Comment: <span class="highlight">Roof</span> <span class="highlight">Top</span> Tents (RTT)

I travel with a Oztent and the wife and myself have had many discussions re the merit of Roof Top Tents compared to our setup.
Our mind was made up one night when we were camped out on the Nullabor. Our neighbour had a roof top tent and at 2am a massive thunderstorm came through , lightning everywhere. We felt reasonable safe lying on our air mattress in our tent.
Not our neighbour who packed up in the pouring rain and lightning and headed as far west as he could.
Maybe if he had a fibreglass ladder he might of felt safer !!
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Reply By: Idler Chris - Vic - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:26

Wednesday, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:26
Hi Pedro, I knew there was something I missed in my blog - there are RTT's and there are RTT's, oils ain't oils as they say. I am talking about a quality RTT built to last, mine happens to be a Hannibal, but Shippshape and Howling Moon are a couple of others which are also great products. I travel a lot and there have been occasions when travelling with a group that we have been hit with storms and some of the ground tents have blown over but mine with its 3 tonne anchor has bee unaffected. I like to camp on the tops of cliffs as you can see in some of my photo's. It can get very very windy at times but the views and the noise of the ocean is worth it to me, and its no problem for my RTT. I was camped in Mungo NP once and we had storm which was about the worst I have ever experienced. There was lots of noise and rocking and rolling, but I stayed warm and dry. I had not had my RTT long at that stage, and yes, I did have my fingers crossed, but subsequent experience shows I had no real cause for concern. In the morning I took my cuppa over to a couple about 50 yo, some 40 metres away, with a Kimberly Kamper. We had a chat and they inquired how the RTT coped with the storm, no worries I said. They then told me they got so frightened in the Kimberly Kamper, they though it might blow over, so they retreated to their car and spent the rest of the night there.
If you have a CT and you want to do the odd side trip to places you can't take a CT then a cheap Chinese RTT from ARB may suffice. But if you are a serious tourer and you want it to last and take all that nature can throw at it, then I suggest a quality RTT like the brands mentioned above, is the way to go.
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