Airflow snorkel in wandin 4wd show

Submitted: Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 21:36
ThreadID: 10552 Views:4515 Replies:8 FollowUps:8
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HI, just bought a Airflow snorkel from Duncan 4wd at the show for $275 formy diesel GQ. Considering it was $100 cheaper than Safari one, i would take the risk to try it out. However, i am not so sure if the template provided would be precise enough.

Anyone has experience fitting Airflow snorkel ? Any problem when fitting ?

Any opinion would be appreciate. Thanks.
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Reply By: Gajm - Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 21:53

Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 21:53
I can't help with your enquiry, sorry, but i was wondering if you could let me know how it all goes, and if you are happy with it after you do get it installed. I am in the market for a snorkel for my diesel GQ as well, and at that price I reckon i could talk the boss into it.

AnswerID: 46819

Follow Up By: Gajm - Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 22:31

Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 22:31
if for some reason you don't get the info you are after here you can also try

FollowupID: 308826

Reply By: Wayne (NSW) - Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 22:23

Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 22:23
Having spent 11 years fitting 4wd accessories,I have fitted a lot of snorkles.(mainly Safari). GQs have been around for a long time so the template whould have been perfected by now. A few tips.

1.Tape the template to the guard,check twice
2. Mark the holes by pushing a scriber or ball point pen through the template and on to the guard, check twice.
3. Remove the template and circle the pen marks with a marking pen. Almost drilled a stone chip once, it looked the mark I put in. Check twice
4. Centre punch the circled marks, check twice
5. Now for the "character building" part, you will have to drill a 90mm dia hole, not sure on exact size, a metal cutting hole saw is the way to go. Drill 6mm pilot hole and then on slow speed drill the hole. The shape of the guard makes it hard because the hole saw will cut through on the top first and then will want to grab on the lower section of the hole. Drill once.
6. Snorkel can now be placed on the guard and check.
7. The other holes, 14mm I think, can now be drilled ,6mm pilot and then 14mm.
8. The rest should be easy.

I had a bloke who did'nt want to pay the $60 fitting fee. Came back after reading the instructions and asked how much just to drill the big hole? $60.

AnswerID: 46825

Follow Up By: navaraman - Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 22:31

Sunday, Feb 15, 2004 at 22:31
LOL at instruction 5 ......drill once.

I'm planning to fit a snorkel and I'm not sure I've got the b*lls to carry out step 5 myself (and I'm a tradesman) might have to get it done painlessly by the experts.
FollowupID: 308827

Follow Up By: Gajm - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 00:40

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 00:40
I was always intending to save a few $ by doing it myself, but after step 5 i think I'd be Sh***ing myself, so I'll pay as well, I didnt think of the curve, and i know how bad a hole saw can catch, it could be a huge mess, so thanks for the warning

FollowupID: 308837

Follow Up By: Member - Ross - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:24

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:24
Character building is the word ..... Took all my guts to drill a series of 6mm holes on the top of the front guards to fit Al plates. 90 mm .... you've got to be joking ............. :-}Fidei defensor

FollowupID: 308857

Follow Up By: Willem - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:48

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 09:48
Having owned a swag of 4bies I have made all the mistakes when fitting accessories. Drilled many a hole in the wrong place, cut pieces off the vehicles when I shouldn't have and have generally just followed my nose when fitting stuff. I have no compunction about drilling holes in vehicles. My old truck is riddled with switches, bolt holes and tek screws. But I would say that if the vehicle was a newer model, say year 2000 plus, then I would probably get a prefessional to fit whatever........then again, cars are only recycled earth.....................

Out on the Gibber
FollowupID: 308860

Follow Up By: Roachie - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:54

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:54
Now I know that you blokes must know how I felt (ie: sick in the pit of my guts) on New Years Day, when I took to the bonnet of my 2000 GU with a drill and jig saw to cut out a hole for a bonnet scoop. It really is not the time to have the DT's!!!
But slow and steady wins the race.
Good luck with the hole saw.
FollowupID: 308869

Follow Up By: Martyn (WA) - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 19:03

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 19:03
I installed the snorkle myself on my GQ, when I drilled the hole in the wing my botty had a twitch that day, the hole saw grabs on the bottom first, to be pedantic, the pilot drill bent when the hole saw initially grabbed and made a slight scratch right next to where the hole was supposed to be,luckily the snorkle covered the scratch, the pilot drill has to be about a foot long to do the job right and after you've drilled the hole it looks huge, that was when I Sh*t myself, holding the drill level is also very important to "get it right first time" aka "drill once". Good luck if you do it yourself. Keep the shiny side up
FollowupID: 308917

Reply By: Member - Des Lexik(SA) - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 13:13

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 13:13
If you don't have the intestinal fortitude to drill the 90mm hole, start with a 50mm hole and with a round file, work your way out.
I have a safari snorkle fitted and what did I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My voice is several octaves above most other blokes.hahahahaDare to Lead not to Follow
AnswerID: 46877

Reply By: bob - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 13:18

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 13:18
After being let down by a company in syndey, bit the bullet and fitted a safari myself. Already had the arbour so bought the holesaw ($45.00 trade) and your right about sh$tting myself when you have to drill two 90mm holes into pristine 2001GU patrol guard.
Points to think of: 1 cover whole area were you are working in 2" masking tape to stop swarf etc damaging the paint work 2. use cutting paste on hole saw and 3. slow speed.

Have fun

AnswerID: 46879

Reply By: tim - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 14:53

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 14:53
The best thing i done when putting a snorkel on gu111 2002 model was to get someone else to do it so i didn`t have to watch.
AnswerID: 46894

Reply By: Member - Captain (WA) - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 16:41

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 16:41
I fitted a snorkel to my GU and 80 series myself. However, I used a nibbler for the ~90mm hole. Found this easier than using a holesaw on non-flat panels. But still a large amount of "fear factor" when cutting. But when finished, you have the knowledge the job is done right (or not!!!) ie.all swarf removed, rust preventative on bare metal etc...

As others have said, measure twice, cut once !!!


MarkNissan 2003 GU 3.0TD
Windsor Rapid Offroad
AnswerID: 46908

Reply By: ianmc - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 19:01

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 19:01
I am considering a snorkel & wonder whats wrong with a jig saw over duct tape!
Something I've missed here????
AnswerID: 46938

Follow Up By: Wayne (NSW) - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 19:29

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 19:29
A jig saw with a fine tooth blade. There would be a lot of vibration. Check to see if the blade is going to hit the inner guard.

The first snorkel I fitted was on a 1 day old $50,000, 80 Series Landcruiser. My own..

FollowupID: 308919

Reply By: Member Eric - Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 22:51

Monday, Feb 16, 2004 at 22:51
I have fitted many airflow snorkels on GQ's ect , always found the template ok .

just make sure the guard and door conture is ok Venus Bay
AnswerID: 46975

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