Tuff Roader Caravan

Submitted: Tuesday, Feb 19, 2013 at 18:50
ThreadID: 100646 Views:2820 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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Looking at a Tuff Roader Caravan. Has anyone any experience with same?
How do they compare build-wise to a Kedron or Phoenix?
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Reply By: Steve M1 (NSW) - Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 13:37

Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 13:37
Haven't had one myself but they have a very good reputation. Not sure if Royal Flair are still making them but you should find a few used on caravan sales. They had Control Rider suspension, which is as good as it gets and they are a well made van. Don't know which model you're looking at but there are a few single axle vans very similar. Other models being: Regent Extreme and Billabong (Bush Basha) as well as other bigger vans in their range. I think they all have Control Rider suspension and are well built vans. Difficult comparison really but they are serious off roaders, perhaps not quite as heavy or pricey as the Kedrons etc. Trakmaster and Evernew are other options. Again, serious offroaders but possibly a bit lighter and cheaper than Kedrons etc. I have a Regent Extreme and without wanting to tempt controversy, I would take it anywhere the so called heavy weights would go.

have a look on here: http://caravanersforum.com/search.php?keywords=Tuff+Roader&sid=4daeb1466c383a35a918045d8e76ff68

there are some knowledgeable people on there and you can do a search of Tuff Roders (Roaders?) through the archives
AnswerID: 505174

Follow Up By: judes34 - Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 14:35

Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 14:35
Thanks very much for your time and knowledge. Much appreciated.
FollowupID: 782104

Follow Up By: Steve M1 (NSW) - Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 16:21

Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 16:21
http://www.caravancampingsales.com.au/buy/results.aspx?pkw=caravan%20caravans&D=royal%20flair&pmt=b&Ntt=royal%20flair&pcrid=13804058893&se_id=sem&Ntk=StockAll&Dx=&Nne=15&plc=&mkwid=sTdJepsjl&Ntx=&gclid=CLTp3a6QxLUCFUsxpgodmUUAiw&N=1552 1549 1600 1602 1601 4294964653 4294964585

a fair few here to pick your way through - not all Tuff Roders and it sometimes doesn't even say when it is. The third one down for instance looks like one but doesn't say. It has Control Rider, which I think is an upgrade from Simplicity Suspension (which is pretty good anyway)

Don't know what size you want but plenty there.
FollowupID: 782123

Reply By: Mikee5 - Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 17:31

Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013 at 17:31
We bought one new in 2006, single axle 17 feet. It has served us well, travelling Adventure way, Strzelecki track, Flinders Ranges, Morgan Mail run without problems. The independent suspension is very good. Dustproofing needed work but is now sorted. The chassis seems bullet proof. Ours has 100 series hubs to match the tow vehicle. Two roof top solar panels keep up with the vitrifrigo fridge. Two deep cycle batteries were originally installed in the front boot, we had them moved to under the lounge (over the wheels) for better balance.
AnswerID: 505193

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