Saturday, Oct 12, 2013 at 17:26
It is very much easier to make an ac alternator than it is to make a DC device.
It is in fact very much easier and more efficient to make a 3 phase device ( motor or alternator) than it is to make a single phase device
The reason you will not find much information on AC to AC
inverters is because that is not generally the term used in industry.
Just like air conditioners....the advertising will say " inverter technology", when we start talking in technical terms the device is refeered to as a variable frequency drive and almost never as an inverter.
An AC to AC inverter will almost always be called a converter or a variable frequecy drive or some such specific term
All single phase electrical devices ( motors or generators) are fundamantally inefficient, more complicated and heavier than a similar capacity three phase units.
I have not delved deep into these new "inverter" generators, But I expect the actual generator to be three phase AC ( just like car alternators) the AC to AC converter will convert whatever comes in to the desired 240V 50 Hz AC.
The same technology used in switchmode power supplies,
inverters, variable frequecy drives, pulse width modulators and power converters is more or less the same with small differences.
Most convert to DC in the middle, a few do not.