Comment: North Simpson Desert - Outback Travellers Guide

A very comprehensive guide to the Northern Simpson, however following the grant (in 2011) of Native Title to a large portion of the area covered, it is in need of update to reflect the fact that a CLC Permit is required to cross the Madigan Line; and to identify the existence of a new road which transits Native Title land but which is able to be used if the permit is obtained.
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Reply By: Member - Boobook - Tuesday, Jun 11, 2013 at 09:41

Tuesday, Jun 11, 2013 at 09:41
It does have some great info, however a problem I found is that many ( too many ) of the GPS marks have the wrong co-ordinates. There is an errata sheet which corrects some but not all of these.

AnswerID: 512942

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