Tuesday, Feb 25, 2014 at 17:34
Not abrasiveness at all Tony, simply that you didn't read the instructions. My concern that you are needlessly and wrongly slagging off a very good system based on your inability to read or comprehend the instructions. Have a look here (and this is directly from the website telling you how to read the report);
You said; "Stolen and Written Off are annotated 'no data'"
They say this;
Stolen Vehicle Indicator – ‘no data’ specifies that there is no NEVDIS data to indicate the vehicle has been stolen.
Written Off Indicator – ‘no data’ specifies that there is no NEVDIS data to indicate the vehicle has been written off.
They also tell you this;
"The NEVDIS data also includes a number of explanatory notes. Please make sure you read these notes, as they relate to the data provided."
(NEVDIS is the National Exchange of Vehicle and Driver Information System (NEVDIS) data. All state transport authorities provision vehicle information (rego etc) and Drivers lience data to this system. This system provisions data in turn to the National Vehicles of Interest database, the NVOI. The cops then hit against this with their state information systems to identify stolen vehicles and drivers details nationally). In answer to that other post, a vehicle resulting in a stolen hit could only exist if plates were stolen and later reissued without the owning jurisdiction updating their records. Very rare but it could conceivably happen human error being what it is.
"No Data" response indicates you have no issues with that vehicle UNLESS it has never been registered. No rego previously, no data in the NEVDIS.
If you've done the
check using the VIN or chassis number and it doesn't match the description of the van in front of you, they give you a process for ratifying those details as
NO REGISTRATIONS - As per my posts above, this means that there are no encumbrances on the van - This is good.
So from everything you've said, your
check has provided a positive result for your $18. If you were expecting war and peace, you'll only get that if there are specific issues with the vehicle...again whioch is what you want.
For peace of mind...18 bucks
well spent.