Friday, Apr 19, 2013 at 00:04
Hi Rick,
It is interesting to note that for the amount of people that do travel the track, you have had few replies. Maybe people are shy to reply because they are aware of the damage that may be inflicted on your Jayco. I am of the belief that people will do what they want, regardless of the comments made to the contrary on forums like this and to the amount of damage received.
FWIW, we are close to notching up fourteen trips along the track. EVERY trip is an adventure in itself, different times of year, different conditions and different attendees contribute to the enjoyment of the trip.
Not knowing the specific specifications for your Jayco, I can not comment further or answer your question and I would suggest you seek specific assistance from the track caretakers. Contact the T.L.C.C
TLCC Holland Track for further information and probably more importantly ...... current information.
They may advise that you leave your Jayco at
home and that will limit possible damage from traversing the track.
There have been a number of posts on caravan forums expressing sad feelings at the amount of damage to caravans that have been pulled down the track and without "adequate warnings"!!
We have seen large pop top caravans towed along the track and the damage that they have received and at the end of the day.... it is YOUR call.
Would we take something along the track that is larger than our vehicle short the answer is NO.
With more traffic along the track, especially during school holidays, being able to safely pull off the track to let a larger group pass you, will be a major factor.
Read the article on ExplorOZ, buy the book which gives an enormous amount of information and information on alternatives and make the choice that you are happy with.
At the end of your trip, post on the
forum to give others current information and give
feedback to the T.L.C.C. for the very good work that they do.
Above all, ENJOY your trip.
Wayne & Sally.
Follow Up By: rickeik - Friday, Apr 19, 2013 at 00:21
Friday, Apr 19, 2013 at 00:21
We really appreciate the information and time given to reply to our request. I have bought the
Holland Track and
Cave Hill book and will read it before we leave and be as prepared as we can before we leave. Thanks again for the replies so far however feel free to submit more info if you can.
Cheers Rick