Monday, Jan 20, 2014 at 23:43
The published guidelines, you may see on the QLD transport web site are more aimed at
bike carriers fitted to tow bars on the rear of pasenger vehicles...the idea and intent is pretty narrow.
When you start talking about trailers, caravans and motorhomes..AND you look at the source legeslation and regulations.
Things get a little less straight forward.
Lots of people attache things and effectivly extend their caravans and motorhomes with no concern for what they are doing.
I've seen plenty of caravans extended with permanent rear bumpers that carry all sorts of stuff
Beta ya the caravan has not been recomplianced at the new length.
I've know there are plenty of caravans that have quite a lot of stuff attached and accessories fitted post they have not been recomplinaced for tare weight...beta many of them are overloaded..some even with the cupbords empty.
Even on the simplest view, many of these bikes as carried simply do not represent adequate load restraint or proper safe carrage of a load.
IF a load no matter what it is, is properly carried and restrained, you should not have to "be able to see" or "watch" that load.
Proper loading procedues and periodic inspection should be sufficient.