Sunday, Jan 05, 2014 at 17:30
We bought a 2nd hand James Baroud Evo Espace a year ago, it is fantastic up in 65 seconds and packed in double that time on my own. That includes getting the ladder out and putting it away.
Whatever they say, 8 seconds is BS. It would take you longer to walk around it to release the latches.
It has no awning over the access, so if its raining it would be a pain. We use the rear access and have fitted a sail track for an awning, works
well but only use it if it looks like rain.
We also fitted some grab handles on the rear as the struts are mighty powerful, makes packing away easy as.
Leaving a clothing bag, pillows and bedding in it packed is not a problem. Could put more in there but its only a mattress so would need to be removed for sleeping.
A mate has a Maggiolina and its use is very similar to ours.
Recommend you look at them, climb into them and set up & pack up yourself before buying.
The hard
shell RTT's are a great idea.