Grey Germander

Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Teucrium
Species: racemosum
Main Flower Colour: White


Perennial herb 15–40 cm high, hoary, suckering and forming stands to several meters diam.; branches densely hairy; hairs simple, retrorse, ± appressed, usually wearing off along the ridges.

Leaves simple; lamina narrow-ovate, usually 1–2 cm long, 2–6 mm wide; apex subacute; base cuneate; margins entire or sparingly and irregularly lobed, usually unevenly recurved and/or undulate; ± densely hairy, particularly on lower surface; ± sessile.

Flowers solitary per leaf axil, rarely 3; pedicel 4–7 mm long, often horizontal with apex and flower erect. Sepals 2–5 mm long, fused for one- to two-thirds their length, densely hairy with hairs simple and retrorse. Corolla 8–14 mm long.

Flowering start in September and ends in March.


The main flower colour is white. Grows in open woodlands, in sandy to clayey soils, often associated with ephemeral lakes or disturbed areas.

References 28 Jan 2015 - Stephen L (Clare) SA

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Bio Regions

Riverina (RIV)

Region Specifics

Hogwash Bend

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