Comment: Portable Fridges

Hi all, just got a quick question in regards to a gas fridge I want to fix into my hardtop camper. I am looking at a finch fridge. Basically the fridge will be running on 12v while on the road and then switched onto gas while camping. The fridge is an older type with the door on the side, not a lift up lid! Anyone know what these fridges are like? Thanks, thommo
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Reply By: disco driver - Saturday, Apr 12, 2014 at 23:36

Saturday, Apr 12, 2014 at 23:36
I had a toploader model years ago, worked well on gas but fairly sucked up 12v power, barely maintained the temp on 12v. I sold it to a mate in about '92 and it's still working ok. Bought an Engel instead.

I can see an issue with the front opening door, every time it gets opened all the cold escapes. That's why most of the smaller fridges are top loaders.

AnswerID: 530438

Reply By: pepper2 - Sunday, Apr 13, 2014 at 10:11

Sunday, Apr 13, 2014 at 10:11
If you are going to "fix" it to the camper you will have to consider how you will adjust the fridge to be perfectly level to operate properly.You may park on uneven ground.

These gas fridges lose cooling capacity when the fridge is off level,they do not work off level like compressor fridges.
AnswerID: 530458

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