Camp trailer springs

Submitted: Monday, May 06, 2013 at 15:35
ThreadID: 102055 Views:1913 Replies:2 FollowUps:2
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Wife and I have a cub regal off road camp trailer, the top shock mounts on both sides have both broken away, so there for it has no shocks. This happened before we purchased it, and we were told it is fine without shocks. We have taken it on a couple of trips, and seems fine, both on the tar and on dirt. It has a 45mm square solid axel, 7 leaf springs, with 2 short rebound springs on either side.. Question is, is it worth putting new shock mounts, and shocks back on it? Any feed back would be great. Cheers odog
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Reply By: Member - Rosco from way back - Monday, May 06, 2013 at 15:53

Monday, May 06, 2013 at 15:53
I would be inclined to say don't worry.

We had a Camel for many years with a similar suspension arrangement and no shocks from new. We dragged it over plenty of horrible roads/tracks without a single issue.
If you put replacements on it's quite likely they would either break off again, or worse still possibly damage the chassis rails if they were made strong enough to last.

Having said all that, I have no specific knowledge of the Cub units.
AnswerID: 510461

Follow Up By: Odog - Monday, May 06, 2013 at 20:44

Monday, May 06, 2013 at 20:44
Cheers rosco, seems ok as is, trouble is, if I refit the shocks, I need to fix brackets or put in a cross member to take the top mounts, as its all gone, not that bigger drama really, but I read somewhere, that rebound springs do the same as shocks, but maybe not so controlled?.. Thanks, good to hear others thoughts. Cheers odog
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Reply By: Ross M - Monday, May 06, 2013 at 20:20

Monday, May 06, 2013 at 20:20

The first suspension of any vehicle is the tyre size/choice and appropriate inflation.
Little thin tyres with not much section height and high pressures will cause lots of trouble. Caravan makers don't always get this as good as is possible.

You have no way of knowing if the original shocks were suited to the application or not and if the tyre size and pressures allow for a compliant ride.

If the shocks didn't close up enough and bottomed internally that would cause failure of the mounts.
The mounts may have been unsuitable for the shock action.

I presume the two rebound springs you speak of are actually coils to provide additional load ability.
I prefer to have shocks as they allow the wheel/axle mass to be controlled in it's action and dampen out unwanted and damaging oscillations of the suspension.
They stop the tyre being fired down on to the ground as it goes over a drop off or over sharp bumps.

I fitted Landcruiser front spring to my trailer and the with and with out shockers fitted is very noticeable. Without it bounces around especially when empty and with the shocks fitted rides controlled and smooth. Same reason a car or 4wd has them.

Correct length shockers fitted to suitable mounts will not break off the mounts or damage the chassis. It is more likely the fitting of shocks will reduce the vibes and harshness transmitted to the caravan body and the body work won't be unscrewing itself as you travel.

Of course this is your choice but I know what works. Without shocks, everything gets multiple unnecessary hits, where with shocks they limit the rebounding of the suspension to a minimum.

Ross M
AnswerID: 510477

Follow Up By: Odog - Monday, May 06, 2013 at 21:21

Monday, May 06, 2013 at 21:21
Thanks Ross M, what your saying does make sense, I read some where that the rebound springs are to some what counter act the leaf springs. The rebound spring is like an up side down leaf on top, to keep the tyre on the ground... Maybe not as controlled as with shocks fitted.. To refit shocks I will have to put a cross member to hang the top mounts off, as there isn't anything under there that looks strong enough to support them. I'm thinking that the previous owner maybe did the spring over axle lift, and didn't consider the travel of the shocks??? Hence ripping the whole lot out.. Shocks and top mounts.. I'll see how we go. Thanks again. Cheers odog
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