New Licenses being discussed Number 2

Submitted: Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 09:54
ThreadID: 10201 Views:1867 Replies:6 FollowUps:1
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Guys & Gals

I thought the last post on the above topic would stir many and varied responses.

I have now added another address for you to look at.

I remember (fortunately I have just hit the peak of my life by turning 50yrs young) the heated debate about random breath testing and how it wouldn't help the road toll and how it was an infringement on idividual rights etc etc.

I remember the debate about 'P' plate licences and how it would't help, and so on and so on.

The figures attached at the monograph, make interesting reading

Perhaps a National 4X4 licence wil help the serious/responsible 4x4 driver rather than hinder. Maybe the need to have such a licence wil help remove the hoons and idiots (obviously it will not remove all of them, just as the normal licencing requirements haven't removed them from the main stream) who give the majority of us such a bad name, and at the same time help bring the 4x4 road toll down.

Also other issues will need to be addressed such as the banning of jacked up vehicles, (beyond safe levels), operating on public access, and limiting the operation of such vehicles to gymkhanas etc. Changes in the design of 4x4 vehicles to assist in roll over safety will also be needed.

Anyhow have a look at the stats and see what you think.

Cheers allPT
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Reply By: Member - Cocka - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 11:30

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 11:30
An interesting read Paul & the graphs definitely show the turn around and positive effects of safety campains. But for the implimentation of these safety measures many of us could well be one of the statistics and so might the drones who always say it's a money grabbing exercise, who knows.
I am not averse to any educational or "special" licencing for 4x4 drivers, I have nothing to fear or hide. There are many capable drivers who know the feel of driving and there are many who just point a vehicle. The "pointers" may never ever understand the feel, but at least if they are educated to know the limitations of a vehicle and educated to drive according to conditions and their own capabilities, then they may save their own, or at least someone elses, life.

This scinario applies to driving all vehicles, it's just that 4x4 driving presents additional dimensions.

Carpe Diem
AnswerID: 45151

Reply By: goingplatinumcomau - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 11:58

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 11:58
The way i see things is Volvo have gone to great lenghts to get the Toorak Market Back. Which they can have then maybe they might stop makeing car 4 wd.

Haveing seen recent a 3.5 ton truck down graded to a car lience with a 5 meter tray on it Not to sure what to think anymore.

Someone siting in Goverment office trying to justerfy there existence or a parcel of money to Polititions from Volvo flip a coin.

AnswerID: 45154

Reply By: Willem - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 19:58

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 19:58
Paul.........I was 50 is a silly stage which you have to go through.

Herewith what I posted on you other thread in reply to what Truckster had to say...

I can't see it happening despite your dire predictions. The logistics behind it would be too complicated. Everyone would have to have one and to get that you would have to participate an additional test. Most 4bies are owned by families and so all family members with a car licence would have to upgrade to a 4x4 licence. This licence would have to be in a new category as we are now allowed to drive a vehicle up 4.5 tons in weight on a car licence. That means we would then need an extra licence to drive a light truck.

As Eskimo points out there are failings within the annual vehicle inspection regimes. The NT is moving away from that for the reason that annual inspections do not work as the implementation is too complicated. South Australian RAA have taken note of the data presented by NT, NSW and NZ and has come up with other ideas including Random Vehicle Inspections. I wrote a letter to them(RAA) complaining about such a silly move and I believe my letter is going to be published in their next magazine. My gripe was that such a system would be open to abuse and that people driving older vehicles would be prime targets for such a system and the possible abuse thereof


WillemMove over Big Red..this is a dune!
320 metre sand dune, Sossusvlei,Namibia
(note myself and Suzuki in foreground)
AnswerID: 45205

Follow Up By: Diesel1 - Friday, Feb 06, 2004 at 07:41

Friday, Feb 06, 2004 at 07:41
G'day Willem,

I did a trip across to Qld a few years back and just south of Bowen the Transport boys had a gizmo set up that I believe the locals called the 'shaker'. It was a trailer set up with ramps and they selected older vehicles from the traffic to drive on to the trailer and it was designed to shake the bejeebers out of the vehicle to see if it self destructed or bog and other assorted bits fell off.

I was rather intrigued with the setup and had a good laugh when they put an old Tojo on and the only thing to dislodge from the vehicle was a Sidchrome socket that the owner had misplaced a couple of years earlier. He thanked them for finding it and went on his way.

FollowupID: 307713

Reply By: Member - Chris (SA) - Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 20:47

Monday, Feb 02, 2004 at 20:47
It seems that this issue arises when the pollies have nothing to do. While statistics should be held and reviewed at arms length as they lend themselves to skewing by olbby groups, I've no doubt that those with a bent to remove fun from the majority of us in Oz will leap at the data presented on this website.

Interestingly, nothing was said regarding a recent program on the Discovery Channel where road safety dudes in the US proclaimed 4wd vehicles safer. Swings and roundabouts I suppose, although I don't recall seeing stats comparing how long pedestrians lived after being hit by a 2 tonne truck with/without bullbar.

The license issue should be, IMHO, only viable if the vehicle has markedly different driving skills required. We do'n't have a different license for front wheel drive vs rear, nor for 1 tonne vans vs toyota echos. A 4wd is no different. Any drive to create a 'new'category should be seen as a revenue raising event which won't remove hoons, prevent drunks driving, stop single vehicle rollovers, make 4wd crew more attentive or make car drivers think that I can stop on a penny.

This concept belongs to the domain of fancy, single issue motivated lobby groups and the looney left.Chris
<- 1996 Troopy, the best!
AnswerID: 45214

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Tuesday, Feb 03, 2004 at 00:00

Tuesday, Feb 03, 2004 at 00:00
As someone else mentioned, how about a license for Mobile Road Blocks (CARAVANS)

makes more sense to me...
AnswerID: 45238

Reply By: Robert - Tuesday, Feb 03, 2004 at 08:45

Tuesday, Feb 03, 2004 at 08:45
Perhaps what some would like to see is:

A special license needed before you can tow a trailer, drive a utility, country people required to obtain another license before driving in the city etc. etc.
Perhaps a licensing system whereby the license is only for the vehicle you drive, eg a person driving a Commodore would be required to obtain another license before driving a Falcon.

Amazing how some people always think another license or permit is the answer to solving everything.

I never realised that those people who drive like maniacs or do stupid things whilst driving obviously don’t have a license!

AnswerID: 45251

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