Adelaide mechanic for pajero flashing diff light
Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 08:38
This Thread has been Archived
Road Trippin Hippies
Hey guys, I'm still having problems with the centre diff light flashing on the Pajero. I took it into a bloke in
Renmark a few weeks back when driving through and had it checked out. All the hoses were connected, the censors were in place, and no faults showed on the computer
So the problem still exists. Maybe I need to have the vacuum solenoid replaced?
If anyone knows a mechanic in
Adelaide that can fix this problem I would greatly appreciate it. Would love to get back out 4wdriving again!!
Reply By: Member - Fab72 (Paradise SA) - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:18
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:18
Where abouts in
Adelaide are you?
Follow Up By: Road Trippin Hippies - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:32
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:32
Just around the city at the moment, but I can go anywhere if it means getting the problem fixed.
Follow Up By: Member - Fab72 (Paradise SA) - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 20:32
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 20:32
There's a bloke called Andy who runs a workshop on North East Road at St. Anges. It's on the corner of North East Road and Hancock Road at a service station.
He's a very cluey bloke and doesn't charge like a wounded bull.
Being a fellow Pajero "Super Select" owner, it sounds very vacuum related to me.
Best of luck....and tell him I sent you.
Reply By: Member - Phil 'n Jill (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:05
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:05
On our first trip away in our used NP Pajero, we kept getting a flashing light for the 'anti-skid' icon - crossing the nullabor on the way over. It was only periodic, but the hand book suggested - drive immediately to a Mitsubishi agent. By the time we got anywhere near one, we had overcome the problem - simply shut down the motor, start again and no
sign of it for a few days. The recognition of the problem came on the return run along the nullabor (again) when we had pulled up for lunch in one of the park bays and copped a deluge of rain. Slipping & sliding our way out, with van attached, the problem light reappeared and I worked it out that the left rear tyre was slipping more than the others - and on inspection it became obvious that tyre was worn more than the others - so swapped it for the spare at
Coolgardie - no more problems.
Only time I have seen it since was on the way down to the tyre
shop for a new set of boots. Whilst waiting for the changeover, I walked down to the Mitsi agent and asked them what the problem could be & was advised it would need a computer
check at $135 to find out. When the tyres were fitted, the problem did not reappear & 40 K further along - it still hasn't. The tyre fitter also advised me the left rear always cops the most wear on these vehicles - something to do with the style of
Probably not 'diff' related, but worth being aware of in case it comes up.
Cheers - Phil
Reply By: steved58 - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:35
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 11:35
I found on early pajeros 98 the vacumm switches almost always caused the problem 10 minutes to replace easy fix
Reply By: MrBitchi (QLD) - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 15:12
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 15:12
Have a look on the
Pajero Club forum. Theres HEAPS of info about this issue.
Reply By: Member - KEITH W (QLD) - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 17:53
Wednesday, Apr 24, 2013 at 17:53
give SA CAR CLINIC a call 83446616.....heard good stories about these guys.
Reply By: Road Trippin Hippies - Friday, May 03, 2013 at 22:49
Friday, May 03, 2013 at 22:49
Thanks for all the good advice and help. Unfortunately I didn't have Internet for a few days and couldn't keep up to date with the thread. Now I'm in
Alice Springs after a few days out in the bush. I have it going in to The dealership on Tuesday to have it looked at. Hopefully they can suss out the issue. Like a few of you have suggested, it sounds like it may be a vaccuum switch