Troopy rust help

Submitted: Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 06:39
ThreadID: 105056 Views:3875 Replies:3 FollowUps:1
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Gday All,

Have been on this forum for the last 10 years, much learning - little posting but
firstly thanks all for the great info and help over the years.

93 Troopy is the culprit. Its been round few times with 450k at the moment but running like a top and not letting go of this one just cause of a bit of rust.

Had a turret cut done to replace rust shot gutters 8 years ago. Now its time to address the wheel arches - actually the straight side sections between the two wheel wells. Have just got the bleep s and angle grinded out sections of the rust...

Any of you folk living around Brunswick Heads NSW have any rust repair - sheet welding experience?

Id like to weld in new sections and would love to supply someone beer/tea/food/stories etc for guidance and wisdom on the specs of this.

Not after someone to do the job for me - just to sit down and run through the drill so I can do it right.

Ive got tools etc and a MIG welder etc. no expert but can weld.

Thanks All.

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Reply By: Member - Phil G (SA) - Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 11:11

Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 11:11
I was brought up in the "fishoil and bog it" days but for DIY jobs like that a couple of hours on youtube can be very useful. Simple search comes up with lots of hits:
Youtube search on welding and rust.
AnswerID: 521161

Follow Up By: bj_cruiser - Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 11:45

Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 11:45
Ah yes, youtube - of course, many thanks Phil
FollowupID: 801803

Reply By: Ron N - Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 13:49

Saturday, Nov 09, 2013 at 13:49
bj_cruiser - Here's the basics ...

1. Most important requirement - a small wire welder that can weld at very low amperage, and stitch-weld, as well.

2. Clean, bare metal. Did you hear me say, CLEAN?? Clean, as in soldering. You can't weld successfully on panels that are rusty, dirt-covered, or paint-coated.

3. Keep a fully water-soaked rag with the welder, and slop the wet rag over the welded areas to soak up the heat, to prevent metal buckling.

4. Space initial tack welds around the replacement panel to hold it securely, before you fill in the gaps with more short welds.

5. Keep weld heat input to a minimum.

6. You will always need a tin of body bog to complete the repair job to a satisfactory standard.
AnswerID: 521173

Reply By: Brian - Sunday, Nov 17, 2013 at 01:29

Sunday, Nov 17, 2013 at 01:29
Have a similar situation to yours BJ , only my HJ61 needs doing what you did some time back , repairs to a rusty roof , just about need an umbrella while driving in rain !!
Just wondered what your " turret cut ' involved and what was the aprox cost ??
Cheers mate
AnswerID: 521564

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