Lost Keys at Wangi Falls <span class="highlight">Litchfield</span> Nat Park

Submitted: Sunday, Sep 22, 2013 at 14:25
ThreadID: 104434 Views:1583 Replies:0 FollowUps:0
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On a recent visit to the falls I lost my caravan keys, thought to have fallen from my pocket while swimming. Some days later, through a weird meeting of someone at Katherine, I was informed that someone had found my keys and asked around the caravan park nearby, unfortunately he did not come to the caravan park 4 kms down the road. The café close by had my details, but when the finder checked there the man in charge did not know my details and did not check in the drawer where the lost property was kept and where the girls the day before had put my details. Unfortunately the finder did not leave the keys there and somehow believes that he can find me through the internet, hence this story should the finder read this article. The name on the key tag is JEREMY. Fortunately we had a spare set of keys inside the caravan and I managed to get in as the window was left open. I have had made a spare set of keys, but would appreciate the return of the key tag as it was a special gift from my brother. I can be contacted on 0419030960. Thanks
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