Friday, Sep 27, 2013 at 21:59
Hi Stephen, something I forgot; back in mid 1980s work was being done developing an HF location system. SKYLOC, by SA interests. I was doing a trip north, so offered my
services as the "Needle-in-the-Haystack" transmitting on 3 frequencies at midday, 3 frequencies at 9 pm. Much as I tried, hiding in gorges etc, they always located me, no doubt helped by knowing where my last transmissions came from, but generally pretty impressive.
I never followed up on the final outcome, but if SKYLOC was made an ongoing commercial system, it would have been very reliable. Who knows, it may still be there.
Of course, that was nearly 30 years ago, and a lot of changes have been made in the HF arena since then; the OTC network disbanded, Telstra Radphone network closed (thanks to luddites like
John Howard, Ziggy Switkowski and Coy.).
Just a bit of historuy, you may appreciate it.