Saturday, Mar 30, 2013 at 00:46
We have to face facts that most caravans are fundamentally unstable.
The transport industry call a rigid trailer with a single axle group a "PIG" for very good reason. In heavy transport the PIG trailer is the cheap choice...look around how many highway trucks do you see towing pig trailers.
If everything is not right there will be problems.
195/14 light trucks are a fine and beaut load carrying tyre and should be capable of carrying over 800Kg per tyre at 60 psi....that is more than the wheel bearings in many trailers with 14 inch wheels are rated for.
There are thousands of overloaded work utes dragging there asses arround on them every day..its the standard tyre on 2wd hiluxes and most other 2wd utes.
As for traction issues with the trailer tyres.....Oh please if you have side shift problems and ya running out of traction on ya trailer tyres you are in seruious trouble.
Besides, the better light truck tyres handle & grip every bit as
well and a decent passenger car tyre these days....if you doubt that get ya self on to some Michilin agilis, or the Maxis light trucks.
As for
the springs on the caravan.....yeh ya may have a small problem there.
But the #1 cause of sway on trailers towed behind passenger cars is the rear of the tow vehicle moving arround.
If the
suspension on the tow vehicle is soft and the standard
suspension is on any station waggon 4wd ( soft
suspension makes em work off road) and there is no device to counteract this.....there is ya cause of trailer sway.
It will be even worse if the tow vehicle is nose up and ass down with ball weight.
If the tow vehicle is moving around on the road, the fundamentally unstable caravan, with the high centre of gravity will amplify that.
A weight distributing hitch will some shift the weight forward in the two vehicle, which will tend to track straighter and and flatter......there will be less movement for the pendulum that you are dragging around to amplify.
You can talk about all sorts of things that might hep a little bit.....but while the tow vehicle is moving around on the road, any pig trailer will sway, especially a long, heavy one with a high centre of gravity.