youv just gotta look at this

Submitted: Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 11:52
ThreadID: 10175 Views:2047 Replies:5 FollowUps:6
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Reply By: Member Colin - NSW Bungendore - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 14:50

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 14:50
Well the first couple of lines would certainly get up your nose !

"Insecure? Vain? Self-centred? Self-absorbed? Lack confidence in your driving skills? Nervous about your marriage? If so, you are the stereotypical 4WD driver."

But after reading the whole article, I beleive that most of it is fairly accurate.

The same 'thread' is followed in an article from the Canberra Times (I'm not sure if it is available on line ?) Sat 31st Jan 2004 (by Catherine Naylor) quoting the Club President (Richard Brand) of the Southern Tablelands 4WD Club. Basically he says that big 4WD's need to be driven differently than standard cars and that 4WD drivers should be given specialised training to teach them thos skills required.

I have to agree. (and I have owned and driven big 4WD's !)Subaru Forester
"size isn't everything"
AnswerID: 45041

Follow Up By: Member - Alan- Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 16:42

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 16:42
I disagree entirely with all those advocating another license just to drive a 4 x 4.
It'll just be another revenue raising exercise by the bureaucrats and pollies with no discernable difference in accident or death rates!
What is required is a certain amount of commonsense, a commodity sadly lacking on our roads.
Commonsense should tell a driver that if the vehicle he's driving, whether it be a truck, tradesmans van or 4 x 4, is high and possibly top heavy, the centre of gravity is different to a normal vehicle and should be driven accordingly.
Slow round corners and roundabouts to start with.
What should not be done is to drive as the drivers in TV adverts do, but then if you based your purchase on those adverts, there's probably no telling you that your vehicle can't do what they say it will!
A dose of good manners on the roads by all drivers might help as well, instead of the "my vehicle,truck or whatever is better than yours" pig ignorant way a good percentage of 4bys are driven.
FollowupID: 307204

Follow Up By: Willem - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 20:25

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 20:25
Alan...I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Commonsense seems to be missing from the modern Australian psyche!


Googs Lake camp
FollowupID: 307221

Follow Up By: David N. - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 10:35

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 10:35
Quite simply, IMHO you are 100% correct.
Another licence would work wonders for lining the pockets of the bureaucrats but would not change the behaviour of the irresponsible few.
For example, I'd be surprised indeed if anybody who has driven a 4WD just once around the block, doesn't know that it accelerates slower, brakes slower and handles worse with a higher centre of gravity. Yet a small minority of idiots will drive them like sports cars. Make those people do an extra licence and nothing would change- it's human nature.
We need less red tape, not more.
We do need more common sense on the road, but common sense is not taught- you are born with it.
And when was the last time you saw a cop pull someone over for tailgating or some of the other dangerous practices of so many drivers. If they can't point a speed gun at you and nab you for 10 kays over 100 on a good piece of road they are not interested... Ever notice how the speed traps are virtually never near "black spots" but rather where they'll generate the most revenue.
FollowupID: 307255

Reply By: Eric.- Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 20:30

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 20:30
Drible drible drible , Looks like Bracks needs more money , Get your wallets out guys and gals .

There have been more accidents with 4wdrives , More 4x4's were sold this year , HELLO McFLY.

Chances are they would have killed them selves in any car , If your a morron , you will drive your 4by to its limits , chances are, if we put you in a passanger car you will drive the same . Speeders are speeders , give them a push bike they will kill them selves .

Yeh Yeh BIG car smalbleep, I have heared it all before ..... We are becoming a sociaty of Soft C***S .. Hunting is the sport of barbarics , fishing even for catch and release hurts fish, well no sh*t !!!!! but lets eat in a resturant that had the cow shot with a bolt through its head ,Venus Bay
AnswerID: 45082

Follow Up By: Member - StevenL - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 23:03

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 23:03
Good onya Eric,

Where do people think all those juicy steaks of beef and barra come from! We are a carnivorous species! Just cause you gaot it at Woolies does not make you less of a predator!

On 4bys, if some people want to go camping then they will drive large load carrying vehicles to cart around all the camping stuff that makes bush camping so comfy these days. If it happens to be engineered to be a bit tougher with all wheel drive so you can get camping to more remote regions and back again, safely, then that is good too. Other people will drive shopping trolley passenger cars because that is all they need. While ever there are freight carrying trucks and people carrying buses on the road there will always be disparities in vehicle sizes.

Morons will still speed and small vehicles will probably still hit and get hit by larger ones. The critics will pick on the 4by owners as they are a growth industry. They want us all to drive equally sized mid size passenger cars. Reality says it will never happen! I can't afford to have a fleet of cars so I can have one to go shopping in, one, a bigger one to go highway cruising in, and a bigger one to go bush in.

As long as we ALL drive sensibly we will all be fine regardless of whether we are in a 700kg shopping trolley, a 1500kg sedan, a 2000kg wagon or a 30000kg+ truck. Just look out for the idiot drivers, not the idiot vehicles.
Playdoe GXL TD Manual
It's on order, Delivery in April '04.
This pic will have to do till then. Can't wait!!!
FollowupID: 307232

Reply By: Member - Allan - Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 23:54

Sunday, Feb 01, 2004 at 23:54
Well I'm glad all the rest of you are experts and don't need any training. 21 years ago I rolled a 4wd (over 8 times offroad) and survived to tell the tale. I wish I had some basic training before I was set loose with a 4wd for work in mountainous country. I'm not advocating leglistation or compulsory training but I think it should be provided for the inexperienced 1st time buyers or employees with limited experience.
But yes - the news article started with some emotional claptrap which should be ignored. My 10 cents worth.Cheers
AnswerID: 45123

Follow Up By: Eric.- Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 08:09

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 08:09
Nobody talks of now tranning fir the bush here , We al get traning one way or another . When first got a 4by , the first thing I did was ask a experienced freind to take me out , as now I get asked by nebies . You actually think the goverment will put a proper tranning in place , Maby like the boat licence , sit a test and your a expert. I have been boating for years and sat the licence and past straight away , but I fear the sea because of my experience , as I fear the bush , all these new boat owners get a licence and thing there king ding aling Venus Bay
FollowupID: 307242

Follow Up By: Member - JohnR - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 08:20

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 08:20
Allan, I guess if we were to start down the track of driver training there will be some that can prove they can handle the situation. The article suggests that there is a skid situation/correction missunderstanding, which i would suggest is more common than just in the 4by community.

One often watches drivers that don't understand gravel verges in my part of the state and how they should react when driving on them. It should be a requirement to drive on them and on gravel, sand, and clay roads for all motorists, not just 4by drivers.

Legislation that may deal with driver training should give points to experience and assessment procedures well thought through if we are to go this way.

I am sure we have seen the agressive drivers, often female, in small sedans who actually need to be curbed too or at least educated.Regards

JohnR - Not enough of the right travelling, some here..... some over there.......
FollowupID: 307243

Reply By: Member - Wim (Bris) - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 09:06

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 09:06
To all.
Just where did this mentality come from that says you can legislate to stop fools doing foolish things and stop just plain accidents? Oh sorry, not accident, "incident".
No special training for me if I go and buy some "super car"!
Guess what, we are all human, thats why we sometime make mistakes and sometimes the cost can be high.

Stay safe.

This 4WD stuff is addictive,
time consuming & expensive.
AnswerID: 45141

Reply By: Jon - '88 TD42 GQ - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 12:54

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 12:54
I have to say I don't understand why people refuse to believe that driver training works. Every time a newbie on this site asks a driving question that is obvious to everyone else the advise is "Join a club, get some training". There's a reason for that, trainging works. Personally I think every man woman and child who gets let loose on our roads in anything should be put through madatory driver training.

There is one indisupible fact - the one time compulsory trianing was was implemented in this country it slashed deaths. I refer to the rider training every motorcylcist must got through to get their Ls and then again to get their Ps. I am sure it's the major reason I'm still in one piece.

It is also fact that 4WD represtns a greater danger on the road than a standard pasenger vehicle. This is an err duh.

But hey, "it's your right to drive a 4WD"...
AnswerID: 45160

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