Monday, Oct 21, 2013 at 21:34
The problem with three way fridges is that are horribly inefficient on electricity.
On gas they a barely more efficient, the only reason they are viable at all is the high energy density of gas.
They are in general less efficient if not perfectly level
Then there are the issues with maintenance, dangerous good issues with carryng the gas, the legal requirement for a licenced gas fitter do do just about anything with them.
The maintenance issues.
cooling something by heating it, is bound to have limitations and that is how 3 way fridges work.
3 way fridges simply can not produce the temperature gradients that compressor fridges can.
The only reason they actually keep up is because they run pretty
well continuously.
AND it goes on.
Compressor based fridges ARE far more efficient, no licenced worker required for install.
AND ya don't have to buy gas.....if you drive every day, a 12V DC fridge is an ongoing viability charged off the car alternator.
with a properly designed solar system in conjunction with vehicle charging a 12V DC electrc fridge is a long term ongoing viable thing that requires almost no attention at all.
It runs off the one power source all the time, there is no switching from one source of energy to the other every time you make and brake
there is no requirement for outside ventilation for the fridge.
Compressor fridges have no risk of explosion from the fridge its self, and if the batteries are properly housed and maintained nearly no risk there either.
A good compressor fridge will make ice quickly, and freeze meat and fish as fast as your
home freezer will.
The only advantage a three way fridge has is they are cheap.....
well not that much cheaper.
In the past the 3 way fridge was only viable because we had nothing else......we gave up using absorption fridges in the
home a long time ago, for the above reasons..its about time we gave them up for camping and caravaning too.