Thursday, Apr 17, 2014 at 09:17
it's probably more a case of you knowing how you use your fridge and what draw it has. Also, if you are stationary for days ti will drain the batteries. Batteries of any variety will degrade once the are discharged past certain limits so we always aim to keep our batteries as topped up as possible. The more battery storage capacity you have, the more you can use without causing harm to your batteries. The fact that you only got 3.5 years out of an AGM battery would probably be an indication tat you are not charging it appropriately or you are cycling it excessively leading to degradation and final collapse.
My AGM's are 4.5 years old and going strong because I charge them correctly, try and maintain them to 100% charged as I can and carefully manage my power draw while stationary. There is the misconception around that you can run your batteries flat with the fridge and then just top them up again and all will be OK. This will kill your battery in no time flat, AGM or not.
I use Redarc BMS system over my two auxiliaries. This would probably be a bit of overkill in your situation so I would suggest the Redarc BC-DC 12/25 or 12/40. Mounted with your battery it will ensure that it is charged in the appropriate manner an AGM should be charged. Will also take solar input as
well as it has an inbuilt MMPT solar controller..
Redarc BCDC
Hope that helps.