<span class="highlight">Eyre</span> Penisula - Davenport Creek

Submitted: Thursday, Feb 06, 2020 at 18:45
ThreadID: 139646 Views:6968 Replies:1 FollowUps:0
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looking at travelling to Ceduna way up to Davenport Creek SA 2nd week of March this year
before heading down the coast towards smoky bay, venus bay

Anyone been to to Davenport Creek ? recommend? good fishing etc?
Where else would you stay between ceduna and venus bay any suggestions with some good places to beach fish/jetty fish- we have a 4WD and will be sleeping in an Oz tent/swags

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Reply By: Member - shane r1 - Thursday, Feb 06, 2020 at 20:41

Thursday, Feb 06, 2020 at 20:41
Haslam has a good cheap camping area and jetty. Probably fish , but like all spots no guarantee's.
Good luck. Safe travels.
AnswerID: 629925

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