Sunday, Jan 26, 2014 at 23:21
HI Bantam
A couple of good posts there
THere is NO arguement Compressor fridges are ;
[1] MORE effecicient in ENERGY USE, probably in the order of8< 10times
Probably upwards of 3.5kWhrs per 24hrs[around $1+]
That is why I would suggest that No one should run 3ways at
home off 240V
[2]They COOL faster
[[3]They recover quicker
[4]They are more temp tolerant but still do have a limit & may need to run for quite long periods in HIGH temp confines
That need to be considered if running them in a hot enclosed space !
[5] you require adequate electrical enegy to run them under ALL conditions
That does require carefull consideration of ;
For OFF mains camping:
[a]BATTERY bank size for the extended period when little or no recharging can be done[ wet weather ,little or no solar input]
what alternative plans are required for those situations.s
[b]What other demands are going to be made on the batteries under similar conditions
[c]IF the Batterries do run low WHAT are the options
Some brands are very reliable, But they do have electronics that can fail without warning at ANYTIME
What are the OPTIONS then??
[1]They have THREE energy sources to choose from if one fails & the others are available
The Simpler ones have very little that can affect the GAS operation
Very high reliabilty on gas
A bottle of gas under normal conditions lasts about 4<5weeks.
Should not be used on 12V unless the batterries are being charged BY alternator when driving OR by a minimum 20A charger if stationary
So the size of solar or battery bank size is errelavant
So take your pick 10Ahr<1000Ahr
THE makers make THAT very clear!!
Need to be level
NOT energy efficient Expensive to run electrically from METERED power[MAINS]
Slow reaction time
Cannot tolerate as high an AMBIENT temp as Compressor types
IMHO that just about covers the pros & cons
IT is for each to make his own decision as to what will BEST suit HIS intended mode of RVing BASED on FACTSs NOT JUST opinions
Given sufficient INformation there are several on this
forum &OTHERS who can /would advice those who wish it more detailed options
Solar panels, Battery bank charging means etc, BASED on Electrical knowledge & understanding ofHOW IT ALL FITS TOGETHER!!