Howdy all, I am relatively new to this
forum and am having a great time searching through looking for information on how to set up, drive and get the most out of my 1999 Jackaroo TD Manual. I have also searched on 'Hiclones' and located battle after battle between contributors. I have decided to join the ranks of 'suckers' to see if I can get more power and better economy out of my vehicle.
I have decided to have two hiclones fitted, as per supplier specifications. A mechanic a Lonsdale (I am from S.A.) will supply and fit them for $330 (substantially less expensive than a local 4wd chain). I remain cynical, but I have negotiated a 60day warranty, and figure that if they don't work then I WILL get my money back, on principal if for nothing more.
There has been much said about "the power of positive thinking", many have suggested that any benefits of these 'magic' pieces of steel are all in the mind. I can say that I will definitely not be driving any more economically, as I already drive as economically as possible without having drivers behind me honking and giving me the finger.
I also plan to hit a
hill at exactly 60km/h at a fixed landmark and accelerate full throttle in 4th and time exactly how long it takes me to get to a further landmark. Correct me if you want, but I beleive that if i do this three times before I get the hiclones installed, and then three times after, on the same day with the same weather/wind/tyre inflation conditions etc, then that should give me a fair idea as to whether or not the hiclones are doing anything power wise.
Economy I agree is slightly harder to distinguish a difference with, because during the lenght of time it takes me to near empty a fuel tank, engine/weather/wind/tyre pressure all can change. But I have a fair idea that I am getting about 12.2 l/100lm on average doing 100km/h (with roofracks and air con on), and about 13.5 around town. (I am slightly disappointed with these figures as I expected better). It seems that when towing our Cavalier off-road camper( about 600kg) into a 30 know headwind doing 100km/h the worst fuel economy I can get is 14.7, which I'm sure some of the petrol owners will be slightly green about.
So, basically what you've got is a cynic taking a punt. I'm kind of hoping I can back up my cynicism with no benefit from the Hiclones whatsoever, but you can be assured that if I do get a positive result it will not be 'all in my head'.
I will keep all posted about what happens performance wise.
P.S. I do not plan to put the Jackaroo on a dyno , and I can't justify the cash for something I don't think will work, but if anyone has access to a free dyno I am more than willing to take the time to provide my car for testing.