Silver Snow Daisy

Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Celmisia
Species: longifolia
Main Flower Colour: White


An attractive perennial herb that can put on a lovely summer display in alpine meadows and among high altitude woodland. Leaves are elongated and form a dense basal rosette. Each leaf has longitudinal white markings and the underside is covered with a mat of white hairs. Flower stalks are taller then the leaves, growing to 30cm tall. Flower heads are large, about 6cm across with bright white ray florets and yellow disc florets.

Flowering start in December and ends in January.


The main flower colour is white.

References 14 Dec 2014 - Member - John and Val

Views (per week)29


Bio Regions

South Eastern Highlands (SEH)

Region Specifics

Brindabella Ranges, NSW/ACT

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