Wednesday, Oct 02, 2013 at 19:14
Geoff K4
Where are you travelling to. I may be able to help if given enough warning time.
So far I have made 5 drop brackets specially for that purpose. A number of members on another
forum have them fitted. No alteration to the vehicle is required.
One of them is fitted on my vehicle. I have a MK1 model in bits and that would solve your problem but it doesn't look professionally made.
It does stop the centre bearing uni causing shudder, which is the tailshaft flicking sideways under power pulses as the uni revolves.
The uni output accelerates and decelerates twice every turn, this with too much angle tries to drive the uni and hence the tailshaft off it's centreline of spin.
Any vibes are the rear as mentioned, it too torsionally changes it's rotational velocity twice ever turn. This motion is then transferred to the diff pinion.
If too much and too severe it affects the diff.
Non of this seems to be addressed by the spring/
suspension raisers of Australia.
It's not the correctness of the lift, it is the fact that the components ie springs don't allow for the angular change which will occur.
You CANNOT space a pre 2012 Dmax with washers, a dedicated bracket has to be made/used.
Lighter springs just means it sinks down to where the angles are near OE and that then isn't lifted or any advantage to you. A backward move IMHO.
The company don't have a fix because they have never tried to fix it.
ALL, not 50% of the 2011 and earlier models suffer from the problem as the same lift causes the same amount of angular change of the unis.
All makes of vehicles are affected in this way. some people just don't know they have a problem and accept early failure of components as "normal", I don't.
If you are able/happy to post an email address I can send info.
Maybe meet, if traveling my direction.
Ross M