Tumut to Canberra back route

Submitted: Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 11:48
ThreadID: 10153 Views:16512 Replies:9 FollowUps:0
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We're looking at a quick trip in a Subaru Outback from Adelaide to Canberra in February. Having taken the Hume Highway and Snowy Mountains Highway routes before, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a scenic back route between Tumut and Canberra, and the best map for such an undetaking?

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Reply By: hoyks - Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 12:13

Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 12:13
If you don't mind a bit of gravel and dodging the occasional timber truck, the road from Tumit thorugh Wee Jasper is a nice seinic run. It has been a few years since I last did it so I can't comment on the road condition.
The road is marked on most Kosciuszko maps.
AnswerID: 44952

Reply By: donk - Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 12:22

Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 12:22
I dont know about Canberra to Tumut direct but we went to Wee Jasper & from there across to Tumut & it was a really nice drive

It is just on normal formed dirt roads & no maps were needed as it was sign posted all the way

I believe there is also a road from the Cotter Dam area (west of canberra city) that also goes across the Brindabella Ranges to Tumut but i have not been on it so i can not comment

I am not a Canberra Local But hopefully there will be some on this forum who can give you better advice

Regards Don

AnswerID: 44953

Reply By: Member - Steve (ACT) - Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 14:46

Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 14:46
The road through the Brindebella's is the Brindebella Rd. Mostly the road is well formed dirt road and from memory is well sign posted. the last section is a windy dirt road, a few blind corners, so take care re oncoming vehicles.

Could prbably rustle up a map if you wanted one, lets us know if you'd like us to email it to you!!!!All my friends have Nissans
I'm the rose amongst the thorns
AnswerID: 44962

Reply By: Member -Bob & Lex (Sydney) - Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 15:34

Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 15:34
G'day HSpirt, We did the trip through the Brindabellas last year ,a good trip should look better now as was just starting to regrow when we went. The maps are Nat Map for Wagga Wagga & Canberra, these are topo maps & can be got at any map shop.Regards Bob
Where to next
AnswerID: 44972

Reply By: Member - Bob L - Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 18:19

Saturday, Jan 31, 2004 at 18:19
Have travelled this route a couple of times and only a couple of weeks ago travelled from the Broken Cart turn off back to Tumut. The section we travelled on is very deep loose blue metal and should be treated with care, also beware of large logging trucks and idiots travelling too fast. Ive seen more than one vehicle roll over on this road.

If you are looking for a short cut don't go as it will take longer than the highway but for a good drive and change of scenery go for it.
Should be on most maps and reasonably signposted. Stop at Tumut Tourist Information at the old Butter Factory for local maps,handouts etc.

At the risk of repeating myself, drive to the conditions and watch out for the idiots that don't.

PS My son travelled the whole track the other day in his work van with no problems just a few corrigations and loose gravel.

Cheers Bob L

AnswerID: 44986

Reply By: Member - Cocka - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 00:43

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 00:43
Another senic drive sth of Canberra is back past the (now) burnt out Mt Stromlo observatory to Adminaby to Jyndabyne then sth again on the Barry Way through the Vic high country, this follows the old Snowy River and there is great camping at Pinch River.
It's a bit of a loop to Adel but still a great senic drive.Carpe Diem
AnswerID: 45017

Reply By: Member - Bob - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 09:36

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 09:36
The track up through Piccadilly Circus, then down to the Goodradigby River is the scenic route you want. I did it in 1987 in a Lancia HPE, so the Suby should make it at a pinch :-) Back then it wasn't well sign posted and I recall being somewhat lost in the pine forests to the west of the Goodradigby.Bob
AnswerID: 45024

Reply By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 16:47

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 16:47
As others have said - from Tumut take the Brindabella Rd via Brindabella & Cotter to Canberra - the roads are well signposted. You don't need a 'special' map as most state maps should have the road on - my old NRMA map does.
The only part that needs caution is the section going up the West face of the Brindabella Ra. from Brindabella to the top of the Range - this is a little corrugated (you probably wont notice these in the Subaru !), has blind corners and is narrow.
As you catch site of Canberra you will see the devastation done by the fires from last year - the pine plantations were completely wiped out - and as you enter the first suburbs you can see the many still vacant blocks where houses were lost (about 500).
If you are going back to Adelaide an alternative route to Tumut is via Yass/Wee Jasper.Subaru Forester
"size isn't everything"
AnswerID: 45054

Reply By: HSpirit - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 00:00

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 00:00
Thanx to everybody for the suggestions. I saw the potential routes via Brindabella or Wee Jasper on my NRMA map, but wasn't aware what sort of roads they were or how well they were signposted!

As usual, the mixture of experience and willingness to share it makes this forum a pleasure in which to participate :)
AnswerID: 45125

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