High country Long Weekend

Submitted: Wednesday, Nov 12, 2014 at 20:31
ThreadID: 110126 Views:2110 Replies:5 FollowUps:0
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Just completed a 3 day trip through some of the High Country. Absolutely magnificent at this time of year, although many tracks were blocked with fallen trees due to only being open for a week - it all added to the fun!.
Started at the Whitfield pub for a quick Pizza before camping at the river crossing at the start of Long Spur Track.
Fairly easy climb to the Wobonga Plateau (over the Razorback which they have widened to make it less exciting) then down into Pineapple Flat (full of soft off roaders so did not stay long!). From there through many river Crossings to the King River Hut (easy drive).
From there down to Monument track and up to Craigs hut. (Monument nothing like it used to be but still a challenge).
From there back down to Bindaree Rd and cross the Howqua River then on 16 mile Rd past Bluff hut and Lovicks Hut. This road is a killer for low clearance vehicles with many steep rock climbs on the way up. From there to the Zeka Spur via King Billy Track with superb Mountain views then Zeka Track all the way down into Wonnangatta. Another challenging drive but quite possible in most genuine 4WD.
Overnight in the Gatta (it really is superb - you must go if you have never been!)
Out via the easy route of Rileys track and East Buffalo Road to Myrtleford as we needed a rest.
Highlights - too many to mention - 16 mile track for the Challenge King Billy for theviews - Gatta Valley for being what it is - Zeta for changing scenery and challenge - and many others too numerous to mention.
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Reply By: Robin Miller - Thursday, Nov 13, 2014 at 07:41

Thursday, Nov 13, 2014 at 07:41
Sounds wonderful Andrew a classic drive - probably Xmas before I get out there again and can't wait , I had to turn back from Mt Sunday due to amount of trees down and overgrown conditions.
Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 541609

Reply By: Member - Will 76 Series - Thursday, Nov 13, 2014 at 20:58

Thursday, Nov 13, 2014 at 20:58
Andrew, Looks like a great trip. King billy is a great drive as is Zeka. You've inspired me to get back to this beatiful part of Australia.
AnswerID: 541635

Reply By: Member - Michael A (ACT) - Friday, Nov 21, 2014 at 04:33

Friday, Nov 21, 2014 at 04:33
Will be doing something similar this weekend I m a high country Virgin but looking forward to it. We have a 4 day trip planned 21/11/14 -24/11/14
Yep taking time off work to clear the city crap from brain

Regards M

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AnswerID: 541947

Reply By: Member - Boobook - Friday, Nov 21, 2014 at 05:47

Friday, Nov 21, 2014 at 05:47
I just got back from the Dargo area. Love it.

Three things I noticed recently.

-I saw more snakes in the last 3 days that for years up there. Even for spring there are lots sunning themselves. We saw 5 in 3 days and 4 two weekends ago. I usually spot a couple a year up there.
-There is a lot of tall grass in a lot of camp spots. It seems to have thrived. Based on the last trip I took my lawn trimmer - thank god, otherwise we would have need to camp in 500mm thick grass. It is rapidly drying out too.
-The rivers ( Dargo, Wonnangatta and Wongungurra) are still flowing well, but at levels more like what you would expect into late January. The Wonnangatta was dry at the end of Feb this year and looks like it will be the same next year. Pray for lots of good rain.

It's going to be a dry summer.
AnswerID: 541948

Reply By: vk1dx - Friday, Nov 21, 2014 at 06:50

Friday, Nov 21, 2014 at 06:50
Isn't it a great place. Haven't had a look at Monument Track.Well not to my knowledge. We have crossed many that we did not know their names. But will go back. Your route sound interesting. And you are correct about the view from the rangers lookout up top above Billy Goat. Magnificent!

We are off again for just a\the weekend. The advantage of living in the tablelands. Not far to drive.
AnswerID: 541949

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