Review: ExplorOz <span class="highlight">Sandflag</span> Kit 1.1-2.1m

My Shop Item Rating: My Rating 1/5

I purchased the sand flag about two weeks ago, and when I went to set it up on my vehicle, I found it does not have the snap on fixture, it does not have the spring loaded base,
the flag it self is very robust and is also telescopic which I thought would be useful, but instead the one I have keeps dropping down on itself, so that it is about a meter high, so you have to get out of the car and extend it and twist it till it is tight again, then you can proceed again.
In its current form it is of no use in low scrub areas as it can catch on low branches.
the Flag size is good the pole is strong enough to with stand tree branches.
negatives; It needs a spring base, and maybe not so thick
Rating out of ten 3
Broodie H3
Have car will travel

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