Off Road Pop Top Caravan
Submitted: Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 15:53
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Sheza - Crookwell
We have just travelled the GRR across to
Broome, through NT to
Roper Bar and down
Savannah Way, up to
Lawn Hill & now heading to
Birdsville, an amazing trip all done in our HiLux and Kimblery Camper. We feel the time may be coming to update and purchase a caravan, but because of space limitations can only get a pop top. As we haven't finished the rough stuff we want a GOOD off road van. Can anyone point me towards the better quality vans please
Reply By: Member - Rowdy6032 (WA) - Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 16:55
Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 16:55
Australian Off Road Quantum would be a good start.
Reply By: rob127rj - Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 18:21
Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 18:21
Bushtracker have a single axil poptop in their lineup. Not cheep but probably find it hard to beat.
Follow Up By: AlanTH - Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 18:52
Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 18:52
Haven't found a van yet that "cheeped" and not many are cheap either!:-)
We went from a camper trailer to a so called off road van and had nothing but trouble suspension/wheels wise with no back up from either the dealer or maker.
Steer clear of Goldstream as we had to use Consumer Affairs in WA and take action in the small claims court to get anything from them or the retailer.
All documented so they can't complain about my saying it.
Reply By: Member - graeme W (WA) - Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 23:01
Saturday, Aug 03, 2013 at 23:01
Hi Sheza.
Had an interesting conversation with the boss of coromal caravans the other day. We have one of there offroad compacs a very
well put together rear door van that retails for low $30s new. Ours is set up for remote travel and been on roads like
cape leveque, murchison
mullewa through to kennedy ranges etc. I have no trouble recommending them to others. We would like to upgrade to a 14ft x 6ft 6" poptop but these range in the high $70s plus from manafacturers like trackmaster, pheonix, etc up to $100g from bushmaster. The coromal boss only answered the phone because most of his staff were off with flu but he told me there was no market for this sized van. He is wrong of course but like most big companies they are unlikely to listen to joe public. He told me that if they did build a van this size with shower
toilet it would retail at less than $40g. Id buy one tomorrow.
Cheers Graeme
Reply By: Going Bush - Sunday, Aug 04, 2013 at 11:27
Sunday, Aug 04, 2013 at 11:27
Check out the Trakmaster, we have a 13'6" Sturt single axle pop top , 6"6" wide so narrower than most pop tops. We are travelling full time with it and I'm impressed, a very good off road van, but you pay a premium for it.
So far the only things to fail are the things common to all vans like a dometic awning slider and a Shurflo water inlet/regulator, small things like that.
Build quality and
suspension is brilliant. Mostrly pretty
well thought out, but after 12 months in it there are things that could be improved upon.
Reply By: Member -Dodger - Sunday, Aug 04, 2013 at 16:43
Sunday, Aug 04, 2013 at 16:43
Regal make
the Desert Series.
I had one and did the same roads you have traversed except
Cape Leveque without any problems clocking up nearly 100k with it.
Now went to Jayco for a shower
toilet van, getting sooky I suppose.
Reply By: Steve M1 (NSW) - Sunday, Aug 04, 2013 at 18:25
Sunday, Aug 04, 2013 at 18:25
You don't give any indication of new/used or any budget limitations but I'd agree a Trakmaster new or used are good quality and not ridiculously expensive. Some of the recent "crossover" types come into this category and can be pretty heavy too. The Vista being an exception weight-wise but will set you back around $60,000 but
well worth a look at. When we were last looking we noted there weren't many of the smaller used Trakmasters available and those that were went quickly. There are vans just a few years old like Regent, Goldstream, Majestic and the Supreme Getaway etc all occasionally on the used market for a reasonable price and all
well capable of the rugged stuff. Some of those even look pretty much the same van. Look at their
suspension systems as in the above mentioned and they are usually Control Rider, Cruisemaster or similar with piano hinged cupboards, good clearance and offer a bit more than just chequerplate and 15" rims. A bit of a minefield particularly with so many now on the market with new vans coming out all the time. All good fun though.