12v fridge cabinet TEMPERATURE test RESULTS

Submitted: Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 17:19
ThreadID: 28167 Views:12617 Replies:14 FollowUps:112
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Fridge CABINET TEMPERATURE test results
from a recent fridge Test

Listed in alphabetical order is the temperature range of the fridge and also the freezer sections where applicable, with their internal cabinet temperature ‘variations’ listed inside brackets.

As I understand it, according to relevant health authorities the recommended maximum fridge cabinet temperature should not go above 4 degrees for the safe storage of food for human consumption!
do we have a health problem?

Manufacturer . . Temperature Range . . Freezer Temps
Bushman . . . . . . .(6) . .1 to 7 . . . . . . . . . . n/a
Engel MT45 . . . . (7) . .1 to 8 . . . . . . . . . . n/a
EvaKool RF47 . . . (7) . . 0 to 7 . . . . (4) . .-9 to -13
EvaKool RF85 . . .(11) . .1 to 12 . . . .(9) .-11 to -20
Explorer DC70 . . .(7) . . 0 to 7 . . . . .(9) . -6 to -15
Reefer DT50 . . . . (5) . . 0 to 5 . . . .(25) . .0 to -25
Virtifrigo C41 . . . .(7) . . 0 to 7 . . . . . . . . . . n/a
Virtifrigo C65 . . . .(6) . .-5 to 1 . . . . . . . . . . n/a
Waeco CF40 . . . . (4) . .-4 to 0 . . . . . . . . . . n/a
Waeco CF80 . . . . (8) . . 0 to 8 . . . . .(9) . -12 to -21

The results based on the test criteria ‘appear’ to confirm that a freezer with only a packet of peas for total food product in the freezer will never usefully assist to maintain the freezer compartment in a frozen condition, which would then cut down on running time and 12v power also.

No reasons were given for running the Virtifrigo C65 and the Waeco CF40 at such low temperatures ie; minus 5 and minus 4, as it’s clearly stated all fridge thermostats were “set to a few degrees above freezing” so something obviously went wrong with the preliminary setup process, as the smaller Virtifrigo C41 fridge was set to ‘zero’ as required.

[printed for the information of those who do not buy the relevant 4wd magazine]
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Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 17:28

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 17:28
ha ha ha, my crappy mod'd Waeco Thermo cooler has a lesser range than those! I run my thermostat at 5c, so it cycles between 4.5 and 5.5 and normally peaks out at about 8c before it starts to pull the temp back down on a hot summers day... Oh well "food for thought" so to speak I guess.
AnswerID: 139801

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 19:53

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 19:53
Those figures above can't be correct, sounds like one totally stuffed up test to me.
FollowupID: 393500

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 00:46

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 00:46
Yes, I agree with you

totally stuffed - that's the point :-)

Just goes to show, you can't believe what you read....
FollowupID: 393571

Reply By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 18:05

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 18:05
i set my engal to just above 2 and while I dont pay that much attention the digital readout indicates fluctions from just below 0 to just above 1 ....................... perfect for both beer and meat............................. does anything else matter
AnswerID: 139808

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 21:32

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 21:32
Oh Davoe, you are always so focused on the important things! ;-) Good to see you havn't strayed!
FollowupID: 393536

Follow Up By: Mike DiD - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 07:30

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 07:30
If temperature drops below 0 then vegies will freeze and be spoilt. If temperature goes above 4 degrees bacteria will grow.

That was the point of the tests - can these fridges hold temperatures within a close range.

It really depends though on where they put the temperature sensor - there will be range within one fridge.

FollowupID: 394142

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:42

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:42
I know "technichally" speaking above 4degrees C is "dangerous". I was concered about this when I was testing my cooler after I converted it to a high powered job with electronic thermostat and the ability to cycle like a fridge. I could not economically (battery wise) have the fridge running much under 4.5 degrees as it exponentially uses much more power the cooler it gets, at the moment the thermostat cycles between 4.5 and 5.5, and as I said before sometimes it get's up to 8c (air temp) espcially when it's being opened and closed alot in hot weather.

Now this does not concern me. You know why? Because I put a digital thermoeter in both my household fridges to compare... My 2 year old Kelvinator (where 99% of out food is kept and we have never been sick from) cycles between 2.2 degrees c and 7c, my old Whirlpool (outside) cycles between 1c and 9c!!! This is all air temp of course. So I figure, who the hell cares about 1 or 2 degrees, cos it obviously hasn't killed us yet at home, so why would it out bush. Besides the majority of the time we are only going away for a max of 3 days anyway, and we put meat in the fridge frozen when we leave and half the time we still have to defrost it before we cook it anyway! It takes a long time for meat to defrost at 4c. ;-)
(tip, put beers next to frozen meat for extra coldnessness)

FollowupID: 394182

Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 18:49

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 18:49
Am I missing something here?? All those numbers show is that if you turn the fridge on, it works. The range of temp is irrelevant, as you just turn the dial to what you want.

I know that if I turn my fridge's dial to about 1.5, its digital temperature is nicely regulated between 3 and 4 degrees. Isn't that all I need to know?
AnswerID: 139818

Follow Up By: Grungle - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 20:40

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 20:40
Hi Phil,

Temp Range is a figure that is in °C - not dial setting. So 0 to 5 is actually 0°C to 5°C

FollowupID: 393517

Reply By: Member - Bill F (VIC) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 18:57

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 18:57
Mainey (WA)

Who are you and why do you CARE????????

THERE is no FREEZER compartment in above fridges

Bull bleep Bull bleep Bull bleep

If you brought the Magazine
Demand your money back as its a furphy.

"As I understand it, according to relevant health authorities the recommended maximum fridge cabinet temperature should not go above 4 degrees for the safe storage of food for human consumption!
do we have a health problem? "

ARE YOU talking about fridge or freezer?

Please reply to the relevant 4wd magazine

Bill F

Fay'd away from the crowd

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AnswerID: 139823

Follow Up By: Grungle - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 20:49

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 20:49
Steady on Bill.

It was a good post to show what others might not see as they don't get the Mag.

Might need to do some research as well regarding the fridges in the comparison as some are a fridge/freezer combo (like my Waeco CF80).

I subscribe and read the artical and though that it was a great comparison. They tried to think of everything so that all fridges were subjected to the same environmental conditions and it was done at an independant site renowned for their excellent facilities.

The comment re recommended temprature is correct - it relates to perishables in a fridge.

FollowupID: 393520

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 00:54

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 00:54
Mainey (WA), Who are you and why do you CARE?
Bill "if you don't know me, then I dont care"

THERE is no FREEZER compartment in above fridges "there is - you loose, again"

If you brought the Magazine demand your money back as its a furphy.
Bill, That's the only true and sensible thing you have posted :-)
FollowupID: 393572

Reply By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 21:38

Thursday, Nov 17, 2005 at 21:38
I'm not sure how the experimient was conducted but I think that the most important point has been missed IMHO. The correct way to measure a fridge's tempeture is via a water proof probe in a sealed container full of water (like a bottle or such). Air tempture can vary dramatically depending on how often it is opened and changes very quickly with cycles.
My little crappy POS might have the air temp go right up to 8c but it doesn't mean that the sausages and beer are 8c, only the air temp, once the fridge draws the air temp back down to 4.5c the food and drinks actually average out depending on how long the air temp was at 4.5 vs 8c. Normally because the cooler has a such a long run time to try and bring the temp down it sits at around 4-5c for longer than any other temp and that's normally what the contents average out at.
Long storey short, we've never had warm beer out of the cooler and never been sick from eating the food. So yeah, it cost me About $200 in parts to get it to where it is, and it servers a purpose so who really gives a bleep. But it's the same with you guys, if your fridge keeps the beer cold and you're foods never been a problem, be happy! ;-)
AnswerID: 139849

Follow Up By: rolande- Saturday, Nov 19, 2005 at 12:16

Saturday, Nov 19, 2005 at 12:16
Very sensible Jeff. It is the only correct post in this thread

This is what happens when you play with statistics.


FollowupID: 393732

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 21:15

Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 21:15
rolande, the post by "Mike DiD" above is also 'correct' :-))

The people 'playing' with statistics, as you put it, are the people involved in the test, everyone else is only reporting on the original "flawed" test statistics, and showing the reasons why the test is UNreliable and inaccurate!
FollowupID: 394700

Follow Up By: rolande- Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 23:04

Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 23:04

So now you are a microbiologist in your spare time as well???

Give up, there are people on this forum with much more education and experience in particular areas.

And, you still won't beat my autofridge. :))

FollowupID: 394730

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 23:40

Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 23:40
rolande, no I'm not a microbiologist, are you?
I don't believe Mike DD' is either, and after all it was he who made the statement as I have actually pointed out, and not me, you did not condemn him, wonder why not ?

Why the comment on your 'Autofridge'
how is it relevant to the thread, it was not even tested.

Yes, there may be people on this forum with more "education and experience in particular areas" than me, and I firmly believe 'Mike DD' is one of them!!
FollowupID: 394740

Follow Up By: rolande- Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 20:51

Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 20:51
A food technologist actually, at work we have microbiologists.

Why have a "MEGA" fridge test and not test two of the most efficient fridges on the market??

Over to you!

FollowupID: 394803

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 23:43

Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 23:43
rolande, you have asked; "why have a 'MEGA' fridge test and not test TWO of the most efficient fridges on the market?" other than the Autofridge, what is the other fridge manufacturer you consider that can be classified as one of the most efficient fridges on the market, that was not tested ??

To quote direct from the product test, "We only included proper fridge/freezers (not thermoelectric coolers) as anything less just won't cut it when it comes to extended operation in the bush. What we have done is to bring together a selection of quality fridges and subject them to a controlled laboratory test to try to find out how each performs under identical circumstances" these are their words, not mine.

Maybe, they are unaware of the perceived benefits of the Autofridge?
Maybe, they believe the Autofridge is not a quality fridge?
Maybe, the organisers of the test are just inept, umm?
Maybe, and yes most plausibly, Autofridge when asked and were made aware of the test criteria, had the balls to say thanks, but no thanks, as their fridge works totally differently to a conventional portable 12v fridge and would be at a very distinct disadvantage when compared to a conventional compressor fridge, when tested by the same inane methods as used.

rolande, I have only reported the test results as they are printed in the magazine.
I’ve then stated my own opinion as to the (lack of) effectiveness of the method of testing and the criteria and conditions used which (I believe) caused the EvaKool to give an UNrealistically poor and UNdeserved bad result.
FollowupID: 394817

Follow Up By: rolande- Sunday, Nov 27, 2005 at 14:14

Sunday, Nov 27, 2005 at 14:14

Trailblaza and Autofridge "just won't cut it" - I doubt that very much

Inept tester? No, just looking at who advertises in the mag and that's all they tested. The two they didn't advertise in the competitor's mag.

Now, what EXACTLY is YOUR expertise to continue with these threads and argue the point??

FollowupID: 394851

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 02:50

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 02:50
rolande, I'm only the 'messenger' not the instigator or even a part time believer of the test results, as can be read I believe the tests were totally Unreliable and Unrealistic.

Yes it would have been good to see the Trailblazer fridge included in the test, however the Autofridge does not respond too well to the testing methods utilised, as has been explained elsewhere and the result would have been fairly dismal and not at all representative of the quality and the result that I believe can be expected by them in a real life situation.

You ask, what's my expertise....
what has expertise got to do with copying and pasting information from a magazine, with the results that were obtained by the testing methods utilised.
Further to your question of my expertise, the answer may be probably similar to your own, and even many others, and I'm not going to suggest that you refrain from having an opinion and I'm not suggesting that you are argumentative either.
The fact is I have never nominated a particular area of expertise, as I’m not here to sell a product or a service, as are some others.

If you believe my posts are wrong in any way then please say so, BUT also be prepared to explain in some detail as to WHY they are wrong - when you are asked !!

I believe you will see fridge tests done shortly with far more realistic criteria and normal bush usage situations as the starting point for an accurate and realistic result, as can be expected in the real world, not a contrived test programme that is not relevant in any way to a fridge used in a bush camping scenario.

I believe that if you read a 'statement' that is obviously erroneous, untruthful or maybe only distorts the facts, then anyone should be able to ask a question that can clarify the situation, if the original poster will not answer your question and makes only crude remarks against you, then you can be fairly sure the poster is unhappy to be shown his statement is incorrect, because if it was correct he would be able to quote various links containing irrefutable evidence to back up his claim.
FollowupID: 394919

Reply By: Nudenut - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 08:23

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 08:23
Phil...you are right!

Mainey stop stirring the pot...you wan...you you you sheit stirrer

hey fellas...its not as bad as mainey leads ..yep he’s doing it again....us to believe

All fridges or freezers must have a temp difference between start and stop cylces! Right?...for those that dont know...this is fact

The only problem i see with the figures that have been posted is that the temperature calibration of the thermostats maybe out….nothing unusual about that for electro-mechanical types …….generally not the fridge makers fault either as controls are usual sourced from instrument manufacturers……they have an nominal range to operate within…. While most only have a number which does equate to a selected temp.

However the digital controls generally have a good error range…+/- 1 degree C…so these should show very close to actual temps…

Mainey is right as to recommended temp of 4C as suggested by health experts…..this temp is not only for preventing the proliferation of microbes on the food but is also to ensure best product storage times without quality deterioration…...having said this I don’t see a problem with the temps posted….just so long as it its able to achieve a reasonable temp.
Check out your own fridge as to the 4C temp that is refer to….it’s a fact that most of us run the domestic kitchen fridge well above this with the average temp between cycle on/off being around 6 to 7c….when did you last get food poisoning? Generally speaking if it keeps the ales cold it is satisfactory.

Recommended storage temps
Beef 0 to 1, Fish -1 to 1, Apples -1 to 4, Butter 0 to 4, Oysters In shell 5 to 10,
I re-iterate…these temps are for more-so to get the longest product storage time without deterioration in quality.

Freezer temps should always be below freezing….ice cream -15 yum yum yum…correct me if I am wrong….

But for long term storage of produce temps should be -18 to -23 or there-abouts….. but in the real world of camping we don’t stay out there for 3-4 months at a time……
AnswerID: 139895

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 11:53

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 11:53
Fridge . . . . . . . Temperature range

Bushman . . . . . . .(6) . .1 to 7
Engel MT45 . . . . (7) . .1 to 8
EvaKool RF47 . . . (7) . . 0 to 7
EvaKool RF85 . . .(11) . .1 to 12
Explorer DC70 . . .(7) . . 0 to 7
Reefer DT50 . . . . (5) . . 0 to 5
Virtifrigo C41 . . . .(7) . . 0 to 7
Virtifrigo C65 . . . .(6) . .-5 to 1
Waeco CF40 . . . . (4) . .-4 to 0
Waeco CF80 . . . . (8) . . 0 to 8

NudeNut, your a qualified fridge mechanic with years of experience !

Please explain why the EvaKool goes from 0 to 12 degrees and is claimed to be NOT faulty?
The Engel MT45 runs from 1 to 8 and is NOT faulty?
The Waeco CF80 from 0 to 8 and again NOT faulty?

You have posted "Mainey is right as to recommended temp of 4C as suggested by health experts, this temp is not only for preventing the proliferation of microbes on the food but is also to ensure best product storage times without quality deterioration, having said this I don’t see a problem with the temps posted, just so long as it its able to achieve a reasonable temp"
So by that quote there are problems with other fridges as well as most were well over the 4 degrees and you would have to agree 12 degrees is not that cold at all, beither is 8 or even 7 degrees, but you have said the numbers are OK so it's ok to to store food at those temps according to you, however as you say the various health authorities recomend a max of only 4 degrees and these fridges don't get there in this test....

BUT... as I have consistantly stated, this fridge test is "FLAWED" and is a waste of time and effort, as the results are not reliable and are totally UNrealistic, now you have to agree with me on that if nothing else L0L

The EvaKool having a temperature fluctuation of 12 degrees when it's made from an icebox that actually works is UN-REAL, and therefore I believe the test results are flawed and not to be believed.
NN you would have to agree with me :-)

FollowupID: 393617

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 16:28

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 16:28
Mainey...for the last time...are you qualified in any way with refrigeration...if not stop posting garbage or stuff you dont know any thing about.......

what the hell is wrong with a fridge cycling between 1 to 12 C? average product temp should be around 6?

as someone has already said...IT Is The Product You Have To Measure if accuracy is required. The air temp however gives a bloody good indication of product temp if allowed to stabilise.

No I did not say there was any thing wrong with any of the fridges based on temps fluctuating between parameters stated by yourself. Read again what I said Mainey! I actually said that one should check their own domestic fridge temps and ye shall see that they are on average not keeping product at 4c and we have not passed away to the otherside......yet! I then went on to say that if your beer is cold temps are generally satisfactory for most produce based on average storage times...what are you saying Mainey...the fridges cant even get to 0c maybe the set point wasnt set low enough dah !

an ice box that can actually refrigerate...so whats UN REal?
FollowupID: 393671

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Saturday, Nov 19, 2005 at 00:10

Saturday, Nov 19, 2005 at 00:10
I doubt their figure oh yes i do Like i said i have an engal dunno how big it is i think just under 40l and it has a digital thermomneter readout and it seems to fluctuate 1.5deg MAX (usually less) that is with the bag sitting next to the passenger (back) door with sun on it from the window and getting opened often................... well very often
and i doubt if the other fridges operate much differently. I know the temp is reasnably accurate coz I had it a touch lower and at -2 - 3 things had started to freeze
FollowupID: 393708

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Nov 21, 2005 at 22:15

Monday, Nov 21, 2005 at 22:15
your a qualified fridge mechanic with years of experience !

Please explain;
why does the EvaKool goes from 0 to 12 degrees ?

Nn, did you build your fridge to have a 12 degree variation in temperature ??
It does use the Danfoss compressor.. :-))

The EvaKool is based on the quality EvaKool 'esky' and I'm sure, no I'm really positive it's not normal to have a 12 degree temperature variation, because if it is, then any fridge with the same Danfoss compressor that has insullation that's NOT as efficient as the EvaKool SHOULD have a higher temperature variation ... shouldn't it ??

So why do all the Danfoss compressor fridges tested have much less temperature variation... with far less insullation ?
(a) The test is wrong ?
(b) the fridge is faulty ?
(c) . . Nn you answer please!

Nn, please explain, because your the fridge mechanic... not me :-)

Nn, it would be really nice if you actually put as much effort into answering questions asked directly of yourself, as you spend attempting to AVOID answering the same questions :-((
FollowupID: 393989

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005 at 08:02

Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005 at 08:02
Mainey...still refusing to answer I see!!! although your not a fridgie??so what line of employment are you in?.... you know a little about every thing.... just enough to keep making stupid statements eh?...maybe a electrician or plumber? well stick to it!

well wrong with the fridge cycling with a 12k td?

bit large as I would have thought it would be closer.....but whats wrong with it Mainey? if you set the fridge to control between -4 to + 8 the average product temp would be ? duh +2 and allowing for pruduct swing the goods should not get above much above that magical figure of +4.......

No! if the control can sense and respond, the insulation quality would not adversley have ay effect as to TD

"So why do all the Danfoss compressor fridges tested have much less temperature variation... with far less insullation ?
(a) The test is wrong ?
(b) the fridge is faulty ?
(c) . . Nn you answer please!"........all of the above hehehe....no, geesus mainey its ir-revelent!!! but its control charecteristics ...but its not relevent ....if its so important why were'nt they all the same ie makers use create the standard 6C....?...eg check you dometic fridge aginst LG's or fisher and paykel or GE....even ones of the same make and model can differ by 2 or three and possibly more degrees from one to the next....its up to the manufacturer what he puts in it!

FollowupID: 394018

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005 at 18:25

Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005 at 18:25
Nudenut, you said it was the last time you would ask that question, the last time, but you keep on asking, WHY ?
(quote) Mainey, for the LAST time...
are you qualified in any way with refrigeration (end quote)
Nn, my ANSWER is still .. NO
As I said, your the fridge mechanic .. NOT me :-))

That's why I ask you questions
but, you refuse to answer with a simplistic YES or NO, Grrrr

"So why do all the Danfoss compressor fridges tested have much less temperature variation... even with far less insullation ?
(a) IS the test is wrong ?
(b) IS the fridge is faulty ?

Nn, you said to "set the fridge to control between -4 to + 8 degrees"

Nn, New Question
What will happen to vegatables and beer at -4 degrees
frozen vegatables and beer is not my choice :-((

Nn, the power consumption to consistantly attain -4 is also going to be HUGE, as you would be very aware it takes longer to reduce from zero to -4 than reduce from +8 down to +4 then you have to go all the way to minus 4, would you need a generator to supply the extra power?

Nn, question, how long would it take to go from +8 down to -4 ?

The temp variation of most of the other fridges is in the visinity of just 7 or 8 degrees yet they all have thinner insullation
Question .. Why is it so?

Nn, would you accept a fridge temperature variation of -4 to +8, I bet you would NOT !!

The Health department DEFINATELY will NOT
... so why should anyone else ?

Nn, just answer the questions that you know the answers to, or is that what you are doing now, instead do you pick fights to cover your lack of knowledge, be reasonable as I believe they are fairly simple questions and I believe any reasonable fridge mechanic would be able to answer them, however if they are too difficult for you...
please tell me, and I will ask someone who can answer them!

FollowupID: 394080

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005 at 20:56

Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005 at 20:56
Mainey you dumb ass...i can see that this is going to take some time to answer you...you need to get every bit of your question accuratley answered...so i'll start with the first bit
yes! i have taken note...but what is your employment ????!!!!
2ndly... before I jump to the next bit........no the product will not freeze!
the temps of the controller installed maybe cycling the fridge between minus 4 to + 8......this is the Cabinet Temp not the product temp. the cabinet temp pulls down faster and warms up quicker than the product meaning that product never actually gets below freezing..at these settings any way......what you never had frozen vegies or beer from your fridge at home?are you a greenie?...geesus mainey
I will carrying on with the rest and answer your other questions after you have fathomed this bit...if you cant its no point carrying on...cos what ever i say to a non qualified person will be understood!...dont want to confuse you ole boy
FollowupID: 394107

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 00:37

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 00:37
Nn, don't be norty, me not a dumb ass, have a degree in business management, yes I run a business, nope not a plumber etc, so what's yer next question ??

Nn, yes I would like to get every bit of my question accuratley answered if you can, that's why I ask you the questions :-))

The questions are asked ONLY relevant to the magazine fridge test report as quoted... and NOT a 240v home fridge, which is not set at a (-) minus number anyway, so please answer the questions asked of you, and stop making excuses if you don't know the answers.

If as you say, you actually believe vegetables and beer will not freeze at -4 degrees, which is 4 degrees BELOW the point of freezing, and as most vegetables contain heaps of fluid eg, tomatoes, lettuce and beans etc, I do believe the vegatable would in fact freeze at -4 degrees.
Will water freeze at -1 degree... yes!

Nn, you say, "...cos what ever i say to a non qualified person will be understood...!"

Nn, I do understand you, and yes I'm not qualified as a fridge mechanic!!

Your the confused one ... read your own post !!

Now I will wait for the next part of your answer :-))
FollowupID: 394131

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 01:24

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 01:24
Righto youse 2 i have the misfortune to be recieving your bickering so as a qualafied butcher hers my pork chop worth relating to my 38l (I think) engal without danfoss compresser
I set it to just above 2 which by the digital readout is around freezing usually about just below to about 1.2 so wheres the 8 deg variation??
sure this may not be true cabinet temp as i dont know where the thermocouple lives but I can assure you the beer has that feel you get when you pull it out of an esky (around 0) i have never pulled one out and found it at 8degrees except during big sessions when you empty the fridge and refill it then dive back in 3 minutes later. The meat is always cold and overnight (ie I am asleep and not constantly opening the fridge to get beer) often forms ice crystals and starts to freeze and the diet pepsi freezes if I have set it a touch to low
So what I am saying is the test sucks and reeks of today tonight style scaremongering. All the posts on fridges refer to price and reliability and maybe power consumption NONE (before this one) have ever questioned there ability to do the job when working (applicable to waecos)
FollowupID: 394136

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:27

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:27
no i did not say that the vegies will not freeze at -4
what I said was ...all fridges have temps that it will cycle between..this is a fact and occurs with every type of control electro-mechanical or electronic (anologue or digital)...

a thermostsat control senses one of two things...either the air temp in the cabinet or and is generally used the skin temp of the inside cabinet. if we use a really acurate type of control which we set at a 'setting' the skin temp might reack 0C before the compressor cuts out....the compressor then stays off till the temp reaches +4c...assuming we have a good circulation around the product inside the mean temp of the product will be +2........

now ...if a control has a larger TD setting the compressor may not cycle off till 0c and not start till say +8 giving us a mean temp of +4....if we measured the product this would be very close to its actual temp....if the skin temp of the cabinet must and will always be colder than the product......the product can never reach the same temp of the skin....if we sensed the airtemp the prouduct would also never reach the same temp....unless the compressor ran continuously to maintain a constant temp...and this simply does not happen.

water freezes at -1c NO NO NO ...water (at standard test conditions) does not freeze at -1...it is 0C didnt they teach you this at school???? or were looking out the window when they did? it changes state liwuid to solid at 0c...

Now here comes the bit you will find hard to understand.....its called ...Heat of Respiration. Now although vegies and fruit are picked off the vine or tree they are still living organisms....and as such they give off heat till they die...at which point they dont taste too good i might add. This heat would stop them from freezing in mild temp with a system cycling between -4 to +4 c...just like you would'nt if stuck in a cold room......your alive and generate heat!
how ever the product would eventually freeze if maintained in temps maintained below -3 this would mean that the sytem would need to cycle to say -8 off and to -3 on. Get the picture...

Wow a degree in business management eh? does that mean you know more than I?

Once you can fathom this I can continue to the next bit........

and davoe I hope this also explains to you that a fridge does not have a constant temp...it varies according to the TD (dead band, wher the compressor is off) of the control ....A compressor cannot start and stop to maintain temps within say 1 or two degrees...the windings in the compressor get hot and to stop them from overheating before the next start they make sure the compressor is off long enough to cool down ...it takes more amps to start the compressor 3 - 7 times (depending upon start method) than it does to run...its this inrush at start up which could cause damage to the compressor motor windings...
FollowupID: 394149

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:37

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:37
Mainey....would you beleive it ...i had the pleasure to work on a package reefer today.......boat jobbie....impressed with size of condensing unit (aircooled)......all stainless .....

great little unit ....but hell its energy hungry?... not my words..... the owners...

However, I am not impressed with them selling these packages to unqualified persons to install with instructions on how to purge the system using the factory charge to remove non condensibles prior to start up!!!! this practise is against the law!!!! can you explain this to Reefer..........
FollowupID: 394151

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 23:20

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 23:20
Nn, what do you mean by your statement; ...i had the pleasure to work on a package reefer today.......boat jobbie....IMPRESSED with size of condensing unit (aircooled)......all stainless.

Nn, do I understand you are in fact impressed as in 'happy' or are you doing the usual and taking the pys? L0L...

The compressor used in the boat units is the exact same compressor used in the small 50Ltr portable fridge. For interest's sake what's the serial number on the grey specs sticker.

Nn, you have said, "However, I'm not impressed with them selling these packages to unqualified persons to install with instructions on how to purge the system using the factory charge to remove non condensibles prior to start up"

Nn, please tell me the specific law being broken, and I will do as you have requested, yes just for you :-))

Isn't it nice being able to chat without the 'name calling'

But if, as you say your impressed - then I'm worried... :-((

FollowupID: 394370

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 07:48

Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 07:48
lets get back to my original answer re: why vegies wouldnt freeze at -4C

Do you understand so can I continue on to the next bit....must get you to graduate before summer vacation hahaha

and yes I believe it is the same 240V compressor.

what ....you want to know the serial no...only a person with a bloody good interest in Refrigeration Research Pty Ltd would want this info??? why do you need it?...your keeping something from us Mainey!!!!????

it was a 209watts condensing unit...all stainless with two support straps. Brine tanks stainless also. that and small size was why I was impressed....until I found out they refer to purging the refrigerant piping........and get your staff to do their own work...get them to look up the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 and Regulations......i ll bet Arc Tick would be angered if they knew what reefer are telling folks to do....and dont be worried!...i havent dobbed them in...yet......no rewards to collect hahahah
FollowupID: 394386

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 19:16

Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 19:16
Nn, has posted; "what ....you want to know the serial no...only a person with a bloody good interest in Refrigeration Research Pty Ltd would want this info??? why do you need it?.."

Nn, now be a good boy and post the serial number please ....
FollowupID: 394476

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 19:45

Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 19:45
not until you answer........lets get back to my original answer re: why vegies wouldnt freeze at -4C

Do you understand so can I continue on to the next bit....must get you to graduate before summer vacation hahaha

if we can get you to graduate, i will even name the person, company and serial no are not something one usually takes note of......but for you I willl get as I am booked to go back tomorrow...but you must graduate
FollowupID: 394479

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 23:43

Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 23:43
".......lets get back to my original answer re: why vegies wouldnt freeze at -4C "
Nn, vegies will freeze if kept at -4 degrees!!

As you say you are returning tomorrow to the Reefer system, can I ask you to take a packet of FRESH peas, beans and a few tomatoes with you, put them into the "fridge" section basket, not freezer, and set the "fridge" section to run at -4 degrees up to zero degrees, via the digital controller.

You will have with you a temperature probe with you, I assume, so check the vegies when they are at -4 on the SECOND fridge cycle and see if they are showing signs of freezing or have in fact allready frozen, because they would have gone through at least one complete cycle by then.

And then you can tell me just the serial number of the system, no names or companies are required .. as I will then have that info won't I ??

PS. I have put some fresh beans into the home freezer, and yes it may be less than -4 but the beans snapped when I bent them, does that indicate they were frozen ??
FollowupID: 394526

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 08:29

Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 08:29
Mainey...now dont let this get out of context...we are talking about a fridge cycling between -4 to +8......this does not give us a constant temp of -4
so dont twist it eh?
May be they do freeze if kept at a consatnt lower than -2....but in the real world of refrigerators that are cycling satisfactory, it would not be able to maintain -4...cos its suposed to be a fridge!!!! not a freezer!!!!

Back to the argument of why vegies wouldnt freeze if the fridge was cycling betwe......stuff it, we've been thru that once and you obviously dont agree....stick to your degree and leave refrigeration to those that know.

hehehe you do have a barrel to roll for reefer eh? knew it! ...and if you (reefer) did not sell it as a DYI kit indicating that any one can install, well this is what you led the owner to believe...and to purge the refrigerant lines to remove non-condensibles, I would not be having to work on someones else stuff up....my stuff ups are bad enough...but it really irks me when a co such as reefer sells a product knowing that it, refrigeration, is definitely best left to qualified persons...even you should understand this?...
also, you must also realise that the DYI bloke does not have access to refrigartion flaring tools...they end up using plumbers stuff from the local hardware, and these use a different flare angle, dont have any idea of why you need to remove the burr on the inside of the piping...and most certainly dont car about keeping the pipework clean while installing

now I have got to reclaim all the bloody refrigerant, fix the stuff up.....and evacuate and recharge...and then hope that every thing else is okay...bloody hell you lot should be hauled over the coals for showing people how to purge refrigerant lines.........lets hope the owner kept the pipe work clean....if it (the condensing unit and other bits n pieces, capillary included) ever stuffs up while in warranty ...watch out reefer....i will be fighting for the owner to get it fixed, under warranty, as reefer should not have sold it as a DYI kit.....
FollowupID: 394558

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 21:03

Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 21:03
Nn, you have said. "now dont let this get out of context...we are talking about a fridge cycling between -4 to +8......this does not give us a CONSTANT temp of -4 so dont twist it eh"

Nn, no one has said it does, and we are NOT talking about -4 to +8, I don't see where anyone has stated it, other than you, as they are YOUR numbers, not mine!!
The only CONSTANT is your ability to avoid answering the questions put to you!!

However, we ARE talking about the EvaKool RF85, with an UNreal fridge temperature variation of 1 to 12 degree's, as tested in the Mega fridge test, you have bought all these other numbers into the equasion - not me :-))

I've asked you for your opinion as a qualified fridge mechanic, and you have mentioned everything other than answer the original question - why is that ??
The Reefer serial number...you forgot it ?... I wonder why :-)))
FollowupID: 394698

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 10:44

Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 10:44
mainey you you dumb ass
exactly, we were talking abut why the fridge operating with a 12 td would not neccessarily be faulty...you said it was...i say not neccessarily so!

the -4 to + 8 is for comparison purposes to you to show that a fridge operating within this temp range would hold product satisfactorily.....so what if the temp was actually 0 to 12...turn the bloody control down so it opertaes between -4 to + 8 ...it wont freeze the vegies!! get the point!!!!!!...you were the one that said vegies would freeze at this setting......I Say NO!!! as the cabinet and product is not kept for long enough periods at tempertaures low enough to freeze the product or any thing else if this -4 to + 8 were the actual temp range of the cycle....I have answered the question...you just cant fathom it...you still believe water freezes at -1 ..right?

No i didnt get the serial no as i changed plans...more important jobs that earn me more $$$$ and will now be going on Monday...why do you want the serial no...what are the reasons?
FollowupID: 394759

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 12:15

Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 12:15
Children ,stop your bickering , only thing that really maters is that the BLOODY BEER IS COLD..
FollowupID: 394766

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 16:36

Saturday, Nov 26, 2005 at 16:36
Nn, the relative numbers are as follows, EvaKool RF85 . . 1 to 12 degrees, therefore giving a fridge cabinet temperature variation of 11 degrees, the largest by far of ALL, yes ALL the fridges tested, the average (numerically speaking) is therefore +6 degrees, which is well outside the recommended safe storage temperature to store food for human consumption which you have previously nominated as a MAXIMUM of 4 degrees, and NOT an average of 4 degrees.

Using your "introduced & totally hypothetical" numbers of -4 to 8 gives a (numerical only) average of 2 degrees, which yes, is below the health standards recommended figure of 4 degrees, BUT remember their number is 4 degrees MAXIMUM temperature, NOT “average” temperature as you are trying to suggest here, keep the facts accurate and don’t try and con people with “hypothetical” rubbish, just stick to the relevant facts at hand, we are talking about 1 to 12 degrees, not -4 to +8 degrees.

The EvaKool was found to run at 1 to 12 degrees, which I believe is absolutely ridiculous, simply because the EvaKool has far BETTER insulation than most of the fridges tested, and it has the same compressor as many of them, so it should have a far closer set of numbers, probably in the vicinity of 0 to 7 or at least similar to the other EvaKool fridge.
Hence I have openly stated the fridge test procedure is “flawed” or the EvaKool fridge was ‘faulty’ and only the actual testers would be aware of which scenario is correct, and they should not have released the numbers indicating them as being correct, when they are not, or is the EvaKool just a elcheapo crap fridge :-((

NO… of course it’s NOT
and that’s the point, the test procedure is laughable and contemptuous.

Nn, you say a fridge cabinet of -4 to +8 would hold temp satisfactorily, I would not want to own that fridge, and Nn neither would you!!

I don’t know of any fridge that can cycle between those very extreme numbers and still work as expected, if you do, please tell me its name and then you can tell me I’m wrong, Waah

I can absolutely and unequivocally assure you it will NOT pass any “Australian Standards Testing Procedures” presently existing for portable fridges used within the food industry ….. will it ?

As to your statement that I believe water will freeze at -1, read the relevant post again, as you have previously pointed out water STARTS to freeze at zero, yes it’s very cold at +1 and at -1 water it’s STILL freezing.
I have actually posted -> “WILL water freeze at -1 degree... YES!”
Nn, as you would be very aware it will STILL be freezing at -2 roflmao.

So now I can expect to receive the serial number on Monday, and for that I thank you in advance :-))
FollowupID: 394789

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Sunday, Nov 27, 2005 at 10:53

Sunday, Nov 27, 2005 at 10:53
Mainey...stick with your business degree...its obvious you just dont understand refrigeration or dont want to ....i can only hope you can count better than your ability to understand that water freezes at 0 ....ask any 10 year old....it is not freezing below 0... its fffffffffrozen which makes it ice!..if its above 0 its not ice...

refering to the Evercool with a 12td...."which I believe is absolutely ridiculous"...how can you, with no qualifications in refrigeration can make such a statement with authoritativeness?

the temps are recommened ..now go test your bloody kitchen fridge and see if it keeps all you vegies and butter cheeses at + 4c ...test the product, not the air temp at all shelf levels.......?its only a guide to keep product for the longest period of time ensuring quality is not compromised.....incidently and if it does what are the cycling temps and it only goes to show that it was turned down low enough...turn it up then and then check to see if it holds at see...bet it wont then!..the themostat has different settings why? why make a fridge with a themostat which controls at one set point ie warmest which will be higher than the so-called recommended setting of +4 and the coldest setting that would be lower than the recommended....its because..+4 is a guide and does not suit everyone, or every manufacturer.....coles and woolies etc have to maintain product integrity so they dont get sued...so dont make this +4 C as being the only setting one should run their fridge at!!

and why do you want the serial....you definitely will not get it till I recieve a satisfacory reply...
FollowupID: 394835

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 01:56

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 01:56
Nn, I have asked you IF you believe the temperature variation of the EvaKool fridge/freezer of 1 to 12 degrees is REALISTIC, when other fridges with far less insulation and smaller compressors only go to up 7 or 8 degrees, and you have not addressed the question, have you - and I wonder why not ??

Nn, water starts to freeze at zero, it does not stop freezing at zero, it is still freezing at -1 and even at -18 it is freezing, only stopping from freezing when the temperature is back in the + numbers.

I don't need a "qualification" to know that food stored above +4 degrees is not suitable for human consumption - simply BECAUSE it is NOT RECOMENDED by the Health department, so if they don't recoment it, then why should I sugest they are wrong, or you for that matter?

so you are now putting conditions on the serial number now... ?
I wonder why....???
one day it's threats, now it's conditions...
you keep changing your mind, and why is that ??
FollowupID: 394918

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 03:05

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 03:05
Nn, on 3 seperate occasions you have said you will get me the serial number, they are listed below for your own information.

"but for you I willl get as I am booked to go back tomorrow"

"No i didnt get the serial no as i changed plans...more important jobs that earn me more $$$$ and will now be going on Monday"

"and why do you want the serial....you definitely will not get it till I recieve a satisfacory reply"

When I asked, you said you will get the serial number for me !
And yes I expect you will honour your promise to me.

After all you have nothing to hide or loose - do you ?

FollowupID: 394920

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 08:30

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 08:30
you come clean on who you really are...
why do/have you push reefer and liemack so hard?
what have you to hide???
me I have nothing?... but only some one with a keen interest in the above two Names would want this.....what is this interest.

Come-on, spill it, who are you at Reefer and/or what is your position at Refrigeration Research?...

I never promise anything! even you believe I did, then in your eyes I lied! I want to know why you want the serial? cant be too hard to answer can it?

You cant be wasting a lot of food in your household like the rest of the nation is.....but we havent died from food poisoning ...Yet lol....as I have said, The average of most domestic fridges in Oz are not set low enough to to hold the product at +4c......just ask the fridge manufacturers...the fridges can do it of course its just that the owners have not got them set at a low enough setting.
FollowupID: 394933

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 13:20

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 13:20
Nn, why do/have you push reefer and Liemack so hard
-> I have never mentioned the name Liemack, you did.
In the fridge test report results I said the EvaKool and Waeco fridges were totally disadvantaged by the Unrealistic test criteria, and the Reefer was not even wired up as specified by the manufacturers, that was my only reference to Reefer in the relevant test.

Nn, what have you to hide
-> nothing at all, I'm shy :-))

Nn, me I have nothing, but only some one with a keen interest in the above two Names would want this, what is this interest
-> Only honesty and truth in reporting the facts, as to why the EvaKool and Waeco did not look good on paper, however it was good of you to openly admit you were very impressed with the Reefer boat refrigeration system, which uses the same basic components as the 12v portable fridge.

Nn, Come-on, spill it, who are you at Reefer and/or what is your position at Refrigeration Research
-> sorry, not an appropriate enquiry - I believe you know the answer.

Nn, I never promise anything! even you believe I did, then in your eyes I lied! I want to know why you want the serial? Cant be too hard to answer can it?
->Yes, tis not hard to answer at all, you did promise the serial number on at least two occasions, and yes I expect you to keep your promise, just to prove you are not telling pork pies.
Also with the serial number all manner of information can be ascertained, eg how old is the system, who originally installed it, why it may need the service work etc etc.

Nn, You can't be wasting a lot of food in your household like the rest of the nation is, but we havent died from food poisoning yet lol, as I have said, The average of most domestic fridges in Oz are not set low enough to hold the product at +4c, just ask the fridge manufacturers, the fridges can do it of course its just that the owners have not got them set at a low enough setting
-> and whose fault is that, however it's absolutely nothing at all to do with the subject of 12v portable refrigeration -- is it??

And yes, I do expect you to post the serial number today, unless you are …..?
FollowupID: 394957

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 18:37

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 18:37
you sold the thing as a DYI kit....so who do you think installed it? the owner did!...the manual even tells one to make sure no kinks in the piping, and then and besides telling one in print to purge the lines it even has a pic showing how its done.........i am suprised a so called creditable cough cough Company such as Reefer cough.. cough... would tell someone to do something illegal....((or should I say you said it!!!("sorry, not an appropriate enquiry - I believe you know the answer."))

now how about it, am i correct that the manual does tell one to do this ie pruge the refrigerant piping with the refrigerant from the condensing unit???

Also if a capillary is a critical charge system why do you overcharge it in the first place?

The creditabilty of Refrigeration Research is waning?

the compressor model matches the model I made reference to a long time back...ie XAZ309 ...i think this is the model i said was being used many months back didnt i ?...or have you selectively forgotten?
FollowupID: 395015

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 19:25

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 19:25
ooops the serial no bit

forgot to ask....is that how refrigeration research avoid warranty.......
they dont put the serial or model when selling to end user who is not qualified......????if so why hasnt this unit got one?...got pics of the decal..hope they come out...whats your hotmail or yahoo address so i can send if they are readable?...or should i say show the absence of numbers

FollowupID: 395019

Follow Up By: gramps - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 19:31

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 19:31
That's quite enough you two. Keep it up and you'll both be sent to your rooms without dinner. Now kiss and make up :)))))))
FollowupID: 395021

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 21:16

Monday, Nov 28, 2005 at 21:16
pigs ass
i aint kissing him...he aint a fridgie...and i could die.....worse still I could catch what he has ......aids....Aquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome
FollowupID: 395039

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 12:44

Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 12:44
Nn, just a very simple question for you.

Nn, you have claimed there is no serial number on the compressor or any part of the refrigeration equipment, and that must be true because you have said it is, roflmao.

You have then claimed to have worked on the refrigeration system, so then you would have had to re-gas the refrigeration system.

How did you know what pressure to CORRECTLY re-gas the refrigeration system to ??

If, as you claim, there are no written Technical Specifications available, did you just guess the pressure and think that should do for a while, I just want to get paid and outa here to make more money ?

Nn, as a qualified fridgie is that your way of doing business, simply by guess work, because if it is I hope there is no problem, because unless you tell me the name of the boat, which you earlier said you would, but I really doubt you will now, as it can be checked against records, no one would know that you have done work on the refrigeration system WITHOUT the relevant technical knowledge of the particular system, as you have previously stated there is no specifications sticker available, because the serial number is actually part of the specification sticker.

Did you phone and ask Reefer for the specs? nope.

So I have to believe either; all the technical specifications are in fact there, including the serial number, and you won’t tell me simply because you know very well I can then tell you everything relevant to the history of the system, or you have just filled the system with gas, without any reference to the relevant Technical Specifications, till you thought “she’ll be rite mate, it’s good annuf, who cares” – and Nn, that is not the practice of a reliable, competent and qualified refrigeration tradesman – or is it?

Nn, you can’t claim you know the specs, because the serial number is on the Technical Specifications sticker, you claim the serial number is not there, then neither is the Technical Specifications information, it’s that simple.

No further issues will be entertained with regard to your “incompetence” or should I also add “dishonest” trade practices, where making money is far more important to you than pride and quality of workmanship!
How can you work on a ships refrigeration system without the technical specifications required to correctly set up the system - you can't.

Now I can understand why you have avoided answering questions put to you earlier in the thread.
As to “Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome”, it's something people acquire when reading your posts, fortunately I'm now fully aware of the consequences, as it’s now proven you have a very severe problem distinguishing truth from trash, I could have used other words but I think you will get the message.
FollowupID: 395147

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 17:56

Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 17:56
Firstly…just because one works on a refrigeration system does not mean that one has or would have had to reclaim, evacuate or recharge the unit…..does it?….it could be something else, not associated with refrigerant?

But just to settle you…yes I did have to reclaim and recharge the system.
you asked "How did you know what pressure to CORRECTLY re-gas the refrigeration system to ??"...what an absurb question...only a bean counter could ask this.....

Firstly and this point, I again say toyou…stick to business management, if that’s what you really do as you’ve got no idea how a critical charge system needs to be charged…..you do not charge a system to a pressure…
You charge it to discharge and suction superheats ..whats this you say? Too hard to explain mainey…just ask the reefer blokes…they should know….i hope!!

Further more ..didn’t you read what I said….the decal on the side/end (opposite end to access valves) does not have a model no or serial no….(maybe it was stolen before one could be allocated) says the refrigerant charge is 250grams…..and the manual says this may still leave the system overcharged (why anyone would want to overcharge a critical system has me beat) and to purge out what is not required..ie if frost appears on the service access fitting of the condensing unit let some out!!!! the ruddy manual says this ….AND ITS ILLEGAL!!!!

So what is the charge? Stuffed if I know cos I didn’t weigh the bottle before or after…cant use their guide as they clearly say the unit/kit comes overcharged…so what is it Mainey?…

But to purge refrigerant to atmosphere via the schrader valves is not the correct way……I have done it the correct way…no guess work…

Don’t have to ring reefer for info….they lie like you do….they say the same as you…the danfoss compressor is driven by 240V input and the little black box converts the ac to dc….Danfoss lie? …is it any wonder Refrigeration Research credibility sucks……I have given you details on this matter before

To satisfy you that I am not telling porky pies about the lack of model or serial no…ring them and ask why the unit doesn’t have one….I just sent them three pics showing…. no numbers!!!! Wonder if I get a reply eh?

If only I could post one on the web some where for all to see!…that it clearly does not have one…..i am seriously beginning to wonder of the unit was a freebie. Might explain it?…..Hehehe hahaha

But none the less Mainey I am impressed with the unit….finish and compactness…but as for their manual telling the DYI bloke to carry out ILLEGAL ACTS , not withstanding stuffing up the install and reefers reputation along with it!!!!!….well that could be a story Arctick might like to here-about….Arctick , who are they you say? Ask the engineer at reefer…he should know …maybe he doesn’t, cos else why tell someone to do something illegal ..oh and for the record…..this was also law with the State EPA before it went national….
FollowupID: 395193

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 19:07

Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 19:07
Nn, it was you who said you had to work on the fridge lines and to do that you have to have them disconnected, remember....
Nn you said-> "How did you know what pressure to CORRECTLY re-gas the refrigeration system to ??"...what an absurb question...only a bean counter could ask this" Yes, well I asked and as usual you did NOT answer, but that is your usual move isn't it!

Nn, you said, "the refrigerant charge is 250grams, and the manual says this may still leave the system overcharged, why anyone would want to overcharge a critical system has me beat"
Nn, the answer is really very, yes, very simple, well to an intellegant person it's very simple, because each system is installed in different area's of the ship, and each installed system will have different lenths of copper tubing connecting the Compressor, Refrigeration unit, Condencer and Eutectic tank, due to being in different parts of the ship, if you used 250 gms in a system with all the components sitting with-in 60 cms radius of each other the 250 gms would be far too much but if the Refrigeration Unit and eutectic Tank were installed below deck and the Condencer was above deck and 12 Mtrs away which is not uncommon on fishing boats, the 250 gms may be enough - now that is correct isn't it!! and what is released is an oil, not gas.

As to the alledged gas loss - Nn, the Aero-quip brass couplings will allow any fridge mechanic or even a teenager with 1/2 a brain to connect and also disconnect the gas lines with-in the system with-out loosing ANY gas at all, NILL gas loss, now you must admit that is a fact!

And yes it shows you how in the instruction manual.

So you did not send the serial number to me :-((((

somehow I did not expect you would, you said it was 'stolen' but the Specifications sticker contains the serial number and you have quoted of the specs sticker, so only half of it was stolen L0L

Anyway enuff bitchin, now tell me the results when you actually tested the refrigeration system, you did test it didn't you??

Did you obtain the recomended +3 degrees for the fridge cabinet section and -15 for the freezer section, on 12v.

Next question what size was the fridge cabinet and what size was the freezer cabinet ??
Maybe you don't know because the sizes would be on the specifications sticker, but an educated guess would be fine :-))
FollowupID: 395199

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 21:29

Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 21:29
“Nn, you said, "the refrigerant charge is 250grams, and the manual says this may still leave the system overcharged, why anyone would want to overcharge a critical system has me beat"
Nn, the answer is really very, yes, very simple, well to an intellegant person it's very simple, because each system is installed in different area's of the ship, and each installed system will have different lenths of copper tubing connecting the Compressor, Refrigeration unit, Condencer and Eutectic tank, due to being in different parts of the ship, if you used 250 gms in a system with all the components sitting with-in 60 cms radius of each other the 250 gms would be far too much but if the Refrigeration Unit and eutectic Tank were installed below deck and the Condencer was above deck and 12 Mtrs away which is not uncommon on fishing boats, the 250 gms may be enough - now that is correct isn't it!!” Hey Your Learning, But Why Have A Situation Where Its Overcharged If The Piping Is Not Long Enough…….?

And NO NO No…..its not just oil mainey its refrigerant…R134a that’s why its overcharged ……where did all the extra oil come from??? It’s the refrigerant that makes it overcharged…..Gee your only getting half the info from reefer? Its gas that comes out …together with oil if present and is usually the casel …oil and refrigerant mix….its ILLEGAL To Purposely Release Refrigerant to the Atmosphere…go get some help from a professional refrigeration mechanic Mainey …reefer certainly aint giving it

“As to the alledged gas loss”…… I have never said their was any loss?

“ - Nn, the Aero-quip brass couplings will allow any fridge mechanic or even a teenager with 1/2 a brain to connect and also disconnect the gas lines with-in the system with-out loosing ANY gas at all, NILL gas loss, now you must admit that is a fact!” Nope Not Aeroquip…Just Simple Refrigeration Flare Joints……the photos I’ve taken also shows that……took heaps lol and incidently its illegal for a system put together by a unqualified person to be put into operation with out a qualified person ensuring the works are correct…so that leaves out your half brained teenager doing this work…….

“So you did not send the serial number to me :-((((“ …I remind you again……the decal does not have a serial or model….buggered if I know why you cronnies didn’t put it on…and listen …I reiterate...i said it maybe it was stolen...trying to give a reason why it hasnt got a serial no...but then agin i also said it might be a way of avoiding warranty when the kit is sold to a non qualified person ..no serial no warranty? you tell me...i dont know why…only reefer can say....they have the pics..wonder if I get an answer…wont hold my breathe…..

“Next question what size was the fridge cabinet and what size was the freezer cabinet ??
Maybe you don't know because the sizes would be on the specifications sticker, but an educated guess would be fine :-))”…what spec sticker…the one I’ve taken photos of? Well it aint…..as to size what is its revelance to Refrigaration Resaerch selling DYI kits to non qalified persons giving implicit instructions on how to release refrigerants to atmosphere cos the unit is overcharged….not my words theirs Mainey
FollowupID: 395219

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 23:36

Tuesday, Nov 29, 2005 at 23:36
Nn, you said, "the refrigerant charge is 250grams, and the manual says this *MAY* still leave the system overcharged, why anyone would want to overcharge a critical system has me beat"

Nn, Read the information again with open eyes, IF the system was *UNDER* charged I would agree with you, BUT it states the system *MAY* be, NOT the system *IS* overcharged, stick to the facts and don’t attempt to put your own personal thoughts into the post, if you can’t type the truth then don’t post what you know are lies.

Nn, said, "As to the alleged gas loss” and also "bet Arc Tick would be angered if they knew what reefer are telling folks to do....and dont be worried!...i havent dobbed them in...YET......no rewards to collect haha"

Nn, I have never said their is any "gas loss" read the post again, it was me who told you there is NO loss of gas, it was you who said he was going to report to the authorities that gas was allowed to leak into the atmosphere, it was you who said “you would dob them in IF there was a reward” is that a lowlife attitude.
Nn, when refrigerant is NOT under pressure it's an oil/gas mixture, not a gas, it turns to gas under pressure and heat! There is NO extra refrigerant in the system because it is pressurised at the factory with the specified design given by the ship owner that shows the specific distance between the various components, eliminating over gassing the system to any large degree.
I reiterate there are only quality Aero-quip brass couplings used to join the system individual components together, definitely not flared copper pipe, maybe a Unqualified fridge mechanic decided he wanted a brass coupling as a souvenir or for his own home made fridge?
The system leaves the factory with the Aero-quip brass couplings so that any 1/2 wit can assemble it without loosing any gas at all, read again zero loss of gas, that means NILL.

As to size of unit I was just wondering if it was a full sized walk in freezer unit or just a small 600 Ltr fridge, and I just thought you may know the difference between the two?

Nn, you said “but then agin i also said it might be a way of avoiding warranty when the kit is sold to a non qualified person ..no serial no warranty? you tell me...i dont know why”

Obviously that's something else you just don’t know, yes to use your own words, you just don't know, the sale INVOICE given to the ship owner WILL have the serial number on it, that is why I have asked you for the name of the ship, and you have not told me that either, I suppose you have forgotten that now also, and the fridge system will be covered by warranty as per the invoice, but you would not need a business degree to know that, well you didn’t know it, so maybe you have to be smarter than a fridge mechanic.
now that's low Mainey, you should not sugest he's not smart, umm did I say he wasn't smart, well you know I ask a question and he won't give a straight yes or no answer so yes he's pretty smart.
He gets so far off the original question of explaining why he believes the EvaKool is a terrific fridge with a 11 degree temp variation, hell he is smart isn't he, could talk the wooden post of a gate an the gate would still think it is it's fault.

Nn, you posted the pics today, and they should be there on Monday, who did you address them to??
FollowupID: 395241

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Nov 30, 2005 at 08:22

Wednesday, Nov 30, 2005 at 08:22
the facts...it does not use aero quip fittings...purging the to remove the overcharge is a diliberate act of releasing refrigerant to the atmosphere...yep you said there was no gas loss...purging is not venting the gas to atmosphere? get a brain...and understand refrigeration...firstly, if the system, one that requires a critical charge of refrigerant such as a capillary system which these things are, then why put in additional refrigerant, and then tell the DYI to do an ILLEGAL act?
It is betetr to precharge the unit to only have adequate refrigerant for the condensing unit......or better still None....and then system would require tha services of a refrigaration mechanic...not You I hope

as to the low life attitude...if I have to obey the Act and regulations then so too should every one else......no Exceptions...and if a co is blatantly abusing the rulles then they need to be reported...same deal for mis-represented workcover claims, dole bludgers etc etc etc...if its low life..i have big shoulders and can and will accept that name...but no one in my industry is going to get away with adivising persons to do Illegal acts.....it is Illegal eh? yes or No and doesnt the manual tell one to reales the overachrge of refrigerant to atmosphere......I have taken pics of said para which also shows the tails from the standard 1/4 flare fittings and not aeroquip as you claim they have...they may do now but this one does not...the other fittings, the discharge and suction valve have certainly not been added meaning that they have not replaced so called aeroquip...they are original fittings..doubt me..get your engineer to ring me and I will show him the pics in front of Arctick rep. I would dearly love to see the red faces of Refrigeration Research...They do say to purge the refrigerant to atmosphere...and dont play on words mainey...they dont actaully say to atmosphere...but they do show a pic (a simulation no doubt) with someones hand pressing the schrader valve...wherse the gas going????oh I know its an invisble gas so its not going anywhere eh....hahahah yeah right you lot of evironmental terrorists......

No serial ....it could mean that Reeefer could reject warranty...why? cos it may have been stolen? i dont but it does make one wonder, if reeefr do this deliberately so they can claim later on down the track theat as it does not have a model or serail they could reject warranty....lets face it mainey.....most mainufacturers do theis IE Mistsubishi Electric. Carrier, Temperzone, to name just a few......I know cos I deal with these and we often well not often thank god but from time to time, get a list of serial to be on the look out for....
If Reeefer can tell some one to do an Illegal act then can you really say that they would not reject warranty cos a unit has inadequate identification......of course they could and most likely will!!!

"As to size of unit I was just wondering if it was a full sized walk in freezer unit or just a small 600 Ltr fridge, and I just thought you may know the difference between the two?"...of course not you Jerk....i did 5yrs of trade and 5 yrs extra study, and you mean they forgot to show me the difference........it holds somewhere around 250 grams of refigerant indicates that its a very small unit with limited capacity...tell me have you ever heard of a system with being able to chill a coolroom with so little capacity....what are a leprauchaun..LOL did I spell that right eh??

INVOICE given to the ship...firstly a boat is not a ship...meaning a motor vessel MV..it is a boat...its a Yacht silly billy...never asked the owner if he has an invoice...would he get one from the person who sold it to hime if fell of the back of the truck....of course he would? just like all the bikies handing in their illegal firerams during the firearms buy back and getting paid for them...... get a brain!!!

Mainey, you ability to understand what i have explianed as to why i do see a problem with a 11 or 12 td on the evakool has been wasted energy on my part....it wouldnt matter what i said...you flog reefer and thats it!! silly statements like Danfoss does use a 12vdc input compressor , rather claim it to be 240v input at the compressor terminals, the system when being purged due to remove air from the piepwork and to reduce the overcharge does not release refrigerant but only oil, just goes to show ...you have two brains..ones lost and the others out looking for iT!!!!!!!

Pic sent here
fridge@bigpond.net.au....wonder if i get a sensible reply as to why it doesnt have a serial........at least you will be able to see that i havent lied......unlike what you have indicated! ....its not my business to ask the owner for proof of purchase just to get a serial no!...

FollowupID: 395254

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:53

Wednesday, Nov 30, 2005 at 09:53
Nn, you say it does NOT use aero quip fittings...
Then I absolutely can assure you it is NOT sent from the factory without them…. so I can only assume it has been worked on by an incompetant fridge mechanic and maybe you have the job of fixing his stuff-up?
As they ALL go out with the Aero-quip connectors to allow the system to be installed simply with OUT loosing gas ANY from the system.

Nn, said, “No serial ....it could mean that Reeefer could reject warranty...why? cos it may have been stolen? i dont but it does make one wonder”.
Nn, as I said the ships name and the owners name will be on the INVOICE so if it’s the only fridge on the ship and is the same specification of the invoice even without the ‘stolen’ specification sticker with the missing serial number, I believe it would be deemed to be the same fridge system, or was there two different systems on this ship???

Nn, Now your getting ultra pedantic!! What do you call a “ship” I assume this fridge is on a ‘commercial fishing boat” which was built in a “ship yard” to be precise and not a boat yard, a boat is a small ship, was the Titanic a boat or a ship, is a ‘steam boat’ a ‘steam ship’ it’s all relevant to size.

Nn said, “you have said, Mainey, you ability to understand what i have explianed as to why i do see a problem with a 11 or 12 td on the evakool has been wasted energy on my part....it wouldnt matter what i said...you flog reefer and thats it”
Nn, I never referred to, or in your words ‘flogged’ Reefer at all in the post on the fridge test, only in a passing sentence and no more than Engel.
What I did say was the Waeco and the EvaKool were totally disadvantaged in the test.
AND Nn, you STILL have NEVER answered the question either, now why is that ??

Nn, This won’t open for me fridge@bigpond.net.au so I can’t comment.

(A) Can I ask you ‘precisely’ what work you had to do to the refrigeration system?
(B) How old was the refrigeration system, in your own opinion?
(C) What is the NAME of the ship, canoe, boat or whatever you choose to call the vessel that has the fridge you have previously stated you were impressed with L0L.
FollowupID: 395298

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:35

Wednesday, Nov 30, 2005 at 10:35
Mainey...the (WA) in you username...is it suppoosed to mislead us into believing your in WA?

its too early for westralians? to be up isnt it......

The pictures in their manual do not show aeorquip either...can send a pic if you like........it shows a standard flare with copper tails that need to be removed. another pic shows a a instrument simulating the depressing of the schrader to release refrigerant....is it Illegal or not to release refrigerant to atmosphere mainey

No its a private yacht....a boat...not a surveyed MV...
as i said its not up to me to ask the owner for a copy of his invoice (if he has one) to get the serial no....why wasnt it on the decal whare you said it would be...!!!I again ask..is it a possibility the unit is stolen and was not allocated a serial? or is it to avoid a risk that reefer may have taken by selling to a unqualified person to install...?

Moisture in the system.
unsure of age, but it is relatively new as it wasnt there the last time I looked at his refrigeration system.......its only 209 watt system so its not big mainey..ceratinly not big enough for a cool room...and probably too small to be worthwhile installing in a commercial MV.

remember I am not impressed with their illegal recommendations...as for name of the yacht...its probably on the stern...but i didnt get as its not required...it should have been recorede on the decal ..it has a spot for it on there...

what do you mean you cant open it...do you have access to that email address ?....give me your email and i will send

FollowupID: 395317

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 00:32

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 00:32
Nudenut you asked for my e-mail addy -->
Remember you said you were going to send me information and pictures that you had taken...
(Quote) give me your email and i will send it (end quote)
I have posted it as you asked, and you have sent nothing... why not??

I have asked you for the name of the ship/boat or yacht that you were working on, and you say you don't know it ??
Question, don't you have the boat's name on your invoice ??

You say the serial number/technical specifications sticker is not on the fridge and you believe it is not put on so as to avoid warranty, however you somehow know where it 'used to be' - so who removed it, why and when?

The owners purchase invoice does have the boat/ship/yacht name on it and the model of refrigeration system and the date sold and the serial number, so warranty is not an issue with the owner, however you are not working on the system under warranty, that much I do know :-))

enjoy your weekend ....

FollowupID: 395660

Follow Up By: Richard Kovac - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 03:11

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 03:11
Dam good read
(WA) is short for wanker

FollowupID: 395678

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 04:07

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 04:07
Cant agree with you Richard - I thought it was crap and I want my money back
FollowupID: 395681

Follow Up By: Wok - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:50

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:50
Dear Mr Davoe,
We apologise for the inconvenience, please send your Bank Details so that your FULL REFUND will be immediately transferred to your Account.
Yours Sincerely............................
FollowupID: 395682

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 07:50

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 07:50
wanker eh...i said that back in another post and it was deleted!
I was beginning to think i was wrong....or was i right....hahaha
davoe...ask David for you money...dont complain to me hahaha

wok....bsb 222333...acount a23x34
FollowupID: 395684

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:16

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:16
yes have your email...can it accept large files...why didnt the one at bigpond work?
and dont get your knickers in a knot...the photos are in tiff format and i need to convert to jpeg....but EOM (end of month) business stuff takes priority......weekend is also out as i have competition both days

No I will not have boats name on invoice...i will be invoicing the owners company...aint none of business to question him on how he directs me to invoice!!

The decal does not in any way looks defaced, nor does the location of where the numbers should be show any signs of having been marked or erased...There certainly is not any signs of abrasion....

"you believe it is not put on so as to avoid warranty" I suggested this as a possible reason.( quite honestly though I would hope that reefer would not act in this way, but if they do sell direct to non qualified persons together with instructions to carry out illegal acts, then it may make one wonder) I also suggeted that it may be a stolen product as another possible reason why the numbers aint on it?

And to answer your second to last para...if stolen would my client have an invoice....and it is not my right and certainly not my business to ask to see a copy of his invoice to prove or disprove otherwise.....as for warranty issues...well, i personally feel reefer should be responsible for the moisture in the system.......they manual does not say that the system must only be installed by accredited/licenced persons (as per the ACT) and must be evacuated prior to opening up the condensing unit....(no aeroquip fittings remember)...but this is my thoughts....

and I will ....maybe lucky enough to get 1st place award......
FollowupID: 395689

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 10:12

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 10:12
Nn, yes will accept pictures... but I'm wondering why you have NOT sent them because it only takes minutes to do?

Generally speaking Nn, you should state on your invoice precisely what you are actually charging the company for, eg the work done and/or time & parts supplied along with the address of the job, which in this case would be the name of the 'boat' or 'berth number' as the company may have other boats as well !!

IF, as you say the 'decal' is not marked in any way and the numbers are missing then I would be wondering why you would work on what you have said you believe could be, "I also suggested that it may be a STOLEN product" Nn, these are your words - not mine, you volunteered the information!!

Nn, you say ".....as for warranty issues...well, i personally feel reefer should be responsible for the moisture in the system" so your now saying you believe the system is obviously still covered by the original Reefer warranty?

Doesn’t it worry you at all that a fridge that is still under the manufacturers warranty and you also believe could be STOLEN is being worked on by you, and you know you are definitely NOT endorsed to do any warranty work by Reefer?

Nn, something smells very (fishy) about this whole deal, why would a boat owner not contact the manufacturer of the fridge when it's still under warranty??
Nudenut, why would you work on a fridge that you have said you believe could probably be STOLEN, that’s not moral & I'm sure unlawful, but if you get paid you obviously don't care if it's stolen or not?

I would want to know; Why the aero-fit gas line couplings have been removed from the installation and why the serial number is not on the specs sticker, both actually imply you may be very correct in your thoughts on ownership issues, but I’m sure you won't loose any sleep over it, after all you will be getting paid, I hope!

***Nudenut, what’s your e mail address? I would like the name of the boat and some further relevant information please, or if your not prepared to put it here, as I have done for you, then send it to my e mail please ***

What I can’t comprehend is why you would admit you are prepared to work on what you do believe could probably be stolen property, you said -> " I also suggeted that it may be a STOLEN product as another possible reason why the numbers aint on it " :-((

However, back to the original question:

WHY have you avoided answering the EvaKool fridge question?
Do you believe you can answer it when you not busy, maybe early next week?
FollowupID: 395709

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 16:19

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 16:19
Mainey...checked and found that I converted pic to jp2,...what ever that is...so i converted it to jpeg and re-sent.....to original address

Generally speaking mainey I will put on the invoice what ever the client directs me to do...its his perk!

I havent said it was stolen, I put forward reasons as to why it may not have a serial......i have no reason to believe my client is in anyway connected with stolen goods..be it this condensing unit or other goods...
he is not a poor man mainey.....Incidently, if the actual product does not have a serial no marked upon it, how does a invoice with a serial no relate to that item...nothing would tie up...the invoice might say serial no 12345....but where does it say this on the decal for confirmation?

Why would they contact Reefer when they already know a good fridgie...and a bloody good one at that...ME!!!.......i have to blow my trumpet as no-one else will.......... hahaha

The aeroquip fittings have not been removed.....the condensing unit stop valves are original OEM fitted stuff, as the picture shows.....

No i am not saying it is under warranty... what i am saying is this....Reefer should fix it, as they are the ones who provided illegal information for the end user to use, to attempt to get the fridge operating.....if the manual had said Use the services of a Qualified refrigeration mechanic with no reference to installation, or purging etc etc etc then no ...No Warranty...or should I say Policy Settlement!!! Lets face it Mainey, if the end user had used a qualified fridgie its unlikely that the fridge would have moisture problems.

""I would want to know; Why the aero-fit gas line couplings have been removed from the installation and why the serial number is not on the specs sticker, both actually imply you may be very correct in your thoughts on ownership issues, but I’m sure you won't loose any sleep over it, after all you will be getting paid, I hope"" ditto on the later for sure hahaha....on the first, i dont know...you would have a fair idea if product has be misplaced wouldnt you?

Now that you have the pics let every here know that i am correct...no model or serial & no signs of erasure, unit did not have aeroquip fittings, manual shows and tells one how to release the gas to atmosphere and why.

I have answered the ever cool question.....I dont think a 12 td is all as bad as you make it out to be.....its acceptable for goods that have a reasonable shelf life, such as vegies, fruits, butter and cheeses and short term for red meats etc etc.....and Very Very short term storage of fish and chicken...no more than 1 or 2 days.....

You have my email address mainey its the same as the one I sent the pics thru...what other info would you want?

Mainey. i dont know what the ownership status of most equipment i work on...some of its as old as I am meaning that i didnt sell it, nor did i install it...there are a lot of other companies around that also product that i eventually get to work......if its stolen its stolen..i Dont Know this....you wont tell me and I havnt asked the customer.I also gave you another reason why it may not have a serial.......IE Avoidance of Warranty Obligations by Refrigeartion Research...stop harping on just the stolen hypothesis as the one and only possiblity....

had a great week end. came equal first only to lose in the shoot-out to camoe second, and a third...not bad for competing in three events dont you think....hope your weekend was as eventful

FollowupID: 395998

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 17:54

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 17:54
Nn, well have looked again now 5.45pm (EST) and guess what - still no pictures you are say you are sending as proof of your earlier statement, but I think I have said earlier I do not really expect to see them or the yacht name either...
FollowupID: 396012

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:26

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:26
I have a reply from reefer so i know you have access....
check it out with a Tony Boyd who wants to know this info:
"Could you tell me when the unit was purchased and who the company/ person was that purchased it"....he is unable to explain unless he gets more info...why?.....
I want to know why it wasnt there in the first place...it should have been allocated when stuck to the machine...no if buts or maybe's...what are the possible reasons?..ive given two...any others?...i do like the one that reefer would be able to void warranty cos it tells the DYI bloke how to install a refrigeration system and correct the gas charge by purging...which is illegal to do as stated isnt it???? plus it could lead to other serious consequneces for the system also......mainey a simple yes will do...thanks...if not illegal, give a resounding NO!
FollowupID: 396015

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:28

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:28
and he did say that they stopped using standard (non aeroquip) fittings some time back...when was this?
FollowupID: 396016

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:08

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:08
Nn, where is the picture you CLAIM you have sent ?
Why have you not sent it to me ?
As I said, please tell me the name of the Yacht....?
FollowupID: 396022

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:13

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:13
ring tony boyd WA
FollowupID: 396023

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:26

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:26
Why did you NOT use my email address to send the pictures ???
Nn.... what are you trying to avoid ?
FollowupID: 396028

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:40

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:40
because i know you have access to mailto:fridge@bigpond.net.au
Mainey again, and comparing it to as to wether or not it is "stolen" ....Cut the Dramatics...i am not try to avoid anything...

you wanted my email: here tis richarddotquinnatozonlinedotcomdotau

now tell me tony didnt get the pics?
FollowupID: 396032

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 20:05

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 20:05
RudNut you posted the following-> ....give me your email and i will send ... the pictures ...... OK, where are they ??

You did NOT send them to me, and I have to ask:
WHY NOT - What is wrong with doing as you said you would do ??

you have sent them somewhere else... why ???
AFTER YOU HAVE ASKED ME for MY email addy, which I have posted for you....
HOW STUPID is that ??


I did as you asked me to do, now you do the right thing and send the pics to me....

No dam wonder I can't get a straight answer from you about things, you create obsticles and change everything to avoid answering the dificult questions.
I have reread the entire thread, it was YOU who mentioned "stolen" not me!!!

FollowupID: 396038

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Tuesday, Dec 06, 2005 at 16:57

Tuesday, Dec 06, 2005 at 16:57
RudeNut, I have talked with Tony this morning, this is the email you sent to me last night, with the 2 x pictures.
do you want me to post the pictures here for everyone to see that you have only taken a picture of an illustration in an instruction manual, and not a picture of the actual fridge system as I have asked you to do, and as you said you had done.. now why would you do that ?

Mainey, Heres the pics #301 that clearly shows the decal without serial and without signs of defacement, Tony Boyd at reefer cant explain it! Can you? #291 shows non Aeroquip fittings!
Now go talk to your engineers and see if they can bend you over and teach you something!!!
Kindest regards, Richard.

Tony did ask you to tell him when the unit was purchased and who the company/person was that purchased it, as he is unable to explain unless he gets more information because as technology improves so does the refrigeration systems of ALL manufacturers, and yes he did tell you they stopped using standard aeroquip fittings, because they now use a similar style of fitting but in a more compact size as they are actually shown in YOUR pictures sent to me from the instruction manual, because they fit into the copper pipe installation holes far easier and they attach and disengage just as efficiently!

Purging is NOT illegal, so the answer is .. NO

Please EXPLAIN how you actually attach the various refrigeration system components when the system is gassed correctly, and for the non technofobes purging refers to releasing a miniscule amount of refrigerant gas when the actual installation valve is opened, the entire amount released would NOT quarter fill a coke bottle CAP.

RudeNut, please phone Tony direct if you require any further technical information about a refrigeration system that is very capable of being used in walk-in boat freezer room and also a small 50Lt portable fridge as you and I just don’t agree, maybe it's because you live in qld.

If you believe the (WA) does not refer to West Australia then too bad, but then I would NOT work on goods I believe may have been stolen (yes your words, not mine) or be stupid enough to take a picture from an instruction manual and attempt to pass it off as a picture of a refrigeration system with the serial number and specifications missing.
You can also see the other pages under it as it sits on the deck with your spanner holding the page flat and stopping it flapping in the breeze as the lower pages are doing!!
I won’t call you a liar, you just twist the truth & distort the facts!

Do you want me to post the pictures?

FollowupID: 396168

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 07:46

Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 07:46
Purging Excess Refrigerant form the system as described in the manual is illegal.....ring Arctick

it still doesnt have a number ...does it..i dont care about the eplanation why it does not...the fact is,.....it doesnt!!

yes he did say the now use areoquip...but the system my client purchased does not.

A walk in feezer with with the following dimensions 2400hx1800lx1200w would be a bloody very small walkin freezer wouldnt you say...not much room for walking afetr shelving is installed. This would require approximately 740watts of refrigeration just to maintain product at -18c...if you placed approximatel 150kg of unfrozen product inside and wanted to freeze to -18c then approximately 1480 watts of refrigeration is needed......how in the bleeping hell can a compressor with a maximum of 209watts @ -23c suction temp cover this...as somone said above, I guess WA does stand for wanker cos i've heard it all now!!! hahahaha

did i really say that.."Now go talk to your engineers and see if they can bend you over and teach you something!!!"..if so, do your self a favour and please take heed. hehehe

FollowupID: 396251

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 13:14

Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 13:14
RudeNut, you say "you dont care about the eplanation why it does not have a serial number”
Nn, I don’t know either, you said you took pictures of it and sent them to Reefer and to myself, you have stated above it may have be stolen... your words not mine!

RudeNut, you say "yes he did say the now use areoquip...but the system my client purchased does not"
Richard, maybe you’re right & it could be stolen? However I think probably not!
But I repeat... you were informed Reefer do NOT presently use aeroquip connectors, however they do use another brand that’s more compact, you know those shown in the diagrams in the workshop manual – you know, the one that you took the pictures of - are you deaf also?

Richard you posted above; "A walk in feezer with with the following dimensions 2400hx1800lx1200w would be a bloody very small walkin freezer wouldnt you say.."
Richard, I did NOT use any reference to your yacht fridge in my statement, I said Reefer Rotary compressors are very capable of being used in WALK-IN BOAT FREEZER ROOMS, (yes, as used in COMMERCIAL FISHING BOAT FREEZER ROOMS after all that’s Reefer’s core business) which makes no reference to your fridge at all, as I didn’t know the size of your fridge. Richard see how you make simple mistakes and distort the facts when you start to get confused and looking for a way out of the crap and the hole you dig for yourself simply by telling fairy stories….

Richard, when will you post the pictures here, and then let the people see how you have been telling some really large fairy stories about pictures you said you had… caught out badly there aren’t you… taking pictures of a work shop manual and thinking people are as stupid as you to believe it’s a fridge on a boat, when you can even see the page numbers on them.
Richard you are in need of a serious check-up or maybe a holiday in Qld.
Oh, by the way Qld is short for Queensland not Queersland.
If you stick to the truth you don’t need a good memory!

RudeNut, please post the pictures, just to prove I’m wrong :-)
FollowupID: 396296

Follow Up By: Member - Davoe (Widgiemooltha) - Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 20:35

Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 20:35
FollowupID: 396386

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 20:43

Wednesday, Dec 07, 2005 at 20:43
Davoe (whats aname hehehe) next time....Think!
my apologies dave...happy shooting
FollowupID: 396389

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 00:58

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 00:58
You actually want it to stop because you know you took pictures from a workshop manual - and not the fridge in question.

RudeNut, you been telling some big fairy stories, that is why you won't post the pictures, because it shoots you fair in the mouth......

Making phone calls to…. well you really don't know who, do you ?

**Just to prove me wrong, you really should post the pictures :-)

However, I know you won't do that, so I won't ask you again, as it’s obviously embarrassing for you.
At this point I believe it is a waste of electrons continuing, as it’s so far off track it’s simply Un-real, just like the fridge test was!!!

Richard, I can’t understand why you actually believe 11 degree temperature variation is acceptable, no other fridge had figures that high, NONE at all were that High, or why you won’t explain why a fridge with the thickest insulation gives the biggest temperature variation?

Davoe (Widgiemooltha) I'm not lord, but I will stop asking your friend to post the pictures :-)
Richard, you enjoy your weekend, the pictures would really be nice for everyone to see, yes, for the last time. L0L.
FollowupID: 396423

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 08:17

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 08:17
"you were informed Reefer do NOT presently use aeroquip connectors" uh? no no no...I said "he did say the now use areoquip"...dont change things ...read whats put in front of you...he said now...meaning tyey used flare nuts prior?.....the pics do not show aeroquip or similar...they are standard flares with a tail.......read whats in the pic #291......and I quote " with the lower female flare nut"

If any one wants to see th pics they can ask me, Posting them herein wont give enough detail..they will be too low a quality to allow zoomimg in to see whats used....

"the entire amount released would NOT quarter fill a coke bottle CAP."....the EPA dont give a sheit how much it is....thats why they made it illegal to purposely release refrigerants to atmosphere...to purposely release even 1 gram is illegal...check out the facts...and further more., the manual has a pic which shows a hand with an allen key (?) simulating the depressing of the schrader valve which is to show one how to purge of the overcharge of refrigerant ...very much illegal eh?

quote from Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Regulations 1995 :

"The authority must not grant an authorisation unless it is satisfied that:
(a) the applicant has business premises that are equipped and operating so as to be able to handle, and prevent avoidable emissions of, a refrigerant; and"

What do you think it means mainey...your allowed to purposely release refrigerants to atmosphere?? hahaha Refer to Australian Standards to find out how this is carried out, which one must follow if they want to be within the law.....

FollowupID: 396433

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 12:36

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 12:36
RudeNut, you been telling some big fairy stories, that is why you won't post the pictures, because it shoots you fair in the mouth......

Making phone calls to…. well you really don't know who DO YOU? ha ha ha, and yes, you may have talked to me ?
You and I both know what was said - and the pictures tell the story and it's not the lies you tell..

**Just to prove me wrong, you really should post the pictures :-)

and get out of the last century with your quotes and your old technology, quoting from a 1995 (yes 10 years old) Gas Regulations is not the way to go, read and quote from the relevant regulations, and PLEASE don't miss the bit about purging, where the system is connected via a valve system, as the nonrelease earoquip system.

Your so far in the hole you can't dig yourself out!

This is MY last post on the subject, (thank god I hear you say) as you lie and missquote everything to make yourself look honest, but you admit you would work on stolen goods and then you missquote regulations and not answer relevant questions put to you, it's just a waste of my time.

Rudenut, you should spend some time in your wife's chair!
FollowupID: 396456

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 15:25

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 15:25
You idiot..... here is the Act for you to download..mainey, purging is illegal!!!

FollowupID: 396480

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:45

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:45
hey porky pie liar
it just occured to me!....take a look at a lot of ACTS of Parliment that are Current and some in excess of 10yrs old...take the earms Act of South Australia for one

what about the rest of the country eh?

The Ozone Act that is current is the one I refered you to....you idiot!!!
FollowupID: 396514

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:49

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:49
hey porky pie liar
it just occured to me!....take a look at a lot of ACTS of Parliment that are Current and some in excess of 10yrs old...take the earms Actof South Australia for one...dated 1977 ...what you say...old ...yep but still current ?

what about the rest of the country eh?

The Ozone Act that is current is the one I refered you to....you idiot!!!
FollowupID: 396516

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:55

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 19:55
some thing aint working...

but what I tried to post was......have a look at the firearms act of South Australia...DATED 1977 and Still Current.....well over 10 yrs old...check federal as well...bet you'll find a lot also over ten yrs old but CURRENT

you do try and twist

WA = wa....wa.....wally
FollowupID: 396518

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:08

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:08
Happy xmas to you Nn, and may you really enjoy your well deserved holls.. maybe you will get a new pair of sunnies, L0L

with reference to your post:
"You idiot..... here is the Act for you to download..mainey, purging is illegal"

Yes, the NEW law you refere to came into effect on July 1st 2005....

However the system you worked on, and the entire 'conversation' with you has been about is an OLDER system, I know that because it shows the 'old style' connections in the workshop manual you took the pictures of, yes instead of the fridge specifications sticker, but not to matter it's not a problem, as I assure you the new law has been addressed and any problems overcome :-)

As I said enjoy the Holls and take it easy....

now why's my fishing rod bending over and the line spooling out like that, some dam fish must be greedy and want to eat my hook L0L

Merry Xmas & happy new year to all
FollowupID: 397287

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 17:45

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 17:45
some people just deserve to be called an idiot!!!!

Each state had their own legislation which at the very miniumum mirrored the Federal Act and regulations of 1995 and enforcement was left to each state.

From july 2005 we fridgies are all now covered by the National Licencing system....i repeat..... Prior to july 2005 we were controlled by the individual state systems....which I re-iterate MIRRORED the Federal Act of 1995!!!!!......

If i recall correctly the amendments (to all states and territories legislation, based on the national Act) to prohibit the deliberate release of ALL (which now encaptured 134A and others) came into effect approx 3yrs? ago!

FollowupID: 397339

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 21:04

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 21:04
Thought we were talking about DIY fridge installation & maintainence ?

Nn, said "some people just deserve to be called an idiot"
I would ask - why?

Is it because I lost the bloody fish, because I was using only 12Kg line without a leader??

yes, you may be correct, I will use thicker line & a leader tomorrow :-)

FollowupID: 397378

Reply By: cuffs - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 11:14

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 11:14
Don't have a read out on my Engel temperature but I know if my beer is more than 4 degrees
AnswerID: 139926

Reply By: garthyguts - Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 20:04

Friday, Nov 18, 2005 at 20:04
did it say anything about outside temperature?
thats when you test a fridge at 30c and above and see if it hold then
AnswerID: 139990

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Saturday, Nov 19, 2005 at 13:25

Saturday, Nov 19, 2005 at 13:25
Yeah I was wondering about ambiants too when I read it, and ventialtion too. Obviously a fridge will work better sitting on a camp table in the breeze than it would locked in the back of the 4bie on a 40c day at the beach.
FollowupID: 393736

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Nov 21, 2005 at 22:37

Monday, Nov 21, 2005 at 22:37
garthyguts, From "MEMORY" as no one as answered the question for you and I'm sure it will be corrected within the hour for you :-)

It was conducted in a controlled enviroment hot room, I 'think' it was set at 25 degrees for 6 hours, ramped up to either 50 or 55 degrees for 4 or 6 hours and ramped down to 25 again for the final 6 hours.
Total test time was 24 hours.
As I said, this will give you an idea only, because it will be corrected for you!
FollowupID: 393993

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:46

Wednesday, Nov 23, 2005 at 10:46
Thank goodness I waited
AnswerID: 140578

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 19:39

Thursday, Nov 24, 2005 at 19:39
Yeah, don't be in a hurry to lose ya virginity
FollowupID: 394478

Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:29

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:29
I think that this thread going to beat your shoe lace one?
VKS737 - Mobile 6352 (Selcall 6352)

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FollowupID: 396018

Follow Up By: Wombat - Friday, Dec 09, 2005 at 15:06

Friday, Dec 09, 2005 at 15:06
One more follow-up and they'll have cracked the ton. Oooops I've just taken their glory. I wish someone would take a pair of shoelaces to the both of them and give 'em a good whipping.
FollowupID: 396609

Reply By: Alloy c/t - Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 08:35

Friday, Nov 25, 2005 at 08:35
Who the -ell realy cares as long as the beer is cold ,, go to any pub and ask to see what they have their beer cold room temp set at ,, will be set at 2c up to 4c AIR temp ,set any and all brands of portable fridge to the same and enjoy life instead of worrying "is my fridge too power hungry/not effective/too much temp variation "
AnswerID: 140903

Reply By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:48

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:48
GoD i love my Liemack? Reefer. hhhmmmmm.............
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

Retired 2016 and now Out and About!

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AnswerID: 142087

Reply By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:49

Friday, Dec 02, 2005 at 08:49
God i love my Liemack / Reefer.. HHMMM......
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

Retired 2016 and now Out and About!

Somewhere you want to explore ? There is no time like the present.

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AnswerID: 142088

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Saturday, Dec 03, 2005 at 12:24

Saturday, Dec 03, 2005 at 12:24
Michael, wait til the Nude Nut returns - he will be able to inform you how exceptionally well constructed they really are, because he has worked on (only) one of them and has actually praised it's construction, and I would think he would have worked on many of the Danfoss systems, but haven’t read any posts from him praising the Danfoss construction, so that says something for the Liemack fridge construction! which is ‘technically’ incredibly dissimilar to the present Reefer fridge - said nicely :-)) also having used a Liemack for many years.
Mainey (West Australia) so not to confuse the uneducated!
FollowupID: 395833

Follow Up By: Michael ( Moss Vale NSW) - Sunday, Dec 04, 2005 at 20:59

Sunday, Dec 04, 2005 at 20:59
Hi Mainey. Reefer still have the original fridge same as original Liemack and they have a new series of plastic looking fridges with Danfoss compressors... unless something has changed since i last looked.. Best regards Michael.
Patrol 4.2TDi 2003

Retired 2016 and now Out and About!

Somewhere you want to explore ? There is no time like the present.

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FollowupID: 395915

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Sunday, Dec 04, 2005 at 23:35

Sunday, Dec 04, 2005 at 23:35
yes, things obviously have changed since you last looked :-)

Now I’ve written this in code and it’s between only you and me, as no one else can actually see it or even read it, Ok, :-) and yes, I'm smiling as I type this extremely sensitive information to you as it's the equivalent of a "private E-mail" and I don't want any rudenut to sense I actually work, or reside in South Australia, and not (WA) L0L

Anyway, just between you an me, and yes, said really nicely because I have absolutely no reason other than to bring you up to date, the Reefer and the Liemack fridge use absolutely totally dissimilar, diverse and different electronics systems, did I say totally different “computerised electronic management systems”, however yes they do both use Mitsubishi rotary compressors, now I’m not suggesting they’re the same compressors either, and they both have full stainless steel interiors and the colour is still ‘basically’ identical, the Liemack digital touchpad information control centre has been removed from the front of the fridge cabinet and a portable LCD screen is attached to an easily detachable plug-in 5 mtr long lead, that you can leave in the cab or where ever you want to read it from, you use it to set all the relevant ‘turn on’ and ‘turn off’ fridge variable temperatures that you can decide what suites you best, the digital fridge temperature gauge and the digital battery voltage and the battery cut off voltage etc, are all regulated from the drivers seat if you so desire via the LCD screen, without being near the actual fridge, that way the fridge can be almost buried away in the back of the truck and you still have the digital LCD control panel functions in your hand 5 mtrs from the fridge giving you all the relevant digital fridge temperatures and battery voltage information at your fingertips.

The Liemack used to use a 300wt inverter!
Well that's gone too, yes true, it’s gone, not there, there's no old fashioned inverter system, the new Reefer uses a soft start motor starter that uses less power than a light globe and also some minor changes to lids and other stuff but all these changes are pretty well internal and unseen and the two fridges still look almost the same so looking at one you really may not know the difference, however the carry handle is the easy way, and of course the name Reefer is on the front.

Some people will look quickly at a picture and may think they are the same, possibly as you have inadvertently done, but I assure you they are totally different and the major difference is in the computerised electronics management and temperature control system and not in the general appearance.

But as I have said above this is just a private message between you an me :-) and for your information only to keep you up to date :-)

(no electrons were harmed sending this message)
FollowupID: 395938

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:35

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 18:35
yep your right WA cant read digitally encrypted crap!hahaha habng some was translated...they use the same mitsi compressor
and when I said " he will be able to inform you how exceptionally well constructed they really are, because he has worked on (only) one of them and has actually praised it's construction" dont believe for one minute I was talking about a portable fridge...so dont take it out of context Mainey!!!!
FollowupID: 396020

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:18

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:18
Nn, you say -> yep your right WA cant read digitally encrypted crap!hahaha *habng* some was translated...they use the same mitsi compressor<-

Nn, the same compressor is used in the large walk in Reefer freezers on commercial fishing boats and also the small portable fridge in the Reefer range, (but was not in Liemack fridge, as they did not have a brine tank)

Nn, get your facts correct...
FollowupID: 396024

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:19

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:19
"The Liemack used to use a 300wt inverter!
Well that's gone too, yes true, it’s gone, not there, there's no old fashioned inverter system, the new Reefer uses a soft start motor starter that uses less power than a light globe" So tell me how do they get a 240vac compressor to run on 12vdc...no inverter remember ... can it only be plugged into to 240v supply and the inverter is optional or user supplied?...

"however yes they do both use Mitsubishi rotary compressors, now I’m not suggesting they’re the same compressors either" almost identical ....except for a change of series which means a new model was allocated....same as 4.5 90 series versus 4.5 100 series = new engine...get the picture

and as they "the Reefer and the Liemack fridge use absolutely totally dissimilar, diverse and different electronics systems" does this mean the the earlier liemacks were energy hungry....still beleive the current 240vac fridges are also...but no CERTIFIED test data to prove or disprove otherwise is there? In the absence of this and my knowledge I wil stand by it for the moment.......after all you have said danfoss bd35 are 240v input compressors..its bull and you do know it now if you didnt before....

and who wrote this diatribe in thiis post....hope it wasnt you?"....The Danfoss BD3 compressor used by others (now BD 50 used in some bigger cabinets) is an excellent small compressor which like ALL recipricating and rotary compressors (except the defunct Italia Colda) uses ALTERNATING CURRENT NOT DIRECT CURRENT" the post...if you or refrigeration research are really trying to get us to believe that danfoss compressors use 240ac volts input...then try agian...you you WA
FollowupID: 396026

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:25

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 19:25
liemack and reefer used the same 240AC compressor albeit a different series compressor...come on give us the models?

they may be different as we speak today but last time we had this debate hahaha last year, they used the same!..even the system i am working on matches the models I knew that were being put into liemack some 7 or 8 or more maybe yrs ago..any way around that time.....
FollowupID: 396027

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 11:56

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 11:56
Quote..."Nn, the same compressor is used in the large walk in Reefer freezers on commercial fishing boats and also the small portable fridge" end quote.
FollowupID: 396453

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Saturday, Dec 17, 2005 at 09:32

Saturday, Dec 17, 2005 at 09:32
Nn, now I'm very impressed...

Yes, the compressor used in the commercial fishing boat walk-in freezers is a Mitsubishi rotary compressor, as also used in all the Reefer Premier 12v portable fridges, that's why the Reefer Premiers take only minutes to cool down the internal fridge cabinet temperature, as apposed to hours in all the "more conventional" 12v piston type compressor fridge's.

Yes, I'm sure you would remember when it was actually proven in the fridge test done a few years ago.
unless you are going to tell me that test was wrong :-)

Nn, your new byline states;
"I married Miss Right, I just didn't know her first name was Always"

It must be very confusing and probably also embarrising for your friends when you first introduce your wife to them!!

Do you say....
Mr and Mrs "Allways Right"

as you tell me I'm 'allwaze rong'
therefore you must be "Always Right" Lol

merry xmas
(to be politically correct is now offencive to some, if they don't like our way of life they should go somewhere else where they do like the lifestyle, the festivals and holidays, but they do enjoy our social security system)

Enjoy your hollidays and don't sit in your elect chair - well not for too long!
FollowupID: 397685

Reply By: Mainey (WA) - Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 20:12

Monday, Dec 05, 2005 at 20:12
RudeNut, the Reefer office is now closed, yes I have phoned as you asked me!!

can you give me with a simple Yes or No answer....

Why do you believe the EverKool fridge has a huge temperature varation of 11 degrees in the fridge compartment when you and I both know it has far superior insullation to the Waeco, it also has a far larger amps draw.

The Waeco only has a small 4 degree temperature variation in the fridge compartment and also thinner insullation and very low amps draw ??

(A) was the test "flawed"
(B) is the EvaKool fridge overrated, Grrrr.

RudeNuta, it's only a simple question that's easy to answer!
AnswerID: 142510

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Tuesday, Dec 06, 2005 at 08:01

Tuesday, Dec 06, 2005 at 08:01
Its a tad difficult to answer Y/N to both A & B But I can honestly say I have no idea!!!.....
I wasnt there. I havnt seen the data and the specs of said test!
and I have never seen a Evakool so again I have no idea if its overrated or not!

How can I answer yes or no to why do I believe ....etc etc etc..but I will try.....Yes, i understand it the evakool did have a 11 td in the frige compartment...well its what you posted, and again I havent seen the so called test report.....and NO i have no idea which fridge if any has far superior insulation to any you mention as agian i have not seen an evakool . So there you have it ! a yes and a no! Hope you understand as i didnt understand how I could answer a yes or no to that question!

Simple to answer eh? is it illegal to release refrigerant to atmosphere as described in the Reeefer Manual...yes or no?
FollowupID: 396078

Follow Up By: Alloy c/t - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 21:03

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 21:03
As in the days long gone ,,,,,,TIME GENTLEMEN PLEASE pubs shut now get the F out of it ,call it a day and give it a rest ,the pair of you are acting like spoilt 5year olds "liar liar pants on fire" ,,,,, give us all a rest ,WHO THE F CARES AS LONG AS THE BEER IS COLD.
FollowupID: 396526

Follow Up By: Nudenut - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 21:25

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 21:25
yes...you are right alloy c/t.
FollowupID: 396533

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:26

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:26
I gave up readin this whole thread, but hey, I'll put a theory across. Amps draw vs inulation wouldn't be the be all and end all IMHO.

Think about it. If a compressor draws more amps, then in theory it is more powerful, ergo it can cool the fridge down quicker and need to run for less time.

The most ineffeciant part of a fridge, air con or any of these is the startup of the compressor (which is why they invented Invertor technolgy for air conditioners, right??).
So in theory, the less times the compressor needs to stop and start the more effeciant the unit is going to be.

So my theory would be that because the evacool has much better insulation than a waeco or engal (I mean, it really does guys). then by putting in a more powerful compressor that stops and starts much less (giving a wider variation in cabin temps) would make it extremely effeciant and probally more capable in really hot climates.


Anyway, that's just my 2c.
FollowupID: 397290

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:30

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:30
How do you know the evacool insulation is much better, have you seen some thermal tests somewhere ?
FollowupID: 397291

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:35

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:35
No but I've been away with an Evacool Iceboox with ice in it and I don't need "thermal tests" to know that Ice would last a lot longer in a Thick Fiberglass ICEBOX than a fridge.

But hey, I'm not entering into any arguments, just adding my 2c from my experience and some common sense.
FollowupID: 397292

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:13

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:13
Icebox! I thought we were talking fridges what's the icebox got to do with it.
FollowupID: 397294

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:16

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:16
The eva cool fridge is just an icebox with a compressor thrown into it.
FollowupID: 397295

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:27

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:27
it uses the same quality of insulation ?
FollowupID: 397301

Follow Up By: Member - Jeff M (WA) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:32

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:32
Hell I may be wrong (have been many times before) but I was under the impression that they were one and the same...
FollowupID: 397304

Follow Up By: Mad Dog (Australia) - Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:38

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2005 at 13:38
Maybe maybe not Jeff but I've worked in the manufacturing industry for many years and know that things aren't always what they appear to be.
FollowupID: 397308

Reply By: Richard Kovac - Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 21:53

Thursday, Dec 08, 2005 at 21:53
Hay Mainey

You must be a short bloke, you don't give in you just twist things around to suit your self.

Just tell everyone who you are and who you represent and then lets get on with it,
the last person to try and turn what is writen around into what to what he says, is JOHN HOWARD another WANKER

you started the crap now you can stop it (piss OFF)

Richard (WA)
AnswerID: 143033

Follow Up By: Mainey (WA) - Friday, Dec 09, 2005 at 12:51

Friday, Dec 09, 2005 at 12:51
Hay Richard (WA)

Do you have the (WA) in your name for any other reason than it's where you live ?
or, are some correct in their comments about it ?

As I'm sure the (WA) is there because you also are a proud West Australian !!
Nothing less !!

If I had put (Broome) some may be either confused or envious :-)

Mainey (WA)
FollowupID: 396594

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