Saturday, Sep 28, 2013 at 14:39
The truth of the matter is rust converters work very poorly.
In fact in a lot of cases they actually promote corrosion.
Rust conveters the way most people think they work are nothing but a dream.
There is no substitute for mechaincal removal to
bright metal followed by a good metal primer.
I have had a lot of sucess heating chasis members on boat trailers with a gas torch.
It causes the rust to dry out, it the either pops off, falls off or can easily be brushed/ scraped off.
Inside a chassis member is always a problem.
Its not like you can get in there and scrub the stuff.
I have used a length of flat bar bent and sharpened at the end as a scraper..its marginaly effective.
banging the chasis member with a hammer will both knock some of the flake off and tell you if the member is getting a little thin.
a pressure cleaner is marginally effective...but ya wetting the surface so its only a primary choice if you are following with another heating.
Now this "rust" are we talking about a light film or is there flake?
If its nothing more than a bit of light stuff.....get in as far as you can with whatever you can to scrub/ scrape as much as you can off.
get this area as dry as you can....park it in the sun, stuff a heat gun up there...dry rust seals up better.
then get in as far as you can with a good etching metal primer any way you can.
let it dry and then go over with a coat of good paint.
I prefeer " galmet duragal" this is not a cold gal it is a metal rich silver
grey top of my favorite things that comes in a tin.
let that dry then
get some heavy lanolin spray in there...I have found it best to cut the lanolin about 30% with white spirit ( that is not metho) and spray it in.
I have a patented device constructed from a good quality trigger bottle, and length of micro irrigation hose and threded joiner and a 360deg sprayer.
drill and thred the joiner into the nozzle of the trigger bottle and attack a few meters of micro irrigation and the sprayer on the end.
That will get ya lanolin meters up a chassis rail and a good 360 deg coverage.
park somehwre it does not matter while the suprlus stops running out.
thinning the lanolin will make it spray better, bet into cracks and the solvent will evaporate leaving an even film.
done this on a few boat trailers and it works very
Not caution with the flamable liquids.
Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Sunday, Sep 29, 2013 at 12:36
Sunday, Sep 29, 2013 at 12:36
Unless you know what your doing, I wouldn't recommend heating chassis members with a gas torch?
Follow Up By: The Bantam - Sunday, Sep 29, 2013 at 21:21
Sunday, Sep 29, 2013 at 21:21
You don't actually have to heat the metal very much at all.
Remember pretty
well all trailer chasis are made of mild steel, so it not like you will draw the temper or weaken the metal in any way, even if you get it red hot.
Besides, you would have to have a pretty big gas torch to get such a large lump of metal very hot.
Ever tried to get a piece of 50 x 75mm RHS red takes quite a bit of heat and a bit of time.
We are not trying to melt anything we are trying to dry the rust out, and that takes only a little more than needed to burn paint.
I will generally use an oxy torch with a medium sized welding blow pipe, but I have tried it with a butane torch and it works reasonably
Anybody who has sufficient knowelegde to safely operate a oxy set should have some basic undestanding of metal and welding.
In the case of a butane torch, ya not likely to do any damage to steel with that now are you.
Follow Up By: Hairy (NT) - Tuesday, Oct 01, 2013 at 09:59
Tuesday, Oct 01, 2013 at 09:59
I could see over heating chassis members causing numerous problems if done the wrong way?
Each to there own I suppose.
Follow Up By: The Bantam - Wednesday, Oct 02, 2013 at 21:55
Wednesday, Oct 02, 2013 at 21:55
Mate I can see crossing the road causing all sorts of problems if it is done the wrong way.