Comment: Hema Navigator 7
Submitted: Sunday, Mar 23, 2014 at 14:39
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Member - Michael B (QLD)
Hi, has anyone got their hands on the new HN7 GPS yet? interested to see how it compares with the HN5. I have a HN5 and it is an absolute dog. Must have been a Friday build.
It won't connect to street map site, despite experienced users trying as
well, corrugated roads cause about 10 windows to pop up and then freeze, have to do a re-start, won't hold map uploads etc etc. Been back to Hema 3 times and had updates etc but they insist it all works fine, even gave them photos of the frozen multi-screens.
Hence my interest in buying the HN7 as I have been cast adrift with HN5
Reply By: Member - Stephen L (Clare SA) - Sunday, Mar 23, 2014 at 16:26
Sunday, Mar 23, 2014 at 16:26
Hi Michael
I do not have the HN7 but can comment on the HN6.
I had, and still have the HN5 and it worked perfectly for me, but to be honest I only ever used it in OziExplorer mode only. I did upgrade to the HN6 when they come out a couple of years ago and for me was heaps better. They only have 2 modes, street and Ozi.
I would say that the 7 would appear to be the same, but a bigger screen.