Forum: How do we Moderate?

Tuesday, Oct 14, 2008 at 17:39


The ExplorOz Forum is internally and externally moderated, which means we are able to moderate posts anytime and continuously. ExplorOz has a forum rules and moderation policy, which outlines the rules and regulations that must be adhered to if you wish to use our forum. This has been created to resolve any confusion or 'grey areas' that many forums often experience without any rules set.

If you do happen to overstep the mark, you may receive a short generic email advising your post was inappropriate and subsequently deleted. This email will also contain the reason or rule breach for 'why' the post was deleted. If it happens a first time - learn from your mistake and move on. If it happens to you frequently, you will need to re-think what it is you are doing, else you are likely to be sent a personalised warning or worse case scenario - be 'banned' from the site.

Please note that posts will be removed at our discretion, such as for example; when the post is not relevant to the theme of the ExplorOz website, or where content is deemed inappropriate. For more information please refer to our Terms of Use, Forum Rules, and the Moderation Policy.
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