Fridge Freezer Thermostat replace

Submitted: Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 07:50
ThreadID: 105569 Views:18879 Replies:6 FollowUps:16
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Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has had any issue with the Evakool fridge/freezer unit in terms of running time?
I have the 31 litre digital display model and my experience has been that it continues to run and never seems to cut out to give my van batteries a rest. I have had this unit into the mechanic and he couldn't fault it after testing it over the weekend on 240 and 12 volt. The freezer part (what we have it set on) is normally only about half full of food, and the ambient temperature in the van about 25 degrees - and it always seems to run and never gets to the set-point (-10 degrees). Sometimes, when I turn the unit off to give the batteries a break, when I start it again, it has jumped up a degree or two (colder).
I can't work it out, and Evakool won't do anything other than have it looked at by the above mentioned fridge tech.
I wonder if I have an intermittant fault with the thermostat - and note that there are some 12 volt digital thermostats around (ebay) that may do a better job. Could I just wire this unit ( into the power supply and place the thermo-probe inside the freezer - then turn up (down) the setting on the freezer to max and let the in-line thermostat take control of the cooling? Or would I need to replace the freezer's internal T/stat or just disconnect it from the unit..?
Regards, Smokey
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Reply By: dieseltojo - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 09:03

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 09:03
Good as these fridges are, I am starting to think that they have an inbuilt problem in the circuitry that presents this problem.
I have the 110 model about 6 years old and the thing just goes straight to freezing no matter what setting it is on.
I bought a thermostat and had it fitted and it was not the thermostat. Then the bloke had it for 10 days and charged me $ 80-00 to "adjust it". I tried it again after this just last week and it is back to freezing.
So it was picked up not use and when I use it 3 months later it has the same problem. I don't know if it is the manufacturers fault or the fridge mechanic is a dud, but the mechanic has a good reputation. I reckon I will just have to take it back in.

So it is now 2 trips from Dandenong to Mentone and so far cost me around $220-00 and no result.
AnswerID: 523424

Follow Up By: Evakool - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 08:54

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 08:54
Hi Dieseltojo,

Your unit is from a different series to SmokeyD.

It sounds like you have a RFB110.

If your unit is freezing everything then either the thermostat needs adjusting or it needs a new thermostat.
On the standard RF series units there is no other control of temperature, the thermostat can be thought of as a simple on/off switch that reacts to temperature.

If you are not happy with the service you received elsewhere there is always the option to return it to the factory to be checked.

Evakool is based in the Sunshine Coast, QLD.

If you contact Evakool on 07 5492 7777 or the team can organise a courier to collect the item and return it to Evakool be checked for you.

FollowupID: 804879

Reply By: Ross M - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:27

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:27
The "Wacko" brand of fridges also use electronic thermostats as most do and they sometimes have a poor connection in the soldering of the temp sensor on the board.

The sensor is usually an NTC negative Temperature Coefficient resistor, and when hot it is low ohm reading and when cool it is higher ohm reading.

If the fridge won't get cold enough it may be the resistor/sensor circuit has a fault, ie, dry joint, and is actually a higher than normal resistance in the circuit so it turns the compressor off.

If it runs all the time there may be a short or squashed wire somewhere in that circuit and it shows as a low ohm reading to the circuitry and the circuit then runs the compressor all the time cos it isn't getting a signal to switch off at the desired temp. Any fridge mechanic should be able to find either of those two faults in a short space of time, and also rectify the situation.

If the fridge in a caravan is continually recirculating the already hot air past the condenser, then it will run for a long time, maybe continually because it cannot get enough cooler air to remove the heat from the condensor area. Very common in 4wd use where outside ambient is 30degree but in vehicle 42C so fridge just boils in it's own juices.

Ross M
AnswerID: 523434

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:47

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:47
Hi Ross,
Thanks for your detailed reply - sheds a heap more light.
Your last piece of info sounds interesting, as the fridge is in the space under our queen-sized bed and would I s'pose tend to recycle its own air. The fridge Mech did his testing in his outside workshop and was able to get it to operate to the dialled in temp (-10) on both 240 and 12V. From memory, I don't think the weather was hot at the time. So if he didn't pick up the faults you mentioned, what's the best way for me to go forward? The company wont do anything for me now as it has been "tested" by this guy. I am not new to circuitry and have built my own amps etc, so would it pay me to have a look inside to see if there was anything amiss?
Interestingly a company has developed an "upgrade" for these fridges (
So, can I bypass the internal system and add my own thermostat - one that I know is reliable???
Cheers, Paul.
FollowupID: 804818

Follow Up By: Ross M - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 13:34

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 13:34
G'day Smokey
I am not a fridge mechanic but I would think they would at least check where the fridge in question is being used.

A 100mm 0r 150mm dia computer fan running off the same battery will/should ensure an adequate air volume is constantly changing if you judiciously apply a large hole saw to the affected area. Same air same problem is how I see it.
In my 4WD I have a fan to dump air from outside to the condensers of both fridges exactly for that purpose.
If in a hot environment the heat is coming out of the condenser and it can;t cool in same air and that same air is then adding heat to the case to be pumped out again. Dog biting tail. ie, greatly reduced performance and ability to cool let alone freeze.

Have you added additional insulation, ie, slabs of Broccoli foam box or polystyrene sheet foam to keep cold in and heat from penetrating.
Most portable fridges are pretty dammed poor in insulation.

I find it interesting many fridges have problems and after searching the owner find there IS and upgrade or similar for the controllers.

My little Waeco will not freeze very well at all/hardly, if it breathes it's own air.
House fridges also have to have a convection airgap around them so they can lose the heat or they run full time too.

I have found by adding a computer fan which can run full time ie switched for HOT area or wired to the compressor on an Engel it reduces the run time and overall energy use is less. Fan about 0,2Amp.

I have three fans inside the case of my Engel and in 30C ambient it will pull down to -18 but not without lots of insulation and the fans.

Ross M
FollowupID: 804822

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 14:05

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 14:05
Again thanks Ross,
Seems to be a valid point - though I can't see a way of effectively removing warm air from my van (especially under my bed) even with computer fans. My van gets warm inside and I'd only be moving warm air I'd think - unless I could direct it outside somehow. My freezer has a thermal cover (jacket) and has the area around the vents clear.
Cheers Smokey
FollowupID: 804824

Follow Up By: Member - Frank P (NSW) - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 14:49

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 14:49

As a test, run it in your loungeroom at home, or somewhere with normal temps and ventilation. If it's ok, then that would confirm Ross's diagnosis, which I agree with.

If it's ok, you'll have to get air circulation under the CV bed somehow, or move it.


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FollowupID: 804826

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 15:12

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 15:12
Hi Frank,
Yep, sounds spot on. I shall do this on both 240 and 12 volt and will let you know what I come up with...
FollowupID: 804830

Follow Up By: Evakool - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 08:45

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 08:45
Hi SmokeyD,

I would agree with Frank P, run the unit as a freezer in a more open area, as there is the possibly nothing wrong with your unit.

FollowupID: 804878

Reply By: Member - Col G (WA) - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 21:07

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 21:07
I have an Evakool 47l and have had Engels in the past, the Evaporator (the bit that gets cold) in the fridge is pretty small compared to other brands and would not be my first choice if you want to run it as a freezer. In the Engel the evaporator runs the whole way around the interior compartment in the Evakool it is less than half.

If I try and run the Evakool as a freezer is does run most of the time and does not cycle much. I don't run it as a freezer because of this.

Perhaps you are asking too much of it.


AnswerID: 523449

Follow Up By: Ross M - Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 21:42

Monday, Dec 23, 2013 at 21:42
So they are called Evakool but not Evafreeze apparently.
FollowupID: 804864

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 05:59

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 05:59
Hi Col,
Thanks for that bit of interesting info.- mmm, I guess you really do get what you pay for..!
Cheers, Smokey.
FollowupID: 804872

Follow Up By: Evakool - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 08:39

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 08:39

Please keep in mind SmokeyD has a IB31 fridge freezer. This is a different unit to a RFE47 that Col G has.
These two fridge are from different series and have different capabilities.

The RFE47 has an Evaporator plate that is in a "U" shape and sits closest to the Compressor.
This setup allows the flexibility to run as an all fridge, split fridge / freezer or all freezer.

Evakool does give the option to order the RFE47 with a larger Evaporator plate that covers around 70% of the interior walls to enable a larger cooling ability if the RF is only to be used as an all fridge or all freezer but we find most customers prefer the flexibility to choose how they want to use their fridge / freezer.

As an example to how cold our fridge / freezers can get, we had a RFE60 (next size up from a RFE47) on the test bench to confirm its operation, the unit was set as an all freezer. The unit reached -23C. This was at the coldest part of the night, around 24C ambient.

I have also attached an image that I got from the ExplorOZ website a few years ago after it was posted by a member.

FollowupID: 804877

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:02

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:02
Hi there,
Just want to add that this is my second IB31, the first one was replaced because it wouldn't reach the set temp. The Mechanic found that also the insulation was only partially installed, and it would have never reached the advertised temp. The above sounds good but it doesn't fix the issue for my particular unit - one that I'm stuck with and frustrates me because it just wont do what it was advertised to do. Obviously this IB31 doesn't have a large "evaporator" plate and quite simply will not keep a small amount of food frozen and keep it there without the unit running all the time. The capabilities then for this unit are far below what I'd expected when I first bought this unit (for a portable freezer) and perhaps I should have looked into it more carefully... :(
FollowupID: 804880

Follow Up By: Ross M - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:20

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:20
Thanks for the info relating to different fridges and an awarness they have different capabilities.

The problem is, when a customer is going to buy a fridge there is often little guidance except to remove $$$ from a wallet and many aren't made aware of additional requirements re, space, external airflow required, actual performance of fridge, suitability of the chosen model to perform what the customer wants in their desired place of use
There are PLENTY of holes in the buying process and the actual selling agents are often only slightly warm and hardly vertical and sprout stuff instead of good advice. Applies to all fridges unfortunately.

End result is people can have a good fridge but used in an incorrect way ie no work properly. Others buy a fridge which isn't suited to their need and still doesn't do what they paid for.

Customers should not have to learn large amounts of info and related data and be so "aware" they know far more than the salesman ever will, just to buy a fridge which works off 12v.

Ross M
FollowupID: 804900

Follow Up By: Evakool - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:49

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:49
Hi Ross M,

I agree that there can be issues when purchasing any product.

Like purchasing a vehicle; some people will do all the research and know all there is to know, some people will do a quick read and maybe check a review or two and some people will be happy with anything as long as it is the right colour.

In regards to our products, we work hard to get the correct information out there; we have sales rep's that receive training at our head office in QLD and get updates when there is new information to know. These sales rep's are in contact with our dealers and conduct training in store, over the phone and via email.
Evakool also deals with customers and dealers directly via phone, email and our website.

We are always working on getting the correct information out to everyone involved but it is a challenge at times.

FollowupID: 804904

Reply By: Evakool - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:01

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:01
Hi SmokeyD,

Evakool has multiple options to try and resolve issues.
If we are able to, we will solve issues over the phone or via email.

If not possible we will suggest the unit will need to be checked to confirm the fault and repair any faults.

We may use a service agent local to you as this may be quicker than shipping the unit back to Evakool for checking.

If you are not happy with the service you have received from a service agent there is always the option to return the unit to Evakool for further checking.

You can contact Evakool on 07 5492 7777 or and request the unit is returned to Evakool for further testing.

AnswerID: 523460

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:27

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 09:27
Thanks for chiming in - it's comforting to hear from you.
I'll run my unit in the lounge room tonight to see if it does operate satisfactorily. If it doesn't, I think I'd rather send it back to your factory for a more thorough inspection...
Thanks, SmokeyD
FollowupID: 804883

Follow Up By: K&FT - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 11:15

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 11:15
On our last trip to FNQ a couple that we were travelling with had a fridge in the back of their ute(with canopy) and he was complaining that it would not freeze properly.

When I had a look he had packed the ute with so much gear the fridge had no way of expelling condenser heat. I suggested he move/rearrange some of his gear so the fridge could "breathe" and see how it goes.

Well there were no more issues after that. the fridge worked very well.

so from that experience it is vitally important to ensure there is a free flow of fresh air around the condenser at all times. Under a bed I would expect to be one of the worst places to run a fridge.

FollowupID: 804891

Follow Up By: SmokeyD - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:01

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:01
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your input, I appreciate it! Yes, certainly sounds like it could add to the problem. Only thing is, I keep the bed base (on gas struts) in the up position during the day, so I would think warm air would have a chance to rise, or at least circulate. Still, perhaps the issue is that it is not "fresh" air, so it will be interesting to see if the unit works efficiently in an open area such as my lounge.
Regards, Smokey.
FollowupID: 804898

Reply By: dieseltojo - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 21:50

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 21:50
Yes thanks Evakool ,And SmokeyD for not minding the interruption.
My 110 started playing up in Darwin and I phoned EvaKool for a tech in Darwin. He was too busy but said it would be the thermostat.

As the thing was working overtime as a freezer and would not just act as a fridge I decided to go back to Vic and get it fixed. Meanwhile I just kept turning it of when it got to cold.

So it was not an Evakool but an EvaFreeze.

I had a genuine Evakool thermostat delivered to the Agent and that didn't work so it went back again , as I did say before.
If it is only the thermostat that runs these things why didn't the tech find the thing at fault and get me another one.
So now I have a no good thermostat on the shelf, a no good thermostat in the fridge, and I live in Victoria and have to send it to Queensland?
Please don't think that I have become disenchanted with the Product as I have just bought a new one at 70 litres and I want to give the big one to my son. It's just that I need it working and am loath to take it back to the tech as I have lost confidence in him.
Looks as though I will have to get it to you but it is a pain to wrap an article this big plus the cost of mailing it in. Sounds like a plan though and I will do it after Xmas.
AnswerID: 523488

Reply By: Batt's - Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 23:33

Tuesday, Dec 24, 2013 at 23:33
Some times mass produced items have faults I had the thermostat replaced under warranty by Evakool on my RF47 about 8-9yrs ago not long after I bought it and it has worked faultlessly ever since. Also I clean the fan and other internals about every 12 months or so because they will build up a lot of dust which can effect performance and can cause problems later on.
AnswerID: 523492

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