Monday, Apr 15, 2013 at 07:57
Software operates the shift points and torque converter lock and slip points....... if the trans had excessive slip due to the wrong program parameters there would be big amounts of heat getting generated more than normal.
Trans can run up to 150+Deg C safely when under load, if there was too much slip the temp would of went way over a safe temp decreased the trans oil capabilities (burning oil and leaving carbon type deposits).
Jarse... years ago the engine ecu was all that was used for emission, noise and vibration control, these days the trans also play a big part in it and seeing they have got smarter the engineers get them to do more.
You would be surprised what has inputs and are controlled.
On the
Ranger auto's when applying variable amounts of brake force the trans changers gears and locks up the converter to help slow the
Ranger down..... it's quite a funny feeling but works very efficiently.
Another thing that they might do is lock the converter and change shift patterns if the engine gets too hot....... by locking or changing slip they can remove heat from the radiator both ways by transferring heat safely back into the trans and lowering the amount of heat the trans puts into the cooling system.
These days in automotive training we learn more about design strategies that help in diagnostics then we learn about removing and replacing a component.