
Family: Proteaceae
Genus: Telopea
Species: speciosissima
Main Flower Colour: Red


The official floral emblem for the State of NSW.

Shrubs with 1 or a few erect, slender, stems to 3m high, arising from a woody underground lignotuber. Stems often do not branch. Adult leaves 8–28 cm long, 20–65 mm wide usually with a toothed margin. Flower heads form at the end of the stems, Each head is made up of 90–250 individual flowers and the whole head is surrounded by bright red bracts 5–9 cm long. Flowers at the base of the flower head open first. Nectar in the flowers attracts pygmy possums, birds and insects. Waratahs usually grow as an understory shrub in open forest on sandy soils in areas with moderately high rainfall.

Flowering start in August and ends in November.


The main flower colour is red. Brilliant red flowerheads on slender unbranched stems.


http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Telopea~speciosissimaCreated: 27 May 2014 - Member - John and Val
Updated: 30 May 2014 - Member - John and Val

Views (per week)20


Bio Regions

Sydney Basin (SYB)

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