Monday, Aug 05, 2013 at 21:13
Hi triton man
I had similar problem and have found solution
Reading lots of forums the info can lead you up the wrong path
--wrong size wire--I don't think so when same wire has been used before with no problems
--incorrect brake adjustment has very limited effect on actual brake performance
--installing the axle the wrong way is a possibility but hand brake levers would have to be operated from the rear of the trailer,not likely
--rule out incorrectly adjusted bearings (should be addressed anyway)
--all voltage and current is either there or not(mostly)
I recently purchased a new electic braked axle to replace my unbraked item
Considering I have caravan and tandem trailer fitted with electric brakes by myself that work perfectly with plenty of power on the same vehicle using the same wire off the same roll (fairly light speaker wire) I was quite perplexed when my new axle on single trailer which is wired up exactly the same exhibited problems you describe
To cut a long story short and after lots of testing I decided to do direct comparison/measurment with my other known to be good brakes
It became apparent that there was a larger than normal gap between the edge of the drum and the brake backing plate
After removing the brake drum/bearing hub from one side ,of course the magnet was pushed out to the end of its 'wear' travel by the very light spring doing its job
I popped out the plastic plug at bottom of backing plate and took a measurment to face of magnet that should be
well and truly touching the inner flat face of brake drum to backing plate. (approx 65mm)
I reinstalled the drum/hub assembly adjusted bearings and then took similar measurment from backing plate to inner flat face of drum. (approx 80mm)
It would appear that there was a 15mm gap where the magnet and drum would never meet
The magnet must be in contact with the drum for brakes to work
Hand brake operation is not affected by magnets
The axle I purchased was the correct length (face to face)where wheels bolt on but plates that were welded to axle to mount backing plate with four bolts were positioned
Too far from ends of axle
I could have made a spacer and fitted longer bolts to rectify the problem but I'm slack and just took the axle back. Problem solved