pay our National Park fees every time we recreate within the park. Do you pay national park fees when you take your sponsors on your boat down to the Lake? Does the AWC need a tourist operator licence?
Thirdly you only have to look at our support within the tourist industry to see how much we have contributed to the local economy. We bring 100's, sometimes thousands, of visitors to Marree every year who patronise every business in the town. Businesses as far away as Burra have thanked us for helping South Australian tourism. How much does the Australian Wildlife Conservatory contribute? Not much more than zero. You even illegally deny access to your pastoral lease for tourists.
Fourthly if you read our proposal, we are offering to build the camping area we feel is required for proper enjoyment of OUR (that is all Australians) national park, at our expense with willing donations from our sponsors. You may also have noted that it is not within the National Park and we wish any infrastructure to be minimal and non intrusive.
Furthermore, if you read further you may be aware, as most locals are, that Lake Eyre in its entirety never belonged to the Arabunna. It is not their country! This is common knowledge amongst locals and eminent scientists alike. Corruption is rife in South Australia.
Tess, you are not a good ambassador for your organisation.
FollowupID: 810534

Reply By: Robin Miller - Monday, Mar 10, 2014 at 20:56

Monday, Mar 10, 2014 at 20:56
We certainly support your call to return reasonable access to the lake Commodore - keep up the good work.
Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 528058

Follow Up By: Teraa - Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014 at 19:52

Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014 at 19:52
You might think you know who I am ever thought you might be wrong.
Going on what you have said as usual you have alot of things wrong and have no idea what actually goes on in the local community or the people that work there or the businesses that operate there. You just showed that in such a true light.
You might think you know what goes on in the waterways on your website but most of the time your wrong. You know why because you don't live here.
So your against mining what are you doing about it ?
Lotsa energy into boating but I see little into the one thing that will stop the boating .
I don't even see a direct no to boating on the Lake only that you require a permit.
Some of us just prefer to respect the traditional owners they get so very little . What's the big deal don't walk on the rock don't walk on it, don't boat on Kati Thanda don't boat on it, They didn't say don't visit in fact they are trying to do their up most to get better at folk visiting the Lake. How hard is it to go boat some where else,like I said put your energy into the real threats to the Lake
FollowupID: 810656

Reply By: Teraa - Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014 at 19:55

Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014 at 19:55
P.S most the operators that only operate in the wet season the locals call them Seagulls only here for the hot chips then leave.
AnswerID: 528213

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