.plt file for <span class="highlight">Skytrek</span> wanted

Submitted: Thursday, Dec 11, 2003 at 14:45
ThreadID: 9103 Views:1950 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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For those of you with a keen eye, you will already noticed that I've just added another Trek Note to the site - in the Flinders Ranges region, Skytrek.

The Reynolds have provided me with a mud map, but I would prefer to create the map using real gps data - ie. we require an actual .plt file recorded on GPS and saved to OziExplorer.

We are currently migrating all our static mud maps over to our new dynamic mapping system and hope someone can provide this missing link for this Trek Note.

At the very worst I can re-create a .pnt file in OziExplorer, but this is manual and which as you can appreciate is never as good as getting the actual .plt driven by a vehicle.

Surely, someone has it out there? If you do, please email me direct.ExplorOz
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Reply By: Phil G - Thursday, Dec 11, 2003 at 20:49

Thursday, Dec 11, 2003 at 20:49

Have emailed a .plt file for skytek to info@exploroz.com

Did the trip last month and it includes the diversion up to skull rock.

AnswerID: 39987

Follow Up By: Member - Ross - Thursday, Dec 11, 2003 at 22:27

Thursday, Dec 11, 2003 at 22:27

Would you mind emailing me the file also. I don't have any mapping software etc but .plt is standard a autocad file type and I would be interested in seeing if I can open it.


Thanks in advance

CheersFidei defensor

FollowupID: 257622

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