Geraldine old lead mine townsite near Murchison River

Submitted: Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 00:03
ThreadID: 100458 Views:4025 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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Maps show there are ruins of the above mine and in the vicinity of the Galena Bridge. On the west side of the highway and south side of Murchison River.
Different driving directions show two different turn-offs off the highway. First one into Coolcalalaya Rd and another into Geraldine Rd. Both roads seem to end before reaching the way points I have.
Has anyone been into this area and have any information they could pass on?
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Reply By: equinox - Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 01:19

Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 01:19
Hi Terry,

Sorry can't hep you with your answer, however that lead deposit was noticed a long time ago.

Here is an extract of AC Gregory's exploration map which describes it as a "Vein of Lead" from 1848.


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AnswerID: 504352

Follow Up By: Grumblebum and the Dragon - Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 08:00

Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 08:00
We have stayed overnight once at the Warribano Chimmney (lead Mine) which looks on the Natmaps Series 1.100,0000 to be a little south of the Geraldine Mine.

FollowupID: 781145

Reply By: Ian & Sue - Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 09:19

Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 09:19
The Chimney is actually a fair distance from the old lead mine and townsite, I do have a GPS location somewhere which I can look up for you.

If you turn left (as you are heading north) onto a track just opposite the sign which points to the overnight stop at Galena Bridge and work your way down it for around 1 to 1.5 Klms you will find all the old ruins. The track can be rather scratchy at times dependant on whether there has been bushfires through or not. There isn't too much left but it isn't hard to see where buildings would have been. If you hunt around you will find heaps of pieces of old china dinnerware and the likes along with many other relics. Just remember that they should all be left where found for someone else to enjoy.


Geraldton WA
AnswerID: 504361

Follow Up By: terryj2 - Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 21:01

Saturday, Feb 09, 2013 at 21:01
Thanks everyone for your information.

Just one more question. Ian & Sue do know if there is a safe/easy river crossing near the townsite to cross the river
Thanks Terry
FollowupID: 781234

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