Wednesday, Oct 02, 2013 at 22:14
Lets get one thing straight.
The 50mm increase in tyre size limit as discribed in VSB14 and in force on most states applies to motor vehicles and not trailers.
AS far as I have been able to establish.
The rules are far more lax for trailers.
As long as the tyres are otherwise compliant ( clearance, condition, so
forth) as long as the tyres are larger ( greater diameter and or greater width) and of a higher load rating than specified on the tyre plackard if there is should be fine.
start with there a tyre plackard on this caravan or there is a tyre size specfied on the VIN plate....if there is, as long as the tyre is larger and of a higher load rating than specified on the plackard AND the tyres are the same size and should be fine.
235/75R15s will be smaller in diameter than 31x10.5R15s and narrower, they may however be of a higher load rating.
SO start with what is specified...if at all for that trailer.
If nothing is specified and or there is no long as the tyre is of sufficient load rating you should be fine.
There are complications like going considerably stepping from 14 inch rims to 15 inch rims associated with the de-rating of the axle for the larger wheels.
235/75R15s and 31 x10.5R15s are often run on similar sized wheels.