Rotating Tyres

Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 00:21
ThreadID: 10441 Views:4961 Replies:8 FollowUps:25
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What's the general consensus on tyre rotation?

I was always of the opinion you should only rotate radial ply tyres front to back, but was recently told that tyres can now be swapped side for side.

Is this correct???

CheersFidei defensor

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Reply By: Coops (Pilbara) - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 02:02

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 02:02
I rotate all 5 of mine every 10 000 km's and after 35K they still look like brand new even though they're MTR's driven mainly on bitumen (courtesy of living miles from ANYWHERE !!!).
Rotation pattern is according to owners manual to incorporate spare.Cheers 'n' Beers
AnswerID: 46270

Follow Up By: jackablue - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 08:47

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 08:47
Same here coops, 5 every 10 000km's. no use having a brand new one on the back as all the others wear down.
FollowupID: 308175

Follow Up By: Big Trev - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:07

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:07
Same here guys. I've always had good mileage. Tyre pressures are a must to be monitired to get the most.
FollowupID: 308191

Follow Up By: Wil - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 16:32

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 16:32
G'day Coops

Your snorkel looks interesting. Tell me a bit about it..


FollowupID: 308227

Follow Up By: Coops (Pilbara) - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 18:26

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 18:26
A section of 3" exhaust pipe custom bent with 3" HD radiator hose going into air cleaner. I have recently removed the Donaldson pre-cleaner and added a Safari Ram type head. Also added a Uniflow foam filter to keep dust & insects out of the air filter.
This has improved fuel efficiency somewhat as the pre-cleaner was too restrictive above 80 km/h. Had I known how much difference it would make I would have done it years ago.
Cheers 'n' Beers
FollowupID: 308374

Reply By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 08:42

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 08:42
Talking to a mate from ARB, he says
left rear for left front
right rear right front..

"Throw the spare in there somewhere if you like" His spare he doesnt rotate.
AnswerID: 46286

Reply By: paul - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 10:09

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 10:09
Whilst on this subject. I have rotated my BFG's twice now at 10k. Around 14k a go I had a ding and my repairer got my one new BFG on my insurance, but cause the old one only had a slight cut he let me keep it as a spare. So now i have two spares. Now that my tyres have done 20k (minimal tread wear) would it now be okay to introduce my "insurance spare" into the rotation cycle or does it not really matter and I should keep it as an emergency spare, even if the tread is a couple mm higher than the one it might one day theoretically replace ?
AnswerID: 46295

Follow Up By: Big Trev - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:09

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 11:09
Be careful of the one with the "slight cut", it may have internal damage you can't see that may let you down at speed.

Take it to your local Bandag agent, they could x-ray it for you (for a small fee - of course)
FollowupID: 308194

Follow Up By: Coops (Pilbara) - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 13:29

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 13:29
I too have a second spare but don't rotate it because
a) it's brand new
b) I don't have a second wheel carrier so it's hardly ever with me.

However I will add it to the rotation when I get a second wheel carrier and after I've bought a couple of new tyres as it seems silly to me to have a brand new tyre sitting in the shed.

Higher tread does upset the profile but I would only consider this to be marginal. I'd wait for an expert's opinion on that rather than take mine. It might be enough to chew out the tyre in the rough though.Cheers 'n' Beers
FollowupID: 308209

Follow Up By: paul2.8d - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 15:01

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 15:01
Paul, i had a slight cut on the side wall of my tyre, had belted around the Brindabella's lots of highway driving, and heaps of sand dunes, didnt worry about it. Then 1 day she went bang on the F3, luckily i was on the uphill in the far left and was able to pull over quickly and change it. Im glad it wasnt the front 1, god knows what might of happened, and with a baby in the capsule and a toddler harnessed in its not worth running a damaged tyre on your vehicle......

FollowupID: 308217

Reply By: Member - Hugh (WA) - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 13:58

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 13:58

I am like most of the others - rotate all 5.

Live axle front ends and Aussie road camber tend to cut up front left tyre (outer edge), so I was recommended the following 5 tyre rotation which works well for me.

spare to FR; FR to RL; RL to FL; FL to RR; RR to spare

This keeps tyre shift to front from same side and cross-overs go to the rear. I guess there a number of ways to do this. Ultimately all tyres move around the 4 corners and spare.

AnswerID: 46326

Reply By: Willem - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 17:44

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 17:44
Rotate all 5 every 10,000

Spare to LR...LR to RF...RF to LF...LF to LR...LR to spare

Seems to work OK.


Out on the Gibber
AnswerID: 46377

Follow Up By: Member - StevenL - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 23:36

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 23:36
Hi Willem,

I'll be the bunny to point out the problem here. You missed out the RR and changed the LR twice!

Did you mean Spare to LR...LR to RF...RF to LF...LF to RR...RR to spare ?

Was it an intentional error to see who is awake and actually READS the posts?

Or perhaps the RR is the Cooper test tyre so you just rotate the Bridgestones around it??

StevenLPlaydoe GXL TD Manual
It's on order, Delivery in April '04.
This pic will have to do till then. Can't wait!!!
FollowupID: 308291

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:34

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:34
Hi Steven,

No, I do not have the incilantion for intentional errors.

A typo and poor editing skills at that point in time.

Cooper tyres are for show ponies and for those who wish to blab on about things. As long as your tyres have good tread depth and they suit your purpose then one could go with any tyre. The Bridgestones are the first new set of tyres I have had for a while as in the past I resorted to 2nds and mainly Telecom Tyres(Dunlop Road or Super Grippers). Prior to that I used to run rags but they are few and far between now and were problematical when towing a van with radial tyres.

Unless you are taking part in off road competitions then All Terrain tyres are the best for the daily needs of the average 4wdriver.

Out on the Gibber
FollowupID: 308324

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:46

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:46
incilantion....supposed to read inclination....see...more typos....must be this bloomin' laptop...:-)Willem
Out on the Gibber
FollowupID: 308327

Reply By: chrisfrd - Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 18:34

Wednesday, Feb 11, 2004 at 18:34
It's a good idea, as if you leave all of your tyres to wear down to say 50% of depth and have a flat on a rear tyre, you could be in for trouble!

The tyres will be considerably different in rolling diameter (with everything being equal) and could do damage to the clutch packs as you would constantly winding up the diff on the larger-tyre side...

This is just a theory based on the determination of how an LSD works... Has anyone got facts to discount or agree with it? (Facts please, no opinions!)
AnswerID: 46384

Follow Up By: Trent - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 01:00

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 01:00
you're exactly right. With different tyre diameters you're forcing the spider gears on that side of the diff to pin faster. A dramatic example of this, is the petrol heads doing burnouts. They usually blow a diff up at some stage. If you get a chance to look at the aftermath, you'll find that one shaft on the cross is either blue (been very hot), or siezed (been even hotter!!)
LSD, will stand up to it if your on a surface that will give ie, gravel, but asphalt will eventually give you grief after a long time.
FollowupID: 308299

Reply By: howesy - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 01:31

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 01:31
There are some who believe that rotating the tyre and changing it's rotation can result in belt seperation and twisting. If it is not manufactured as a directional tyre then I can't see problem I rotate mine to even wear. With normal rounding of front edges I go front to back and with feathering of the blocks on the front tyres i will cross them to even them up then later move front to back. I move tyres every 10000 and constantly adjust pressures for the conditions. Works for me my last set gave me 160000 and for all the die hards out there they weren't Coopers. (sorry slipped out i think they are over rated)
AnswerID: 46431

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:42

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 11:42
Howesy you are being very liberal with your zeros.Willem
Out on the Gibber
FollowupID: 308326

Follow Up By: chrisfrd - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 14:36

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 14:36
I used to live in Canberra, "The City of round-abouts", where I used to rotate my Cooper and Bridgestone tyres every 5000K's to control the rounding problem.

I've got 40,000K's from the Bridgestone Duellers AT's (693's), which is about as much as anyone does apparently... They are still good for another 20/30,000K's too.

The rumor to tread separation was from bias-ply tyres and not radials, where the tyre's belt configuration is 90 degrees from a radial configuration. Trucks suffer this sometimes.......

FollowupID: 308350

Follow Up By: howesy - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 23:06

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 23:06
Maybe there are a lot of blokes who just think they know tyre pressures and rotations or maybe I am just plain lucky but the Olympic overlanders were on the car when I got it (although they still had tits) and I did 110000 before i replaced them with Kumho Ventures that gave me 160000. Both tyres went hard in their compounds and weren't the best wet tyre on the road but never the less the proof is in the pudding, and by the way the Kumho's went through the centre and up Cordillo way without one puncture. You can disbelieve if you want but but the people who matter to me know the truth.
FollowupID: 308431

Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 23:27

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 23:27
Yeah Howesy...the people who matter to you must love you very much to indulge you in your fantasies...............Willem
Out on the Gibber
FollowupID: 308435

Follow Up By: chrisfrd - Friday, Feb 13, 2004 at 10:25

Friday, Feb 13, 2004 at 10:25

bleep ! That's good tyre life! The coopers/BFG/Symex tyres only rate them to 80,000K's based on the amount of rubber that they lay into the tread.

The wear rate is a rather predictable thing apparrently.

FollowupID: 308461

Follow Up By: howesy - Friday, Feb 13, 2004 at 10:39

Friday, Feb 13, 2004 at 10:39
I feel sorry for you that yoou haven't got loved ones but never the less it's not my fault that you don't know what your doing with tyres. I do over 50000km a year and had the car six years and only went through two sets of tyres on it. Do the math brother or was your mind closed when they taught that at school too. All this milage figure and so on can be verified by the guy that travels with me, he matters. Anyway enough of this garbage I've had my fun with your banter have a nice day the truth shall live on.
FollowupID: 308462

Follow Up By: chrisfrd - Saturday, Feb 14, 2004 at 13:04

Saturday, Feb 14, 2004 at 13:04

How to answer this retort?!

Firstly, don't throw insults around and then expect to walk away.. That's the first sign that you are a true bull bleep artist.

Secondly, don't berrate people, if you don't like being berrated yourself. My education level (with is a Degree in Computer Communications and Electronics) has nothing to do with coments that I am discussing with the group.

Thirdly, I was stating nothing more than you were getting very good life based on the calculations that you were providing.

Get a new attitude, don't be pompas and someday if you were stuck in a boghole, somebody might just help to get you out.

FollowupID: 308608

Follow Up By: howesy - Saturday, Feb 14, 2004 at 19:50

Saturday, Feb 14, 2004 at 19:50
See thats the thing when you don't talk face to face you cant see the facial expressions to know whether the other party is having tongue in cheek or not or whether they are really pompus as you say. I treat all forums light hearted and it doesn't matter who believes what because in the end the only person you have to satisfy with the truth is one self. I have no idea why you bought education in to this that would be like me saying that i get paid eighty thousand a year to give and exercise my opinion in my given field, big deal who gives a ** and by the way I graduated from doing IT work in 1992, so what who cares you blokes really do take all this banter way too serious and lets remember it was you who fired the first bullet, I've been calling my wife in to read the replies and we are having a great laugh if we were really upset as you imply then we would probably correct your highly educated typo's as I'm sure you will do to me. Any way take it easy sunshine and by the way I been driving twenty five years and so far no one has had to pull me out of a bog hole. I hope I run into a kind hearted sole such as yourself if i do get stuck.
FollowupID: 308663

Follow Up By: howesy - Saturday, Feb 14, 2004 at 19:59

Saturday, Feb 14, 2004 at 19:59
By the way Chris no malice meant and my reply was directed toward the comments of disbelief bordering on liar accusations directed by Willem . Sorry if you thought we were having a dig at you Chrisfrd
FollowupID: 308664

Follow Up By: Willem - Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 11:48

Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 11:48
That is the trouble with a thread....Howesy and Chris get at each others throats because of what I was perceived to have said....hahahahaha

You blokes are all too educated for me, earn too much money and do everything beyond the measures of comprehension.

On this forum we have had a bloke who did all the major treks across Australia, many offroad trips and 500,000km to boot without having one puncture. Another fella got 75,000 km out of a set of sparkplugs....etc etc. If you want to tell a credible story then you must come up with relevant facts proving your statement. It is very easy to make erroneous statements in the anonymity of a forum when you may just be perceived to stretching the thruth a bit. If you feel that my comments border on you being a liar on this subject then so be it. But in plain simple language I would say you are talking crap and you are fudging the figures to suit your own needs.

Now, have a nice day albeit a hot one.

Out on the Gibber
FollowupID: 308735

Follow Up By: howesy - Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 15:03

Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 15:03
And that it is hot and I hope you too have a good day. personally your opinion as I said dont matter a hoot to me but it may to others. I dont know what you require as proof but if your in the blue mountains your welcome to drop in and verify all the relevant witnesses but I don't think your that keen.
I am an honest person who believes in the honesty of others until i get proof to the contrary you should try it some time. Thats not to say that I too don't have doubts about some claims but usually i choose not to comment because as much as i would not believe them to be able to substatiate their comments to question that comment without without substatial proof would make me the same would it not so I suggest we all take a good look in the mirror and not fall in to the " because I've never heard of it before it didn't happen" because maybe if you ask enough questions the answer will come. By the way I spoke to a Coopers rep about the wear and he had no trouble with it except to say it was exceptional and went on to concede that there are a lot of tyres on the market that will wear in excess of 100K but Coopers he claimed were of a stronger constuction and less likely to result in failure. He also poited out that they give a written guarantee of wear on every tyre not just the batches that wear well. Thank you for your time this has been most interesting.
FollowupID: 308749

Reply By: Member - StevenL - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 09:14

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 09:14
Hi All,

Bridgestone have a good web page on Tyre info including some tips on rotation:

link here

StevenLPlaydoe GXL TD Manual
It's on order, Delivery in April '04.
This pic will have to do till then. Can't wait!!!
AnswerID: 46437

Follow Up By: chrisfrd - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:05

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:05
Ha! a TOY- ota..

Man.. I saw one of these the other day.. a 3.0 TDi. Nice engine, but they sure have stuffed up the looks.. They have gone into this sweeping headlight thing that must be expensive to repair....

Also, not much chop in the rough-stuff.

Looks "lighter" too. Even though it isn't...
FollowupID: 308315

Follow Up By: Member - StevenL - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 13:18

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 13:18
Yeah Yeah,

I'm already copping enough crap from Truckster about the looks thing.

The main attraction for me is the Turbo-Diesel reliability/economy/low down torque. as well as just the general quality/refined ride/resale. I just think the whole package is the best for my needs/budget.

I've only heard good reports about offroad ability apart from the rear bumber being a bit long/low.

It won 4x4 of the year so it can't be that bad!

StevenL Playdoe GXL TD Manual
It's on order, Delivery in April '04.
This pic will have to do till then. Can't wait!!!
FollowupID: 308340

Follow Up By: chrisfrd - Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 14:32

Thursday, Feb 12, 2004 at 14:32
Give me the Patrol GU/GR body and axles with the Toyota Diesel engine and gearbox.

I don't know about the "go" bit, but the 4x4 monthly guys did a old/new model side-by-side comparo. The old model won hands-down for everything except for ergonomics.

Something about what they have done with it... But then, they are only putting it up against the Pajero.

Hey.. At least it won't blow up like my Nissan will, have hundreds of rattles like a Falcon or Commodore or be as worthless as a Kia or Hyundai.


FollowupID: 308346

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