Hurdle Gully Lookout - QLD

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  Tourist Attraction


DEG: -24.88496 150.980545
DMS: 24º 53' 5.86" S 150º 58' 49.96" E
UTM: 56 J 7246277mN 296001mE
Altitude: 538.2m


Address & Contact

Coominglah State Forest
Queensland 4630
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A


This 4WD accessible lookout is located along Kinton Road in the Coominglah State Forest. Head towards Hurdle Gully lookout from the Rest area at the junction of Burnett Hwy and Kington Road. The road winds through sclerophyll forest, predominantly eucalypt and spotted gum Corymbia citriodora, with tall shrub and grass understorey. This forest was logged in the past, but some areas were retained as original forest.

If conditions are dry, continue driving south-west along Davies Road onto Scrubby Road and left into Hurdle Gully Road. Sections along this part of the road are steep and in wet weather can be hazardous. The road winds through Hurdle Gully Scrub—one of the last remaining patches of dry rainforest of its type in Queensland and perhaps the world—and continues to the State forest boundary and on to Airport Drive. Turn left at the T-intersection to continue along Airport Road—a sealed country road—to Monto.

To get back to the Mulgildie–Monto Road, turn right at the T-intersection of Hurdle Gully Road and Airport Road, then turn left into the unsealed Evans Road.
Take a break at the Hurdle Gully lookout—10.6km from the rest area—and enjoy the view into the valley of Three Moon Creek, across to the Mulgildie Plateau and further to the catchment of the Burnett River. The lookout has a small interpretive display, picnic tables and parking area. There is no water or toilet at this site or anywhere else along the drive.

Return to Monto back along the same route. In dry conditions, drivers of four-wheel-drive vehicles can continue the loop via Hurdle Gully Scrub.
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Closest Weather Station

Monto Township at 08/09:00am EST
Distance from Hurdle Gully Lookout 14.71km E
TemperatureFeels LikeRel. HumidityDew PointPressureRainfallWind DirectionWind SpeedGusts

Closest Climatic Station

Monto Township
Distance from Hurdle Gully Lookout 14.71km E
Mean Max. °C31.931.229.927.724.221.120.823.
Mean Min. °C19.319.017.213.710.
Mean Rain mm113.8113.877.844.544.738.

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