Wednesday, Apr 03, 2013 at 10:29
The problem is cheap, affordable, not-so-fancy Council-run caravan parks have been sold off by cash-strapped councils to private enterprise. The parks are then re-developed into five star "family tourist/holiday parks" with swimming pools, en-suite toilets, jumping domes, indoor
recreation facilities, expensive landscaping, shops, you name it, all of which costs money. So the fees go up from $15 to $45.
Most of us retirees don't want or use all that crap and we don't want to be forced to pay for it. Yes, there will be some who don't mind but the rest of us in our reasonably self-sufficient rigs just want a place to stay for a couple of days to do some washing (main street Laundromat is fine, no need for a tiled Taj-mahal), resupply, re-fuel and a bit of a look around.
Depending what facilities are offered, it doesn't have to be free, but it does have to be a lot less than the whingeing developer's alternative.
The developers make the choice to "develop" the parks they acquire - let them FIND the business to support their investment, not COMPEL the traveller to use it.
Maybe, just maybe, they've over-developed and their indiscretion should not be foisted on people who want nothing of it.