Review: Anne Beadell Highway

My Place Rating: My Rating 5/5

"Temperatures can rise to 50°C in summer and it has been known to rise to 60°C." The BOM would be interested in hearing this, given they think the all-time Oz record is 50.7 (Oodnadatta, 1960)! The real numbers are scary enough, no need to exaggerate them! But seriously, this is an excellent trek write-up, makes me want to go there right now! Thanks in particular for the contact information for permits and verifying defence closures.
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Reply By: Member - Des Lexic - Monday, May 20, 2013 at 14:07

Monday, May 20, 2013 at 14:07
Official maximum and minimum temperatures are recorded in generally specific designed equipment and are located at populated places.
The temperatures that are claimed to exist in these often hostile environmental locations are probably measured by hand held thermometers and would be reflective of the actual temperatures of the day.
The maximums of 50 degree days are taken during the summer months when the deserts would not be a good place to be travelling and should a breakdown occur, the chance of someone turning up to give help would be as remote as the country that your in.
Similarly, during winter, the days may be quite warm but the nights will be freezing. It easier to keep comfortable during the winter than it is during the summer.
My concern with your comment is that overseas visitors may read your comment and think that the Anne Beadell will still be do-able during January when in fact, it really should be avoided.
AnswerID: 511444

Reply By: The evil Doctor - Monday, May 20, 2013 at 14:43

Monday, May 20, 2013 at 14:43
Friends at Tjukayirla Roadhouse have a photo of their weatherstation reading 53 deg. however, it's not a BOM temprature calibrated unit AND they only record rainfall.
Take the exaggeration at will, but not every sq inch of the country is covered by a temp. recording station..............
AnswerID: 511446

Reply By: rocco2010 - Monday, May 20, 2013 at 15:40

Monday, May 20, 2013 at 15:40

I am sure the trivia buffs know that for many years the record for the highest temperature in Australia was held to be the 53.1 °C (127.5 °F) at Cloncurry on 16 January 1889.

This was replaced by the Oodnadatta record of 50.7 after a review by the Weather Bureau found the measuring equipment may not have been up to standard (no stevenson screens in those days) and the fact that the Cloncurry temp was so far above anything else recorded it could not be regarded as reliable.

Whatever it was, it was probably hot in Cloncurry that day.


AnswerID: 511450

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